600字范文 > 蒙洼蓄洪区 Mengwa Detention Are英语短句 例句大全

蒙洼蓄洪区 Mengwa Detention Are英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-09 09:07:04


蒙洼蓄洪区 Mengwa Detention Are英语短句 例句大全

蒙洼蓄洪区,Mengwa Detention Are

1)Mengwa Detention Are蒙洼蓄洪区

2)Mengwa Flood Storage Area濛洼蓄洪区

1.Analysis of the influence ofMengwa Flood Storage Area on Wangjiaba"s water level and discharge濛洼蓄洪区运用对王家坝水位及流量影响分析


1.Analysis of the influence of Mengwa Flood Storage Area on Wangjiaba"s water level and discharge濛洼蓄洪区运用对王家坝水位及流量影响分析

2.A flood storage and detention area means a depression or a lake from outside embankments including flood--diversion mouths for temporarily storing floodwater蓄滞洪区是指包括分洪口在内的河堤背水面以外临时贮存洪水的低洼地区及湖泊等。

3.Study on Water Storage of Storing-and-Detention Areas in North Tianjin for Flood-Water Resources Utilization;天津市北系河网洪水资源化蓄滞洪区蓄水研究

4.Method of Flood Risk Estimation and Its Application in Flood Detention Basin;蓄滞洪区洪灾风险评估方法及其应用

5.Research on Simulation of Diversion Flood Routing for Flood Storage in Dongting Lake Region;洞庭湖区蓄洪垸分洪洪水演进模拟研究

6.Article 29 A flood control area means an area where floodwater is likely to inundate, which is classified as a flooded area, a flood storage and detention area or a flood control protected area.第二十九条 防洪区是指洪水泛滥可能淹及的地区,分为洪泛区、蓄滞洪区和防洪保护区。

7.From 1998 Yangtze River Flood to Huaihe River Water Detention and Diversion由1998年长江洪水对淮河行蓄洪区的思考

8.The Storage and Detention Flood Area is Assumed Flood Protection Assignment and the Scale is Fuzzy Decision-Maked and Optimal Selection;蓄滞洪区承担防洪任务及规模模糊优选

9.Research and Application of Flood Loss Estimation in Flood Detention Area;蓄滞洪区洪灾损失评估方法的研究及应用

10.Analysis on Establishing Flood Insurance System at Pangtoupao Flood Storage Area;胖头泡蓄滞洪区建立洪水保险制度探析

11.Real-time flood forecasting for complex watershed with flood diversion and flood retarding areas具有行蓄洪区的复杂水系实时洪水预报研究

12.Numerical simulation of flood evolution in flood diversion and detention area with well-shaped canals含井字形河渠的分蓄洪区洪水演进数值模拟

13.Analysis of effect of application of Honghu flood diversion area on lowering water level of the Yangtze River洪湖分蓄洪区启用对降低长江水位效果分析

prehensive Judgment to Project Designing of Flood Storage and Detention Area of Huaihe River s Main Stream;淮河干流行蓄洪区规划方案综合评价

15.Application of compensation methods in the flood district of Huaihe River basin;淮河流域行蓄洪区运用补偿方法探析

16.Strategic Thinking on the Sustainable Development of the Floodplains along Huaihe River;沿淮行蓄洪区可持续发展的战略思考

17.The state fears at least20 levees have been compromised in low-lying communities along the Missouri River.该州担心在密苏里河沿岸的处于低洼地区的社区的至少20个防洪坝受到了洪水威胁。

18.Pending the resolution of the water dispute, no party shall alter the existing water regime one-sidedly.第四十一条 在防洪河道和滞洪区、蓄洪区内,土地利用和各项建设必须符合防洪的要求。


Mengwa Flood Storage Area濛洼蓄洪区

1.Analysis of the influence ofMengwa Flood Storage Area on Wangjiaba"s water level and discharge濛洼蓄洪区运用对王家坝水位及流量影响分析

3)flood diversion and storage areas分蓄洪区

1.In 1950 s, we have founded 14flood diversion and storage areas in the middle reach of the Yangtze River,in which,Jingjiang,Honghu,and Dujiatai are the three most importantflood diversion and storage areas.分蓄洪区是平原防洪的一种重要措施。

4)detention basin蓄滞洪区

1.A scenario-based framework fordetention basin development;情景基础的蓄滞洪区发展研究

2.The Impact of Detention Basin Operation to Region Social-Economic Development;蓄滞洪区运用对当地社会经济发展影响分析

3.A method of assessing flood hazards indetention basin was formulated,based on BP neural networks.洪灾风险评价属于多准则、多层次的模糊综合评价问题,在深入分析洪灾风险成因的基础上,以致灾因子、孕灾环境、承灾体属性为准则层,构建了蓄滞洪区洪灾风险评价指标体系,制定了洪灾风险等级和评价标准。

5)flood retention areas蓄滞洪区

1.Discussions on fairly development offlood retention areas;蓄滞洪区公平发展问题探讨

2.Regulation and operation offlood retention areas in the Huai River Basin;淮河蓄滞洪区调度与运用初探

6)flood detention basin蓄滞洪区

1.Consideration on establishment of land bank inflood detention basin;建立蓄滞洪区滩区土地银行的设想

2.A review of flood simulation inflood detention basin;蓄滞洪区洪水模拟研究综述

3.The present paper is aimed at studying the locating method offlood detention basin in Songhua River.松花江蓄滞洪区选址问题涉及诸多定性指标和定量指标 ,属于半结构决策问题。


蒙山天蒙旅游区蒙山天蒙旅游区位于蒙山之阳,费县境内,面积203平方公里。国家地质公园,省级自然保护区。森林覆盖率达90%以上,区内自然景观奇丽迷人,人文景观底蕴深厚。蒙山第二高峰“玉柱峰”直插云霄,“望海楼”为蒙山观东海看日出最佳处,玉皇顶、葫芦崖、塔山、舌头崮等众多山峰都有许多迷人动听的故事传说。“德式天主教堂”别具一格,“百年岩凿引水渠”令人叹服,明代建筑“玉皇庙”为道教圣观,仿古建筑“鸟展馆”列有鸟兽标本百余种。 区内生态资源丰富,有各类植物1100余种,野生动物142种,堪称“天然动植物园”。道教、佛教、天主教历代香火不断,实为宗教文化之圣地。
