600字范文 > 联合国宪章 UN Charter英语短句 例句大全

联合国宪章 UN Charter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-01 12:18:55


联合国宪章 UN Charter英语短句 例句大全

联合国宪章,UN Charter

1)UN Charter联合国宪章

1.The Idea of Harmonious World and the Essence ofUN Charter;和谐世界理念与联合国宪章精神

2.The use of armed force by the aliens without being authorized by the Security Council is not only an aggression against Iraq s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, but also a violation of bothUN Charter and international law.美英绕开联合国单方面对伊拉克实施军事打击,是对伊拉克主权、独立和领土完整的严重侵犯,是违背联合国宪章和国际法准则的行为。

3.Collective security system set byUN Charter,compared with the stipulations of League of Nations,has made far reaching progress.《联合国宪章》所确立的集体安全体系与国际联盟的有关规定相比,有着意义深远的进步。


1.invoke an article of the Charter of the United Nations援引《联合国宪章》条文

mittee on the Charter of the United Nations联合国宪章问题委员会

3.France opposes amending the United Nations Charter法国反对修改联合国宪章

4.Ad Hoc Committee on the Charter of the United Nations联合国宪章问题特设委员会

5.These principles are embodied in the UN charter.这些原则都具体呈现在联合国宪章里。

6.The invasion of Iraq was in violation of the U. N. Charter.对伊拉克的入侵违反了联合国宪章。

7.You should read the Charter of the United Nations.你应该阅读一下联合国宪章。

8.invoke an article of the U.N. Charter援用联合国宪章某一条款

9.Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会


11.ASEAN makes reference to the United Nations Charter as their guiding principles.东盟借鉴联合国宪章制定他们的指导原则。

12.Protocol of Entry into Force of the Amendment to Article 61 of the Charter of the United Nations联合国宪章第六十一条修正案的生效议定书

13.The foundamental rights of all men are enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.人人所享有的基本权利已庄严载入联合国宪章。

14.Ad Hoc Committee on the Implementation of the Collective Security Provisions of the Charter of the United Nations联合国宪章集体安全条款执行问题特设委员会

15.The purposes and principles of the UN Charter have a strong vitality.《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则有着强大的生命力。

16.Enlargement of the UN Security Council and Amendment of the UN Charter--A technical analysis on procedures of amendment;安理会的扩大与《联合国宪章》的修改——法律角度的修宪程序分析

17.Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会的报告

18.To support his argument he cited Article 68, Chapter 10, of the United Nations.为证实自己的论点他列了联合国宪章第10章第68款。


United Nations Charter联合国宪章

1.According to the North Atlantic Treaty,NATO is not a regional organization which theUnited Nations Charter has referred to.依《北大西洋公约》,北约并非《联合国宪章》所指的"区域组织";其初期可被认为是一个集体自卫组织,但是经两次大转型,已成为一种外向型安全组织。

2.Economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council are a link of enforcement actions empowered by theUnited Nations Charter Chapter V11.联合国经济制裁是安理会依据《联合国宪章》第41条为维持国际和平与安全采取的一种强制措施。

3)the UN Charter联合国宪章

1.Underthe UN Charter, there are three kinds for regional organization to use force.在联合国宪章体系下,区域组织运用武力有三种类型。

2.Classic humanity interference practice and theory had been formed in the modern international law,afterthe UN Charter the theory was negated and excluded,among the Western scholars there exists the view of legitimate humanity interference which are an excuse and instrument for the western countries in violating sovereignty and interfering domestic affairs of other countries.近代国际法上形成了传统意义上的“人道主义干涉”及其理论 ,但是 ,《联合国宪章》制定以后 ,“人道主义干涉”及其理论被国际法所否定和摒弃。

4)the Charter of the United Nations《联合国宪章》

1.The reform of the United Nations also relates to the collective security system and the modification ofthe Charter of the United Nations.联合国改革与集体安全制度、《联合国宪章》的修改也密切相关。

5)UN Charter《联合国宪章》

1.Although there is no concrete restrictions on the legality of using space weapons,many international legal instruments includingUN Charter all attempt to fufill the non-militarization of outer space.尽管现有的国际法对空间武器的使用是否合法没有作明文规定,但包括《联合国宪章》等在内的国际法律性文件都试图以法律手段实现外层空间的非军事化;而根据《部分禁止核试验条约》,不允许缔约国进行任何使用核动力的导弹拦截试验;《环境影响公约》和《外空条约》等则禁止出于军事目的或任何其他敌对方式使用空间武器。



