600字范文 > 双重国籍 Dual nationality英语短句 例句大全

双重国籍 Dual nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-02 11:12:09


双重国籍 Dual nationality英语短句 例句大全

双重国籍,Dual nationality

1)Dual nationality双重国籍

1.Analysis of dual nationality of athletes;试析运动员的双重国籍问题

2.Chinese are not allowed to have dual nationality.双重国籍是指一个人同时拥有两个或两个以上国家的公民权或国民身份。

3.Recently,more and more people are crying for the implementation of dual nationality in China.近年来,要求我国实行双重国籍的呼声越来越高,是否实行双重国籍,取决于我国国情、邻国关系和国家利益的衡量取舍,要从我国的综合政治、经济和外交等国家宏观因素来考虑,不能仅仅为了跟随别国或照顾一个群体的方便和利益就放弃原来的实践证明是正确的立法原则。


1.Recognizing Dual-citizenship: the Change of India s Citizenship Legislation;承认双重国籍:印度国籍立法的重大变化

2.Article9 A civil aircraft shall not possess dual nationality.第九条民用航空器不得具有双重国籍。

3.On the Problem of Dual Nationality of the Overseas Chinese in Burma Since the World WarⅡ;二战后缅甸华侨“双重国籍”问题研究

4.All exchange applicants must bear the citizenship of non-ROC countries, but application is not closed to those with dual citizenships.交换学生申请人须具有外国国籍,但双重国籍者不在此限。

5.Dual Nationality in the Perspective of Globalization;全球化视野下的双重国籍——兼论我国国籍法的弊端与对策

6.Dual Nationality and Its Legal Practices:Debate on Revisions of Nationality Law in China;双重国籍及其法律实践——兼论我国《国籍法》的立法改进

7.The people"s Republic of China does not recognize dual nationality for any Chinese national.中华人民共和国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍。

8.Overseas Chinese Affairs and Diplomacy: an Observation on Abandonment of Dual Nationality Policy;从“双重国籍”的放弃看中国侨务与外交的关系

9.Protocol relating to Military Obligations in Certain Cases of Double Nationality若干双重国籍情形下兵役义务问题议定书

10.Swiss living in any country in the world can retain their Swiss citizenship because Switzerland allows for dual citizenship.瑞士人去到世界上哪一个国家居住,都能保留自己的国籍,因为瑞士容许双重国籍。

11.The Renouncement of the"Dual Nationality":a Breakthrough in the Development of the Diplomatic Relations of Good Neighborhood Between China and Indonesia“双重国籍”的放弃——中国与印尼开辟睦邻外交的突破口

12.Drogba, 27, was born in the Ivory Coast but spent most of his childhood in France and has dual nationality.27岁,生于象牙海岸,童年大部分时光在法国度过,拥有双重国籍。

13.On Diplomatic Protection System of Dual Nationals and Suggestions for China;试论双重国籍下的外交保护制度及对我国的借鉴

14.Reasons for Not Implementing Dual Nationality in China and the Measures to Solve the Problem;我国不实行双重国籍的原因及解决这一问题的途径

15.Endione claimed to be a businessman, boasting dual nationality of Guinean and Nigeria.恩迪奥内自称为商人,拥有几内亚和尼日利亚双重国籍。

16.Where a party, in violation of the Regulation on Vessel Registration, conceals the facts that a vessel has been registered in China or overseas, and results in that the vessel has two nationalities,违反《船舶登记条例》规定,隐瞒在境内或境外的登记事实,造成双重国籍的,

17.The reasons for forming the French Foreign Legion were probably twofold.组建法国外籍军团的理由或许是双重的。

18.European Convention on Reduction of Cases of Multiple Nationality and Military Obligations in Cases of Multiple Nationality减少多重国籍和在多重国籍情况下的兵役义务的欧洲公约


dual nationals双重国籍人

1.However, how to exercise diplomatic protection towardsdual nationals is a tough problem in the international practice.第二部分通过对国际实践中的做法以及国际法委员会的《外交保护条款草案》条文的评析,对双重国籍人的外交保护的两种主要情况进行了说明和分析。

3)She has dual nationality, ie is a citizen of two different countries.她兼有双重国籍.

4)She has dual nationality.她有双重国籍。

5)Research on Dual Nationality双重国籍研究

6)double registration双重学籍


