600字范文 > 初中英语(新课标版)中考总复习冲刺材料2_九年级英语教案


时间:2020-03-10 16:35:13



31. ______you _______(look ) for a ball? yes .i am .

32. he _______always _______(try )out his new ideas.

33. the world population __________(grow ) faster and faster .

34. what _______lucy _________(wear) today ? she _______(wear)a dark blue skirt.

35. ______you _______( make )a cake ? no . i__________(make) dumplings.

36. it________(rain )hard now. if it_________(not stop ) ,we________(not go )to the park.

37. the children ________(go )the park next week.they ________(have )a good time there.

38. he with his father _________(play)football tomorrow .

39. my friend _________ (come) to see me in two days.

40. what ______you _______(do )this sunday ? nothing much . ______we ______( go )shopping?

that’s a good idea. when ______we ______(meet) ?

41. there __________(be )a football match the day after tomorrow.

42. jim __________(have ) a swim this evening. after that ,he ________(do )his homework.

43. classthree __________(not have )any classes next week.

44. i________(buy )a skirt for my daughter next month.

45. _______you_______(start)your homework? yes, but i_________(not finish) it yet.

46. what ________you________(do )with the library book? i_____just _______(return)it .

47. excuse me . i ________(lose ) my cat. _____you ______(see) it anywhere?

48. if i _______(lose )the book, i must pay for it.

49. i_______( come )to get my pan back. . ______you _______( finish)using it? not yet.

50. _____you ever _______(milk) a cow? no, never.

51. how long _____you ______( be) at this school ? for two years.

52. he ________(teach ) in this school for ten years . i_________( live )here since last year.

53. more than two days ________(pass) since we left.

54. _______you ______(take )her temperature? yes, i have. i_______(have)a cold for a week.

55. _______you _______(sleep )well? yes, i ______(sleep)well all night.

56.i_______ never________(hear)of that before.

56. chinese _________(speak ) by the largest people in the world.

57. this bike _______(make ) in shanghai .bananas_________(grow )in the south of china.

58. metal _________(use)for making machines.

59. sheep _________(keep) farmers for producing wool and mutton.

60. the watch _________(buy) two years ago . it _________(buy) for two years.

61. the bike _________(use ) for ten years. it ________(break )down for two months.

62. ______you ______(wear )it a lot ? yes . it _______(wear ) for ten years.

63. the young tree must __________(tie ) to the stick.

64. trees should __________(plant ) in spring .

65. silk ________(produce ) in suzhou.
