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担架 stretcher英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-17 23:22:42


担架 stretcher英语短句 例句大全



1.Development of floatingstretcher for marine rescue;海上救生漂浮担架的研制

2.A study on m odel WGO2000series of universalstretcher;WGD2000系列通用担架的研制

3.Objective To develop a suit of rapidly-fixed evacuationstretcher for safe and convenient transportation of the wounded.目的:研制将伤员安全、便利地转送到救治一线的野战快速固定后送担架。


1.a litter with a cover for privacy.私用的有盖子的担架。

2.The victim was supine on the stretcher.受害者仰卧在担架上

3.Why did you take gurneys out into the field instead of using just the backboard? Speed is of the essence.为什么你们采用担架推车进出而不用担架板呢?速度是关键。

4.The bearers went on for twenty paces, then stopped, putting the bier down on the ground.抬担架者向前走了二十多步,就停了下来,把担架放在地上。

5.A flat framework or litter with carrying poles at each end.担架一种平坦的架子,在两端有可供抬的竿

6.a long narrow dining table supported by a stretcher between two trestles.由两个架子之间担架支撑的长的窄餐桌。

7.They acted as guides, messengers and stretcher - bearers for the Liberation Army.他们给解放军作向导、送信和抬担架。

8.The patient groaned painfully as he was lifted onto the stretcher.病人被抬上担架时在痛苦地呻吟着。

9.The man on the stretcher over me has a hemorrhage.我上边那担架上的人在流血。

10.At first he had waved aside the litter-bearers with an angry toss of his head.起先,他曾生气地摇摇头,让担架员走开。

11.The Design and Research of Rescue Stretcher Based on Design for People"s Livelihood基于民生设计中的救援担架设计研究

12.A flat supporting framework, such as a piece of canvas stretched between parallel shafts, for carrying a disabled or dead person;a stretcher.担架一扁平支撑架,如两根平衡杠撑起的一块帐布,用于抬运病人或死人;担架

13.A flat, rectangular tray or cart with handles at each end.担架,独轮车一个扁平的长方形托架,两端都有手把

14."barrow:a flat, rectangular tray or cart with handles at each end."担架,独轮车:一个扁平的长方形托架,两端都有手把。

15.They raised the unconscious figure, placed it on a litter they had brought to the door, and bent to carry it away.带来的担架就在门口,他们把失去知觉的人放进了担架,弯下身子打算抬走。

16.An ambulance officer bring a stretcher for the injure woman.救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救受伤女子。

17.an ambulance service was organized and I joined in as a stretcher bearer组织了一个救护队,我成了该队的一名担架队员。

18.They put the stretcher down and went in. The porter came out with them.他们放下担架,走了进去。回来时带来了一个门房。


stretcher tray担架框架


1.The ride comfort of thestretcher-support on vehicle is one of the important evaluation indices of wounded transportation vehicle.车载担架支架的乘卧舒适性是伤病员运送车辆的重要评价指标之一。

4)stretcher bed担架床

1.Modeling and dynamic analysis ofstretcher bed on ambulance based on virtual prototyping technology;基于虚拟样机技术的车载担架床建模与仿真

5)Litter tie-in担架接头


1.Movement analysis for semiautomatic rescuestretcher vehicle;一种新型救护担架车运动过程的分析与研究


担架1.抬送病人﹑伤员的用具。一般用木棍或竹竿等做架子﹐中间绷着帆布或绳子。 2.承受。
