600字范文 > 椅凳类家具 furniture of chair and stool英语短句 例句大全

椅凳类家具 furniture of chair and stool英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-24 11:51:12


椅凳类家具 furniture of chair and stool英语短句 例句大全

椅凳类家具,furniture of chair and stool

1)furniture of chair and stool椅凳类家具

1.The design of thefurniture of chair and stool with Chinesism characteristics is not only the decoration of the visual surface, but also the process combining scientific and rational analysis and the personal cultivation of creation, which expresses the cultural implication of product, make furniture has the Chinese artistic conception.设计具有中国主义特色的椅凳类家具,不仅仅是视觉表面的粉饰,而是理性分析的科学总结和个人修养相结合的创作过程,从而表达出产品的文化意涵,使家具具有中国意境。

2)chairs and stools椅类家具


1.Different Matter, Delicate Manner--An Illustration of the Ming-Dynasty Chairs;刻木如铭 雕木如诗——漫话明代椅类家具

2.Furniture--Main sizes of tables and seatsGB/T3326-1997家具桌、椅、凳类主要尺寸

3.The main ones are chairs, stools, desks, beds, cupboards and screens.大类有椅凳类、桌案类、床榻类、柜架类、屏风类以及观赏类家具。

4.Test of mechanical properties of furniture-Strength and durability of chairs and stoolsGB/T10357.3-1989家具力学性能试验椅、凳类强度和耐久性

5.Test of mechanical properties of furniture-Stability of chairs and stoolsGB/T10357.2-1989家具力学性能试验椅、凳类稳定性

6."Furniture" is a generic term for beds, chairs, tables, etc.【家具 】是床,椅,桌等的通称。

7.furniture, rattan (excl. chairs and other seats)藤条家具(不包括椅子和其他坐椅)

8.furniture, garden, of wood (excl. chairs and other seats)木制庭院家具(不包括椅子及其他座椅)

9.furniture, garden, of metal (excl. chairs and other seats)金属庭院家具(不包括椅子和其他座椅)

10.furniture, osier (excl. chairs and other seats)柳条家具(不包括椅子和其他坐椅)

11.furniture, office of wood, floor-standing落地式木制办公家具(不包括椅子和其他坐椅)

12.Fishing tools, net, parasols, chairs are provided.园内备有各类渔具、兜、伞、椅可供使用。

13.The furniture was scanty and the coverings worn to the thread.家具很少,桌椅套子又都破烂不堪。

14.a din-ing-room suite一套餐厅家具((餐桌、椅子、橱柜))

15.This chair is typical of Anthony"s way of designing furniture.这把椅子是安东尼式家具设计的代表。

16.rattan stems( used for weaving baskets,furniture,chair seats,etc )藤条(用于编篮筐、家具、座椅子等).

17.Inspiration of the Windsor Chair for Innovation on New Chinese Furniture Design“温莎椅”对新中式家具设计创新的启示

18.This box will have to do as a chair until the furniture arrives.家具未到之前,这只箱子只好权且当椅子用。


chairs and stools椅类家具

3)rattan chair椅类藤家具

1.Study on mechanical testing methods of static load ofrattan chairs;椅类藤家具静载荷力学试验方法的研究

4)the Ming-dynasty chairs明代椅类家具

5)chair stool椅凳

1.Analysis that thechair stool of middle and later period in Qing Dynasty was influenced by western furniture;西方家具艺术风格对清代中晚期椅凳的影响

6)Legs of chairs椅凳腿


椅当椅当 椅当 正骨器械之一。出《仙授理伤续断秘方》:“凡肩甲骨出,相度如何整,用椅当圈住胁,仍以软衣被盛簞,使一人捉定,两人拔伸……。”亦称椅靠背。指用木制有椅当(靠背)的椅子。椅当上垫棉垫,适用于肩关节脱臼的复位。具体操作为:让侧坐于椅上,把椅当置于患侧腋下,患肢垂于椅当外,一人固定患者于椅上,医者两手持患腕向上部拔伸,然后一手紧握患肘上部并使之屈肘内收,如有滑动感即已复位。
