600字范文 > 九年级英语上 unit 8 section A-2(人教新目标)_九年级英语教案

九年级英语上 unit 8 section A-2(人教新目标)_九年级英语教案

时间:2021-08-22 19:34:35


九年级英语上 unit 8 section A-2(人教新目标)_九年级英语教案

unit 8 section a-2 class type reading objectives 1. to understand the strange story by reading the passage. 2. to learn to express the strange noise that people think by reading the story carefully.

key structure 1. nothing much ever happened around here. 2. it must be teenagers having fun. 3. we have no idea. 4. it could be a girl’s room because it’s very tidy. —i guess so. but it might be a boy’s room because the clothes look like boy’s clothes. difficulties how to describe the opinions that people give about the strange noise. vocabulary noise, policeman, wolf; laboratory, coat, sleepy have fun, have no idea, go away

period 1

procedure lead-in revision. ask ss to translate some phrases into chinese. step 1 free talk. show ss some pictures and then to ask questions like: e.g.: whose hair band is it? it must/might... step 2 pair works. show ss some pictures like the things in the schoolbag below, and then ask them to make guesses about the owner of the schoolbag. step 3 free talk. did something strange happen in your neighborhood before? what were they? step 4 activity 3a-1. let ss look at a picture and answer two questions.. step 5 activity 3a-2. read the article quickly and decide which might be the best title. step 6 read again and answer the questions. step 7 activity 3b. read the article again and find words to match the meanings. step 8 activity 3c. ask ss to read the article carefully and write what people think about the strange noises. step 9 free talk. after reading the article, what do you think the strange noises are? why? step 10 language points: explain the key words and phrases in section a-2. step 11 more exercises about the language points.
