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挽救 rescue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-17 16:36:56


挽救 rescue英语短句 例句大全



1.Rescue of Dying Adherent Cells by Feeder Cells;饲养细胞用于挽救濒死的珍稀贴壁细胞

2.Therescue of limb bud initiation in Raldh2 mutant;视黄酸合成酶基因Raldh2敲除鼠肢体发育起始的挽救

3.75 develop small forelimbs and morphological normal hindlimbs when pregnant female Raldh2 heterozygous knock-out mice wererescued by the food containing retinoic acid(0.原位杂交结果表明,决定肢体近-远端轴发育的标志基因(marker gene)Fgf8,决定前-后轴发育的标志基因Shh以及后肢发育特异性基因Tbx4和Pitx1在视黄酸挽救的Raldh2基因敲除鼠E10。


1.In the critical moment he made vigorous efforts to turn the tide and saved the enterprise.关键时刻, 他力挽狂澜,挽救了企业。

2.Irremediable errors in judgment.判断上不可挽救的错误

3.Your case is not beyond repair.你的情况并非无可挽救。

4.an irredeemable loss, misfortune, etc不能挽救的损失、 不幸等.

5.perform an operation to save his life动手术挽救他的生命.

6.She saved many lives.挽救了很多人的生命。

7.The redemption of the sinners is not easy.挽救那些罪人不是易事。

8.V. Treatment and Rehabilitation五、矫治挽救吸毒人员

9.The cure lies in education.挽救之道在于教育。

10.Guangzhou commercial development increases confidence in the property market town city can really save?广州发展商用涨价来救市真的能挽救楼市信心?

11.Nothing could avail the dying patient.没有任何东西能挽救那个濒死者

12.he wanted to save her life at all cost.他要不惜一切代价挽救她。

13.The dying man is beyond help.这个生命垂危的人已无法挽救。

14.The doctor attempted to save the dying man.医生试图挽救那个生命垂危的病人。

15.help save many cadres. As the saying goes, execute one as a warning to a hundred.杀一儆百。杀一些可以挽救一大批干部。

16.Those who are really incorrigible should be expelled from the Party.确实不能挽救的,要洗刷出去。

17.I fought all night to save his life.我为挽救他的生命而彻夜苦干。

18.After several hours they managed to put out the fire and save the town.消防员们迅速扑灭了小火,挽救了城市。



1.On how to implement the policy of" education, probation andsaving " in the criminal trial of juvenile crime;谈在少年犯罪刑事审判中如何贯彻“教育、感化、挽救”的方针

2.To the principles of“protection,education,prevention and correction”in the Juvenile Law of our nation we should hold on the approach of“the education primarily, auxiliary punishment”and“education,probation,saving”to learn while trial and combining punishment with education.我国在未成年人刑事案件的审理中坚持“教育为主,惩罚为辅”和“教育、感化、挽救”的方针,要求寓教于审、惩教结合。


1.The necessity of crisis management built up in enterprise group is analyzed,and two systems ofsave factics and bankruptcy tactics are designed.分析了企业集团建立危机管理系统的必要性 ,并探索了从挽救策略和破产策略两个方面来设计企业集团危机管理系统。

4)"Bail out, to"挽救、拯救

5)Salvage therapy挽救治疗

6)Salvage therapy挽救疗法


