600字范文 > Unit3《Life in the future》教案(1)_高二英语教案

Unit3《Life in the future》教案(1)_高二英语教案

时间:2018-11-17 16:05:56


Unit3《Life in the future》教案(1)_高二英语教案

unit3《life in the future》教案(1)


warming-up and reading

teaching goals:

1.learn some new words and expressions.

2.improve the ss’reading skills.

3.to illustrate ss’ imagination of future life

4.know the more advanced forms of transport in ad 3005 and

the advantages and problems of life in the future.

teaching methods:

1.inductive method

2.pair work and group work


4.deductive method

teaching procedures:

step 1 greetings and lead-in

1.the teacher can start with daily greetings and try to lead in some words in this unit.

q1: where do you come from? do you live in the downtown or in the countryside?

is it a suitable location for people to live in?

what is it made of? (brick, stone, steel, glass, wood, plastic, bamboo, mud…).

q2: no matter where you live, i am wondering how do you usually go to school? (by bike, by car, by bus…)

bikes, cars, buses and so on can be used to carry people or things from one place to another place, and they are called vehicles.

q3:what other vehicles do you know?

carriage, ambulance, jeep, airbus, train, truck, motorcycle, fire engine, …

q4:what means of transport do you know?

car, bicycle, motorcycle, train, plane, space craft

q5:imagine what the future means of transport will be like?

2. conclusion

this unit introduces what life in the future might be like to ss. by discussing and answering the questions above can make ss have a general understanding of the present and future life and can also illustrate ss’ imagination about the future life.



step 2 warming up and pre-reading

task1:pair work

in pairs let ss list the changes in transport, environment, education and housing will happen in the next century.

present timein one thousand years’ time







step 3 skimming

task2:skimming the text and try to find the answer to the question

q: which changes are mentioned in the text?

time travel – transport – air quality – religion – clothing – eating – houses – towns


work in pairs and make a prediction.

q: which changes are good and which are bad?


