600字范文 > 【资讯】HCD柏年设计丨深圳金众·云山栖别墅谧居斩获IF设计大奖


时间:2024-01-17 05:54:19



德国iF设计大赛是一年一度的设计大事件!来自国际设计的作品、媒体、工业和政治近2000人一同来祝贺 iF设计大赛获胜者。HCD柏年设计有限公司选送的作品云山栖别墅谧居荣获 IF德国设计大奖室内建筑组别-住宅奖项。


►IF设计奖 (IF Design Award),简称“IF”,创立于1953年,该奖是由德国历史最悠久的工业设计机构--汉诺威工业设计论坛 (IF Industrie Forum Design) 每年定期举办的。德国IF国际设计论坛每年评选iF设计奖,它以“独立、严谨、可靠”的评奖理念闻名于世,旨在提升大众对于设计的认知,自成立以来一直备受瞩目,素有“设计界奥斯卡”的称号,本届更收到超过5000件报名作品,实为设计界之盛事。

获 奖 作 品 展 示



►宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗。 人瘦尚可肥,士俗不可医。——宋.苏轼《于潜僧绿筠轩》


►‘I can live without meat, butnot without bamboo ', a famous verse from Chinese poet Su Shi. Bamboo, as adesign language, which is elegant and simple, symbolizing the modesty and playsan important part in the ancient and modern living environment. The plumblossom fragrance come from a tranquil housing near the city. It is elegant andpure. The vale orchid is like the elite. Landscape is actually a life stylewhich is silent and overflowing. A tinge of returning to nature and consciencecomes out from the above-mentioned elements.


►The design uses the contemporarytechniques to convey the oriental artistic conception by subtracting the heavyand complicated design performance. The simple screen is formed by theextension of bamboo shape through deducting the concrete form and it stop whereit should stop. The living room and dining room layouts of up-and down not onlydelimit the space limit, yet embody the oriental prospect spatial which issparse and patchwork. Around the center of living simple and travelling light.The moving lines are very clear and simple, it is a new try for modern humanhabitation environment.


►The modern people’s life stress isgetting more and more heavier while the city is getting more and more crowded,and the human habitation environment is not so good. The design uses a simplelanguage to convey a kind of oriental artistic conception offering a quiet lifespace for modern people through seeking a pure land in the hustle and bustle oflife. Live simply and travel lightly. It brings a new try for a morecomfortable life environment for them.




设计公司 | HCD柏年设计(微信号:hcd_globe)

主设计师 | 苏文、伍钟勇、高洁梅

所在目录 | 309-4-172104 Tranquil Dwelling 4.04 Residential



►自创建伊始,HCD 以开放创新的姿态汇聚了全行业优秀设计人才,并不断完善企业文化、培训及发展机制,为设计的多元化拓宽新的视野。


►Hong Kong Century DesignCo., Ltd, HCD, is a professional design studio, focusing on the high-endinterior design and consulting, specializing in high-end model houses, salesoffices villas, fine decoration standard for business, clubs, offices, hotels,etc. It offers integrated and professional design services of interior designand interior display.

►Since its establishment, with an open and innovative attitude andconstant improvement of corporate culture, training and developing way, manytalents from the industry join HCD, which expands a new vision for themultiple-components of design.

►Adhering to the idea of ‘designing a better life’, with excellentprofessional knowledge of design, rich international experience and outstandingmanagement skills, the team of HCD, in an unique perspective, actively presentsand improves the brand value of the business for promoting the success for thecustomers’ business.

供稿 / HCD柏年设计有限公司

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