600字范文 > 科普网站 science popularization website英语短句 例句大全

科普网站 science popularization website英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-02 06:46:22


科普网站 science popularization website英语短句 例句大全

科普网站,science popularization website

1)science popularization website科普网站

1.In this report,the status and features of currentscience popularization website are summarized,and the future development of scientific website interactivity is anticipated through studying the successful experience of commercial website.随着互联网的发展,网站的交互性越来越得到重视和关注,本报告分析比较了国内外部分典型科普网站的科普游戏、虚拟现实、实时计算、远程观测、Web2。


1.Analysis on the Interactivity of Foreign Typical Science Popularization Website国内外典型科普网站的交互性应用分析

2.Luna Brett och behovsanpassat, sortiment sammanst?llt fr?n M?rkesleverant?rer och egna agenturer, rikst?ckande distribution och p?litliga leveranser, korrekt information, service och reservdelar.中华肿瘤网提供肿瘤新闻、诊断、治疗和科普信息的大型综合癌症信息网站。

3.A Discussion on the Characteristics of Sci-Tech Communication of Sina"s Popular Science Column新浪网科普栏目的科技传播特征浅析

4.Solely registered name in top-level can directly enter into its personalized website, for example or .该建网站信息管理系统,能起到普及建网站作用,实现“低成本、快捷、程序化”建立个性化网站。

5.Design and realization for Shaanxi Agriculture Service Website of Science and Technology陕西农业科技服务网站的设计与实现

6.The Design and Construction of Learning Websites on Special Topics Based on a Certain Course;基于学科专题学习网站的设计与构建

7.Design and Development of Study-websites in Scientific Course;《科学》课程学习网站的设计与开发

8.The English Translation of News of Sci-tech Administration Website Based on Skopos Theory;基于目的论的科技管理网站新闻英译

9.Thoughts of constructing the instructional evaluation standard for specialty-based websites;学科专业网站教学评价标准构建思路

10.The IA Evaluating Analysis of the Enterprise s Information Service Website;企业科技信息服务网站的IA评估研究

11.Design and Construction of Website for Surgical Abdomen Teaching;外科学急腹症教学网站的设计与制作

12.Research on the Technology of Sharing Website for Seismological Data地震科学数据共享网站开发技术研究

13.Application and investigation of in agricultural web 技术在农科院网站上的应用研究

14.A Pilot Study on the Independent Construction of the Online Foreign Language Quality Course:A Case Study of General Linguistics;外语精品课程教学网站的自主建站模式——以《普通语言学》为例

15.Young editor"s editorial work of popular science periodicals under network environment网络环境下科普期刊的青年编辑工作

16.The Virtual Museum of China Digital Science and Technology Museum--A New Way of Network Popular Science中国数字科技馆博览馆—网络科普新形式

17.Information Web site design and construction of scientific research and science and technology industry of Shaanxi institutions of higher learning;陕西高校科研与产业信息网网站构造与实现

18.Neuroscience for Kids has been created for all students and teachers who would like to learn about the nervous system.神经科学儿童网站:为学生与教师所设计的神经系统学习网站。


science popularization websites for the youth青少年科普网站

3)Internet-based science popularization网络科普

4)sci-tech website科技网站

5)Comprehensive Subject Website综合科网站

6)network popular science education网络科普教育


