600字范文 > 合法权益 Legitimate rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

合法权益 Legitimate rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-13 09:37:38


合法权益 Legitimate rights and interests英语短句 例句大全

合法权益,Legitimate rights and interests

1)Legitimate rights and interests合法权益

1.The construction of legal aid system for peasant workers is not only an important way to protect their legitimate rights and interests,but it is also the internal need to construct a harmonious society and a new socialist countryside.建立健全的农民工法律援助机制是保护农民工合法权益的重要途径,是建设和谐社会和社会主义新农村的内在要求。

2.E-commerce has brought us in many conveniences, but it also generated a large number of legal issues: these issues, the legitimate rights and interests of the consumer protection issues more prominent.电子商务在给我们带来诸多便利的同时,也产生了大量的法律问题,在这些问题中,消费者合法权益的保护问题更显突出。

3.Huang Zunxian is a modern renowned diplomat,who had been active in taking a variety of measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese laborers,and had achieved specific success during the period of serving as consul general in San Francisco and Singapore.黄遵宪是近代知名的外交家,在任旧金山和新加坡总领事期间,一直积极地采取多种措施保护华工的合法权益,并取得了一定成就。


1.The legitimate (lawful) rights and interests are protected By law.合法权益受法律保护

2.The legitimate rights and interests of women and children must be effectively protected.维护妇女、儿童合法权益。

3.VI. Legitimate Rights and Interests of Women and Children六、妇女、儿童的合法权益

4.Protect the legal rights and interests of the self-employed workers保护个体户的合法权益

5.A mere semblance of legal right.表面(权利)合法权益的表象

6.Discussion on "Labor Contract Law" to Protect the Lawful Rights and Interests of the Laborers;《劳动合同法》保护劳动者合法权益刍议

7.Labor Contract Law And Protection Of Laborer’s Legal Rights And Interests;《劳动合同法》与劳动者合法权益的保护

8.A Brief Talk on How to Safeguard the LabourersLegitimate Rights and Interests in a Better Way;《劳动法》是劳动者捍卫合法权益的法宝

9.To View "Legal Rights and Interests of Workers and Staff" in the Perspective of Human Rights and Civil Rights从人权和公民权利的角度解读“职工合法权益”

10.On Protection of Relative Person"s Right in Administrative Contract论行政合同中相对人合法权益的保护

11.The legitimate rights and interests of a company are protected by law and shall not be infringed.公司的合法权益受法律保护,不受侵犯。

12.protect the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益

13.The legitimate rights and interests of students of institutions of higher learning are protected by law.高等学校学生的合法权益,受法律保护。

14.Protecting the legal rights and interests of religious organizations in accordance with the law.依法保障宗教团体的合法权益。

15.Tianjin guarantees legal rights and interests of foreign enterprises by law天津依法保障外企合法权益

16.their legitimate rights and interests shall be protected by laws of the State.其合法权益受国家法律保护

17.The State protects the legitimate rights and interests of developers.国家依法保护开发者的合法权益。

18.Trade unions at all level shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the workers各级工会依法维护劳动者的合法权益,


Legal rights and interests合法权益

1.Ensuring Legal Rights and Interests of Floating Population,Promoting Constructing Harmonious Society in Xiamen;保障流动人口合法权益 促进厦门和谐社会建设

2.Female prostitutes sufferings and the protection of their legal rights and interests;卖淫女的被害性及其合法权益保护

3.Nowdays, the legal rights and interests of the dismantled in house dismantlement are violated more and more seriously in our country.随着在全国范围内房屋拆迁工作中,被拆迁人合法权益被侵害的情况日趋严重。

3)legal rights合法权益

1.Study on Protecting the Legal Rights of the Entry Visitors to Macau;澳门入境游客合法权益保护研究

2.Improving the protection system of thelegal rights and interests of peasant consumers完善农民消费者合法权益的保护体系

3.This article analyzes the limitations in protecting studentslegal rights in higher education schools at present on the basis of the statement of studentslegal rights.本文在论述学生应当享有的权利的基础上,对目前高校保障学生合法权益存在的问题进行分析,并探讨了如何改革和完善高校现存的管理体制和保障大学生合法权益的措施和途径。

4)legal right合法权益

1.But, because of the old system and the restrict of the ideas, at present economy live, private economy still was subjected to thus or so of inequality treatment, itslegal rights also subjected to the invasion.但是,由于受旧体制和观念的限制,在现时经济生活中,民营经济还是受到了这样或者那样的不平等待遇,其合法权益也受到侵犯。

2.Second,legal right is existent.应当放宽起诉条件,降低行政诉讼的"门槛",使更多的人能对行政机关提起诉讼,扩大行政相对人对行政活动的监督和对自身合法权益的维护。

3.It is alegal right for enterprises.澄清有关纳税筹划的某些不正确认识,指出纳税筹划是市场经济发展的必然现象,是企业的合法权益,大学会计教学应培养学生纳税筹划的相应能力。

5)Lawful rights and interests合法权益

1.The Maintenance of the Lawful Rights and Interests of the Wide Peasant Workers is the Duty-bound Responsibility of the Trade Union;维护农民工的合法权益是工会义不容辞的职责

2.Managing as enterprise the director, needs to grasp and to know relevance economy law and law and regulation more, lawful rights and interests finishing defending enterprise better.作为企业的经营管理者,更需要掌握和了解相关经济法律和法规,更好地维护好企业的合法权益。

3.At present,it is common that some teachers infringe upon students lawful rights and interests.目前教师侵犯学生合法权益的现象十分普遍 ,大致有十种表现。

6)pooling of interest method权益结合法

1.Analysis on Hanging on to Pooling of Interest Method我国企业并购中继续使用权益结合法的理由分析

2.For the business combination, the accounting method is involved with two main ones:pooling of interest method and purchase method.权益结合法和购买法是企业合并会计方法中两种主要手段,从分析权益结合法和购买法各自不同的核算特点入手,对产生合并会计方法选择的原因进行了分析,并对我国目前合并会计现状及选择方法进行了论述。

3.At present, there are two methods in the business combination transaction of the international--purchase method andpooling of interest method.目前,国际上企业合并业务主要有两种会计方法——购买法和权益结合法,它们有着各自的特点。


