600字范文 > Unit5 How old are you?导学案苏教版_小学三年级英语教案

Unit5 How old are you?导学案苏教版_小学三年级英语教案

时间:2022-06-18 23:20:51


Unit5 How old are you?导学案苏教版_小学三年级英语教案

unit5 how old are you?导学案苏教版


unit 5 how old are you?(story time)

【课型】 新授课



1.能听懂、会读、会说one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

2.能听懂、会读、会说日常用语how old are you? i’m …this is for you. here you are. thank you.



1.能听懂、会读、会说单词one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

2.能听懂、会读、会说日常用语how old are you? i’m …this is for you. here you are. thank you.





【课时安排】 第一课时


课前播放歌曲“ten little indian boys”。

step 1 greeting and free talk

t: hello, boys and girls. are you ready for english class?

ss: yes. i’m ready.

t: well, good morning, class.

ss: good morning, miss ...

t: nice to meet you.

ss: nice to meet you, too.

t: how are you?

ss: i’m fine, thank you. and you?

t: i’m fine, too.

t: look, what’s this?

s1: it’s a toy bear.

t: how lovely! here you are.

s1: thank you.

t: not at all.

t: hello, daisy. is this your rabbit?

s2: yes, it is.

t: how lovely!

s2: thank you.

step 2 let’s learn

出示学习目标:1.能听懂、会读、会说one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

1. enjoy a song

t: ok. let’s enjoy a song. if you can sing, please follow it.


t: what’s in the song?

ss: one, two….ten.

t: bingo. there are some numbers. let’s count together.


2. magic eyes

教师快速呈现数词1-10,最后出现two six

t: yes, it’s three five.i"m lily, and i’m 35. (教师出示名片帮助学生理解)

name: lily photo

age: 35

tel: 13913413775

qq: 247494971

t: how old are you?

s1: i’m nine.

t: how old are you?

s2: i’m ten.

t: how old are you?

s3: i’m eight.

t: so today we’ll learn unit 5 how old are you? well, read after me, “how old are you?”

t: hello, ...

s: hello, miss ...

t: how old are you ?

s: i’m nine/ ten.

t: well, let’s see something interesting.

[tip] how old are you?可用来询问他人的年龄,但在外国,年龄对他们来说是一种隐私,是秘密,所以如果你在路上跟外国人打招呼的时候不可以随便问他的年龄哦!
