600字范文 > 周宏伟 Zhou Hongwei英语短句 例句大全

周宏伟 Zhou Hongwei英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-10 09:46:57


周宏伟 Zhou Hongwei英语短句 例句大全

周宏伟,Zhou Hongwei

1)Zhou Hongwei周宏伟

1.Zhou Hongwei proposed that the sag pond formed at the geological age in the Chendu Plain continued till the Western,Eastern Jin\"s and Southern and Northern Dynasties (from roughly A.周宏伟先生近年提出,地质时代在成都平原形成的断陷湖延续到两晋南北朝仍然存在,即汉代"方三百里"、"周回二百余里"的"滇池",再到两晋南北朝的"万顷池"。



1.The skyscraper has a magnificent outside.这座摩天大楼外观宏伟。

2.The Great Hall of the People is very magnificent.人民大会堂非常宏伟。

3.What a magnificent goal!多么宏伟的目标啊!

4.the Parthenon in all its majesty.气势宏伟的帕台农神庙

5.Blueprint for trans-century development跨世纪发展宏伟蓝图

6.Grandeur as it is, it is dusty and worse for wear due to lack of funds.宏伟是宏伟,但因为缺乏资金,修缮较糟,有些灰尘。

7.Characterized by greatness of scope or intent; grand.宏伟的,壮丽的以范围或含义的巨大为特征的;宏伟的

8.an imposing facade, building, person, personality宏伟的外观、 雄伟的建筑、 威严的人、 突出的个性.

9.It is magnificent. It compares with other great buildings here in Europe.真是宏伟壮丽,可以媲美欧洲其它伟大的建筑。

10.These are great goals, worthy of a great nation.这些是一个伟大的国家应有的宏伟目标。

11.Of imposing height.高耸的,极高的具有气势宏伟的高度的

12.There is a magnificent building on the cover of the magazine.杂志的封面是一幢宏伟的大楼。

13.ambitious plans to complete the project ahead of schedule要提前完成这一项目的宏伟计划.

14.Standing here, one faces a magnificent vista.站在这里,宏伟壮丽的景色尽收眼底。

15.--has big plans for its little device.他们在这个小装置上有更宏伟的计划。

16.In a majestic and stately manner.Used chiefly as a direction.庄严地,宏伟地。主要用于音乐指挥

17.Banks reared their vast newly-built magnificence.新建的几家银行宏伟地耸立着。

18.What"s that big beautiful building over there?那边那栋宏伟壮丽的建筑物是什么啊?



3)Hongwei Road宏伟路

1.Research on the reconstructing and planning of road landscape——TakeHongwei Road of Liaohua as an example;道路景观的改造与规划探讨——以辽化宏伟路景观改造为例

4)great artistic talent and strategy宏才伟略

5)grand goal宏伟目标

1.This article talks about thegrand goal,arduous task and favorable conditions to achieve the goal.本文论述全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标、艰巨任务 ,以及我国实现全面小康的有利条件 ,并结合海南实际倡导全力以赴建小康。

6)great blueprint宏伟蓝图


