600字范文 > 法人国籍 nationality of legal person英语短句 例句大全

法人国籍 nationality of legal person英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-29 04:10:55


法人国籍 nationality of legal person英语短句 例句大全

法人国籍,nationality of legal person

1)nationality of legal person法人国籍

1.Based on their own interest,countries have adopted different rules to determinenationality of legal person,which leading to change ofnationality of legal person.各国依其自身利益采用不同的标准来确定法人国籍,由此带来了法人国籍的变动。


1.Respective from Nationality s Change of Legal Person: On Rules upon Determining Nationality of Foreign Legal Person in China;法人国籍变动视角:我国外国法人国籍的确定标准

2.State Succession and its impact on nationality of natural and legal persons国家继承及其对自然人和法人国籍的影响

3.Law of the People"s Republic of China on Nationality中华人民共和国国籍法

4.Overseas Chinese and the Making of China s Citizenship Law;海外华人与国籍法——国籍法的社会学分析

5.A woman who is a native or inhabitant of France.法国女人国籍为法国或住在法国的女人

6.5. Nationality Law of the People"s Republic of China.五、《中华人民共和国国籍法》

7.The “Manchoukuo” Puppet Regime s “Nationality Law”: Its Failure and Koreans Nationality in Northeast China;伪满洲国《国籍法》的难产与在满朝鲜人的国籍问题

8.She is English by birth but French by marriage.她是英国血统, 但嫁给法国人而入了法国籍.

9.Lex lulia de civitate sociis danda关于向拉丁人和盟友授予市民籍的尤利亚法(尤利亚国籍法)

10.the principle that a person"s nationality at birth is the same as that of his natural parents.一个人出生时的国籍应和他的父母的国籍一样的法律规则。

11.This means that koreans cannot acquire Japanese "nationality" recognized by the public international law.这意味着朝鲜人不具备国际会法上的日本“国籍”。

12.the principle that a person"s nationality at birth is determined by the place of birth.一个人出生时的国籍决定于出生地的法律规则。

13.Analysis on the Influence of Indonesian New Nationality Law of on Chinese Communities;试析印尼新国籍法对华人社会的影响

14.In filing a lawsuit and responding to a lawsuit in the People"s Court, foreigners, people without nationality, foreign enterprises and other organizations外国人、无国籍人、外国企业和组织在人民法院起诉、应诉,

15.The New Development of Foreign Nationality Laws and the Gradual Reform of Chinese Nationality Laws国际国籍法的新发展与中国国籍法的渐进改革

16.Article8 A civil aircraft which has acquired the nationality of the People"s Republic of China according to law shall display the specified nationality mark and registration mark.第八条依法取得中华人民共和国国籍的民用航空器,应当标明规定的国籍标志和登记标志。

17.Making Nationality Law: Nationality of Ethnic Chinese and Interest of China;国籍立法:华侨国籍问题与中国国家利益

18.the French Foreign Legion法国军队中的外籍军团.


Law of Nationality State国籍国法

3)stateless persons无国籍人

4)Nationality Law国籍法

1.The “Manchoukuo” Puppet Regime s “Nationality Law”: Its Failure and Koreans Nationality in Northeast China;伪满洲国《国籍法》的难产与在满朝鲜人的国籍问题

2.In July ,Indonesian House of Representatives finally passed the newNationality Law in replacement of the former lasting for over half a century which contain ethic discrimination on Indonesian citizenship and nationality issues.7月,印度尼西亚国会通过的争议多年的新《国籍法》,取消了已存在半个多世纪的在印尼国籍问题上带有族群歧视性的条款。

5)New Nationality Law新国籍法

1.Analysis on the Influence of IndonesianNew Nationality Law of on Chinese Communities;试析印尼新国籍法对华人社会的影响

6)women of no nationality无国籍女人

1.As a result,they becomewomen of no nationality,who are recognized by the folk while who are law-breakers in the modern state management system.这些越南女人既没有加入中国国籍,事实上又自动丧失了越南国籍,成为无国籍女人。


