600字范文 > 集体林权制度改革 collective forest tenure reform英语短句 例句大全

集体林权制度改革 collective forest tenure reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-10 18:20:43


集体林权制度改革 collective forest tenure reform英语短句 例句大全

集体林权制度改革,collective forest tenure reform

1)collective forest tenure reform集体林权制度改革

1.Based on the investigation ofcollective forest tenure reform in Jiangxi,Fujian,Liaoning and Yunnan provinces,this paper analyzed the changes of woodland area,the structure of forest,outgoing workers,forestland transfer scale and so on,and estimated the impacts ofcollective forest tenure reform on farmer households livelihood using an econometrics model.基于对江西、福建、辽宁、云南4省集体林权制度改革情况的实地调查资料,分析林改前后农户林地面积、林分构成、林业收入、外出打工人数、林地流转规模等方面的变化,并采用计量经济模型进行估计。

2.Thecollective forest tenure reform is a major comprehensive reorientation of the relations between the interests of forest assets, taking the woodland interests as the core.集体林权制度改革是以林地权益为核心的森林资产权益关系进行重大调整的综合性改革。

3.The paper makes a comprehensive survey on the measures, effects and problems of Jiangxicollective forest tenure reform.对江西集体林权制度改革的做法、成效与存在问题进行了全面调查。


1.To Empower and to Regulate: A Research on the Reform of the Collectively-owned Forest Rights System;赋权与规制:集体林权制度改革研究

2.Institutional economics analysis of the collective forest property rights institution reform集体林权制度改革的制度经济学探析

3.Analyses on China Forest Tenure Reform in the Light of Property Law;以《物权法》的视角看集体林权制度改革

4.Impacts of Collective Forest Tenure Reform on Farmer Household s Livelihood;集体林权制度改革对农户生计的影响

5.Preliminary study on the reform of Tenure Right of Collective Forest in Plain Area of Xingping;兴平平原地区集体林权制度改革初探

6.An Investigation on Jiangxi Collective Forest Tenure Reform;关于江西省集体林权制度改革的调查

7.Problems and Countermeasures on Collective Forest Right System Reform Datong大通县集体林权制度改革与对策探讨

8.Discussion on Issues in the Reform of Forest Property Right System对深化集体林权制度改革问题的探讨

9.Analysis on the Cognitive of the Reform of Collective Forest Property Right System of Fuxin City阜新市集体林权制度改革的感知研究

10.Analysis on the Cognitive Difference of the Reform of Collective Forest Property Right System集体林权制度改革认知差异实证分析

11.On the Practice and Thinking of Deepen Collective Forestry Tenure Reform深化集体林权制度改革的实践与思考

12.Speculations about Reforming Collective Forest Right System in Xinjiang对新疆集体林权制度改革的若干思考

13.Review and Study of Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China中国集体林权制度改革的回顾与思考

14.An Analysis of the Forest Property Rights Disputes and the Causes in the New Collective Forest Property Rights System Reform新集体林权制度改革中的林权纠纷及原因分析

15.The Study on Reform Analysis and Necessary Policies to the Reform of Collective Forest Tenure Systerm in Henan Province河南集体林权制度改革分析及配套改革研究

16.Eco-Forestry Establishment System under Reform of Collective Forest Ownership System集体林权制度改革条件下林业生态建设机制

17.On Subject Qualification of Collective Forest Rights Transferring:A Case Study of the Reform of Collective Forest Rights System in Fujian Province;论集体林权流转主体资格——以福建省集体林权制度改革为例

18.Analysis on Reform of Woodland Property Rights System in Collective Forest Areas;集体林区林地产权制度改革途径研究


Reform of collective forest property right system集体林权制度改革

1.According to the reform of collective forest property right system,the paper also explores the countermeasures for optimum utilization of resin resource in Xinping county.阐述集体林权制度改革的理论、政策法律依据及改革的目标。

2.It highlights the importance of technique work in forestry even in the reform of collective forest property right system.分析技术工作在林业乃至集体林权制度改革中的重要性。

3)the reform of collective forest property right system集体林权制度改革

1.The paper also introduces the methods and experiences for solving forest property conflict with the conception of conflict management in the process ofthe reform of collective forest property right system in Yunnan province.论述了冲突的概念、分类、发生的一般原因及解决冲突的一般策略,最后介绍了在云南省集体林权制度改革过程中应用冲突管理理念解决林权纠纷的方法和经验。

2.New requests for forest resource inventory,planning and design were put forward afterthe reform of collective forest property right system.集体林权制度改革以后对森林资源二类调查提出了新的要求:①调查数据的准确性要求更高;②保持分类经营成果,满足生态公益林要求;③满足以家庭为主的资源管理要求;④区分林地林木所有权。

3.Supported by all forest farmers,the reform of collective forest property right system is now being put into practice actively,steadily and smoothly in China,which has drawn the wide attention of whole society and the interest of social investment in forestry construction.目前,集体林权制度改革正在全国积极、稳妥、顺利地推开,受到了广大林农的衷心拥护,引起了社会各界的广泛关注和社会投资林业建设的极大兴趣。

4)the new collective forest property rights system reform新集体林权制度改革

1.But the performance ofthe new collective forest property rights system reform in experimental provinces especially in FuJian shows that the reform not only causes many farmers losing their mountain forest but also leads to more and more farmers appealing to he higher authorities for help.-,我国开始在福建、江西等省(试点)实施新集体林权制度改革(以下简称新集体林改),这次改革在很大程度上是仿效上个世纪80年代前后实行的耕地承包制改革,目的是以实现林地的初始产权在林农间平均分配为基本目标,二者因之有很强的可比性。

5)collective forest right system reform集体林权制度改

1.Analyzing the reason of deepeningcollective forest right system reform, pointing out the core of forest right system reform is carrying out“four rights”(ownership, management right, treatment right and income right), implementing “three return”(return hill, trees and profit to farmers).分析了深化集体林权制度改革动因。

6)collective forest reform集体林权改革

1.New wave ofcollective forest reform has been going on for six years.新一轮的集体林权改革已经开展了6年,对这一轮改革及时进行评价,不但对于认识改革的效果有积极的作用,而且对于有效地推进改革也是必不可少的。

2.In the new wave ofcollective forest reform,the aggregated equality ex-post reform get worse off than that of the ex-ante reform,but for the forestland low-owed household,the welfare of them get better off after reform.总体来看,新一轮集体林权改革使林地分配状况变差,但是对于初始林地面积较低的林户而言,林地的分配状况是改善的。

3.This paper reviews the history of southern Chinacollective forest reform,and summaries its rules.本文通过对建国以来我国集体林权改革的回顾,对其中一些特点和规律进行了总结。


