600字范文 > 审计模型 Audit model英语短句 例句大全

审计模型 Audit model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-26 14:34:39


审计模型 Audit model英语短句 例句大全

审计模型,Audit model

1)Audit model审计模型

1.The paper analyzed high-tech firms cooperation R&D network development course and its management condition by using technology innovation benchmarking audit model.本文采用技术创新标杆测试审计模型来对高新技术企业协作R&D网络的发展过程与管理状况进行审计分析。

2.Risk-based strategic system audit(SSA) is a new phase of development of audit model.本文结合新审计准则和《企业风险管理框架》的思想,从战略论和系统论的角度,试图设计出风险基础战略系统审计模型。

3.To solve such problems,this paper proposes a comprehensive audit model which includes project construction audit sub-system and engineering performance audit sub-system.综合审计模型突破了传统的"事后审计"行为,将审计工作前移,加强了对大型工程项目的管理和监督。


1.The Research of Delegation Audit Model in Administrative Examination and Approval System行政审批系统中转授权审计模型研究

2.A Research on SPRE Technological Innovational Audit Model and Its Application;技术创新SPRE审计模型及其应用研究

3.Model Design and Application of Risk-Based Strategic System Audit;风险基础战略系统审计模型设计及其应用

4.PERT cost model计划评审法成本模型

5.Quantitative Model of Auditing Risks of Registered Accountants;注册会计师审计风险计量模型的研究

6.Conceptual Anylysis of Audit Risk and Reorgnization of the Model of Audit Risk;审计风险概念辨析及审计风险模型的重构

7.Take the Social Audit as the Angle of View:Reconsiders the Audit Risk Model Scientific Nature;从社会审计视角:论审计风险模型的科学性

8.Thoughts of Audit Risk Model Reformation;论我国审计风险模型的重构——基于国际审计风险模型的演变分析

9.The Study of Application of Audit Risk Model on ERP;基于ERP的审计风险模型应用研究

10.Theory, Model and Application of Auditing Based on Information System;基于信息系统的审计理论、模型及应用

11.Research on Conception & Executive Model of Continuous Auditing;连续审计的概念特征和实现模型研究

12.Modern Auditing Risk Model and Its Analysis of Application Difficulties;现代审计风险模型及其推行难点分析

13.Conception Model and Measure Research of Knowledge Management Audit;知识管理审计的概念、模型与方法研究


15.Auditor Size, Audit Fees and Audit Opinion Shopping审计师规模、审计费用与审计意见购买

16.Audit Software Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model Based on Fuzzy Mathematics;基于模糊数学的审计软件综合评价模型的研究

17.Internal Auditor s Evaluation of the External Audit Report: Application of A Cascaded Inference Model;内部审计师对外部审计报告的评价:一个串联推断模型应用

18.The Alteration of Audit Risk Model in International AuditingStandards and its Application for China s Reference;国际审计准则审计风险模型的变更及我们的借鉴


SPRE audit modelSPRE审计模型

3)proxy audit modelproxy审计模型

4)audit risk model审计风险模型

1.It has become a question to be solved urgently for CPA who provides audit service to know how to understand the connotation of theaudit risk model,and control the audit risk using theaudit risk model in the ERP environment.提供审计服务的注册会计师在ERP环境下,如何理解审计风险模型的内涵,并应用审计风险模型来控制审计风险,已成为急需解决的问题。

2.This article will analysis the development of internationalaudit risk model and then give some own opinion.国际会计师联合会(IFAC)的国际审计与保证准则委员会(IAASB)为了提高审计质量,发布了一系列新准则,其中ISA200准则对审计风险模型进行了重大改动。

3.This article starts from the definition of audit risks, then analyses the limitation of traditionalaudit risk models, and at last brings forward a new audit model from the perspective of informatics.本文拟从探讨审计风险的定义出发,分析传统审计风险模型的缺陷,从信息学角度重建新的审计风险模型。

5)audit reduction model归约审计模型

1.A newaudit reduction model is presented in this paper to solve this problem.文章设计了一种新的归约审计模型,其核心是基于关联特征分析的审计踪迹归约。

6)new audit risk model新审计风险模型

1.And thenew audit risk model arises at the historic moment.原有的传统审计风险模型的缺陷越来越明显,新的审计风险模型应运而生,此处主要对新审计风险模型的两个构成要素重大错报风险和检查风险进行分析。


