600字范文 > 英语七年级下人教新课标 Unit5教案_七年级英语教案

英语七年级下人教新课标 Unit5教案_七年级英语教案

时间:2023-04-14 15:15:53


英语七年级下人教新课标 Unit5教案_七年级英语教案

英语七年级下人教新课标 unit5教案

period three

step 1.revision


2. review:show the ss some pictures and revise present progressive tense.

step 2 prsentation

show the ss a picture about a man watching tv at home.ask the ss:

is he watching tv?(yes,he is.)where is he watching tv?(at home)

let ss look a t the pictures in activity 1a and teach the new words.

step 3.activity 1a & 1b:writing and practice.

1. activity 1a: let students complete the chart. check the answers.

2.activity 1b:pairwork. ask and answer questions with a partner. make questions and answers like the ones in the picture.then prac tice in pairs.

3. ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.

step 4. activity 2a & 2b:listening

1. activity 2a:listen to the conversation and complete the chart.

2. activity 2b:listen again. write the activities in the chart.

check the ss’ answers.get the ss do “ask and answer” practice in pairs,using“ where is tina…?”“what’s he/she doing?”

step 5.activity 2c:pair work

help the ss use the information in the chart to make a new conversation in pairs. practise ,then ask some pairs to present their conversationsin front .

step 6. selfcheck 1: review the key vocabulary

1. ask students to check all the words they know.give them two mi nutes to memorize the key words. review the structures in this unit.

2. then have a dictation.

3.ask ss to write five new words in their vocab-builder on page 30.

step 7. homework

write five sentences using present progressive tense.

period four

step 1.revision


2.show some pictures. revise some places and activities.ask the ss :

where is he/she?what’s he/she doing?


first,t talks about a photo of his family.then talk about the pictures in activity 3a.make sure the ss know wha t the childr en are doing in each picture.

step3.activity 3a & 3b:reading

1. activity 3a :give the ss some time to read the letter by themselves. number the pictures according to the order they read about them in the letter. listen and find out the activities and places.un derline the activities and circle the pl aces. check the answers.deal with any difficult language points.read the letter with the ss.

2. activity 3b: fill in the blanks in activity 3b according to the picture. deal with any difficult language points.re ad the letter with the ss.

step4.activity 3c & 4: speaking & writing.

1. activity 3c: ask students to bring in some family photos or some pictures of their family or friends.help the ss write similar sentences about their own pictures.ask some ss to read out their passages to the class.
