600字范文 > 革故鼎新 get rid of the stale and take in the fresh英语短句 例句大全

革故鼎新 get rid of the stale and take in the fresh英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-11 23:40:42


革故鼎新 get rid of the stale and take in the fresh英语短句 例句大全

革故鼎新,get rid of the stale and take in the fresh

1)get rid of the stale and take in the fresh革故鼎新


1.Finally, here, I wish countries to reforming the past.最后,在这里,我祝各国能够革故鼎新。

2.Throughout history empires have waxed and waned.历史上各个帝国革故鼎新均有兴衰.

3.The Court Fedings and Innovation of The Four Literary Friends Poetry;“文章四友”诗歌的宫廷情结与革故鼎新

4.The Chinese civilization has always given prominence to unremitting self-improvement, reform and innovation.中华文明历来注重自强不息,不断革故鼎新。

5.Institute of Chinese Learning Preserving and the Innovation of Chinese Traditional Academy国学保存会与中国传统学术的革故鼎新

6.Academic Theory and Clinical Characteristics of Professor ZHU Guang-li祝光礼学术思想与临证特色——革故鼎新 学贯中西

7.Classification for Chinese Books:Succession and Innovation革故鼎新 继往开来——《中国图书分类法》在台湾的承传与创新

8.Discarding Old ltabits and Reform,Castigating the Bad and Extoling the Good-About the Social Value of Essays an d the Sense of Social Responsibility of Essayists;鼎新革故 激浊扬清——杂文的社会价值及杂文作家的社会责任感初探

9.Bite and sup·sex·renew--the new explanation of Ijing·ding divinatory symbols and Dingxin(renew);饮食·男女·鼎新——《易经·鼎卦》及"鼎新"之义的发生新解

10."you, a journalist, the husband of renown?“您,一位新闻记者,大名鼎鼎的人物!

11.This article is to explore the causes for the reprinting of the work only in the form of second printing and also the absence of the first printing in the second edition.鼎文版系以天津人民出版社1959年版为底本翻印,故严格论之,《汉书新证》的版本只有二种。

12.Tragedy Due to the Loss of One s Way Home Nostalgia for One s Native Land--On Gong Dingzi s poetry;失路之悲 故国之思——龚鼎孳诗歌发微

13.A Comment on Liu-shu-gu s Research on Ancient Characters by Using Inscription on Bronzes;《六书故》运用钟鼎文考释文字评议

14.Technical innovations have also helped to cut accidents.技术革新也有助于减少事故。

15.The Blues rolled out their big-name summer signings Michael Ballack and Andriy Shevchenko for this Dutch friendly.蓝军在这场比赛中派出了新签的大名鼎鼎的巴拉克和舍普琴科。

16.Yes, Wang Ching-wei, who has become the new-style anti-Communist celebrity.这个人就是汪精卫,他已经是大名鼎鼎的新式反共人物了。

17.The popular World Journal in North America is an eye opener for many Chinese immigrants.(大名鼎鼎的世界日报是北美许多中国移民惊喜的新发现。

18.She was now so famous that all the newspaper reporters in London were beating a path to her door.这时她已经大名鼎鼎,伦敦所有的新闻记者都纷纷上门采访。


The reform of the royal rule鼎业革新


1.Characteristics of Energy Transfer and Micrometeorology in Near Surface Layer inDingxin Gobi of Lower Reach of Heihe River;黑河下游鼎新戈壁近地层能量输送及微气象特征

4)dynastic change明清鼎革

1.In their novels,they expressed their nostalgic feelings at the Ming Dynasty,and sarcastic remarks on the defectors,Meanwhile,thedynastic change made them confused and suspect the traditional values so that some sacred and solemn things became funny and ridiculous in their writings.明清鼎革的现实使他们对传统的价值观念产生了困惑与怀疑,一些崇高、庄严、神圣的东西在他们的笔下都变得滑稽可笑。

5)King Gong Han元明鼎革

6)dynasty change鼎革之变


