600字范文 > 华中国电公司 Huazhong Electric Power Corporation英语短句 例句大全

华中国电公司 Huazhong Electric Power Corporation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-16 23:18:15


华中国电公司 Huazhong Electric Power Corporation英语短句 例句大全

华中国电公司,Huazhong Electric Power Corporation

1)Huazhong Electric Power Corporation华中国电公司

2)Guohua Electric Power国华电力公司

1.The present situation of circulatory cooling water treatment in some power plants subordinated to BeijingGuohua Electric Power Corporation has been presented, the test and research of reasonably controlling the enrichment factor for circulatory cooling water in two power generation companies being carried out in the labratories.介绍国华电力公司部分所属电厂循环冷却水(循环水)的处理现状,对2个发电公司进行了循环水浓缩倍率合理控制的试验室试验研究,所得结果经工业应用效果良好。

3)China Light & Power Co.Ltd中华电力公司

1.China Light & Power Co.香港中华电力公司负责香港83%土地面积上居民的电力供应。

4)Guohua Corporation国华公司

5)"Central China"company华中公司

1.Japanese not only destroyed silk industry , but also set up"Central China"company and control silkworm seed, silkworm cocoon, raw silk in enemy-occpied area .日本不仅对蚕丝业进行无情地摧毁和破坏,而且还建立了蚕丝统制机构“华中公司”,对沦陷区蚕丝业的蚕种、蚕茧、生丝全面实行统制。

6)Company law of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国公司法


pany Law of the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国公司法

2.An Evaluation on the English Version of Company Law of People s Republic of China;《中华人民共和国公司法》英译本评析

3.On the English Translation of the Company Law of the People s Republic of China;评《中华人民共和国公司法》英译本

4.Articles of Association that complies with relevant laws including the Company Law of the People"s Republic of China and the Rules;具有符合《中华人民共和国公司法》等相关法律和本办法要求的章程。

5.These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Company Law of the People"s Republic of China in order to affirm the qualifications of enterprise legal persons of companies and standardize the registration activities of companies.为了确认公司的企业法人资格,规范公司登记行为,依据《中华人民共和国公司法》,制定本条例。

6.We need to implement the Company Law of the People"s Republic of China and accelerate introduction of the shareholding system in large state-owned enterprises.要认真贯彻《中华人民共和国公司法》,加快国有大型企业股份制改革。

7.a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the People"s Republic of China根据中华人民共和国法律成立注册的公司

8.Staff members and workers of the joint venture company shall pay individual income tax according to the "Individual Income Tax Law of the People"s Republic of China."合营公司职工按照《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》缴纳个人所得税。

9.Law of the People"s Republic of China on Nationality中华人民共和国国籍法

10.Metrology Law of the People"s Republic of China, the中华人民共和国计量法


12.Water Law of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国水法

13.Water Law of PRC《中华人民共和国水法》

14.Customs Law of the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国海关法

15.Fire Control Law of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国消防法

16.Flood Control of The People"s Republic of China《中华人民共和国防洪法》

17.Meteorology Law of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国气象法

18.Marriage Law of the People"s Republic of China, the中华人民共和国婚姻法


Guohua Electric Power国华电力公司

1.The present situation of circulatory cooling water treatment in some power plants subordinated to BeijingGuohua Electric Power Corporation has been presented, the test and research of reasonably controlling the enrichment factor for circulatory cooling water in two power generation companies being carried out in the labratories.介绍国华电力公司部分所属电厂循环冷却水(循环水)的处理现状,对2个发电公司进行了循环水浓缩倍率合理控制的试验室试验研究,所得结果经工业应用效果良好。

3)China Light & Power Co.Ltd中华电力公司

1.China Light & Power Co.香港中华电力公司负责香港83%土地面积上居民的电力供应。

4)Guohua Corporation国华公司

5)"Central China"company华中公司

1.Japanese not only destroyed silk industry , but also set up"Central China"company and control silkworm seed, silkworm cocoon, raw silk in enemy-occpied area .日本不仅对蚕丝业进行无情地摧毁和破坏,而且还建立了蚕丝统制机构“华中公司”,对沦陷区蚕丝业的蚕种、蚕茧、生丝全面实行统制。

6)Company law of the People"s Republic of China中华人民共和国公司法


国华1.国家的光荣。 2.国家的杰出人材。 3.喻指国中珍品。
