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小分子 small molecule英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-16 23:04:33


小分子 small molecule英语短句 例句大全

小分子,small molecule

1)small molecule小分子

1.Screening ofsmall molecules inducing PC12 cell differentiation;促神经细胞分化小分子活性物质的筛选研究

2.Research progress of interactions between DNA andsmall molecules;DNA与小分子相互作用的研究进展

3.Research on Interaction of Copper (Ⅱ), Cadmium(Ⅱ) and Several Small Molecules with Serum Albumin;铜(Ⅱ)镉(Ⅱ)、几种小分子同血清白蛋白的相互作用研究


1.Smaller molecules pass through these membranes more easily than larger ones, allowing separation based on molecular size.小分子要比大分子更易通过膜,因此分离是依据分子的大小

2.Inside the reactor the large molecules are cracked into smaller molecules.在反应堆里,大分子裂变为小分子。

3.Franck-Condon Analysis Study on the Photoelectron Spectra of Some Small Negative Ions;若干小分子负离子光电子能谱的Franck-Condon分析研究

4.the breaking of a chemical bond in a molecule resulting in smaller molecules.分子中化学键的分裂生成小分子的过程。

5.Diffusion Behavior of Small Molecular Permeates in Polyelectrolyte Membrane;小分子在聚离子膜中的扩散性能研究

6.The Summary on Small Molecular Components and Medicinal Value of Scutellaria Barbata半枝莲中小分子成分及药用价值综述

7.a small molecule (not a protein) essential for the activity of some enzymes.关系到一些酶的活性的小分子(不是蛋白质分子)。

8.Study on the Interaction between Some Medicinal Molecules and Biomacromolecules;几种药物小分子与生物大分子相互作用的研究

9.A Novel Method for Biomolecule Interaction by Immobilized Small Molecule;固定化小分子研究生物分子相互作用的新方法

10.Study on the Diffusion Behavior of Drug Molecules in Supramolecular Gel;药物小分子在超分子凝胶中扩散行为的研究

11.Transport and Diffusion of the Small Molecules within Supramolecular Gel;超分子凝胶体系内小分子的传质与扩散研究

12.Molecular dynamics simulation of diffusion coefficients of small molecules in amorphous PET无定形PET中小分子扩散系数的分子动力学模拟

13.The clown came to give out candy to the little children.小丑过来分糖给小孩子。

14.a fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator.分子小于分母的分数。

15.A small leaf or leaflike part.一个小叶子或叶状部分

16.a small elite group.一个小的中坚分子团体。

17.But keen as mustard!真叫小积极分子儿!

18.a handful of militarists一小撮军国主义分子


Small molecules小分子

1.Molecular dynamics simulation of diffusion coefficients of small molecules in amorphous PET无定形PET中小分子扩散系数的分子动力学模拟

2.Recent developments in the field of MOFs,especially the use of fluorescence recognition and sensing of small molecules,cations and anions,are reviewed in this mini review.简单介绍了MOFs近期的发展,着重评述了以稀土为中心的发光MOFs作为有机小分子、阳离子和阴离子荧光探测的研究进展,提出了探针用发光MOFs研究目前存在的问题和今后的发展趋势。

3.The nature of the interaction of small molecules with (ZnS)_n clusters with n=9-26, 50, 60 have been studied by density functional theory.本文为研究表面调控对纳米ZnS颗粒的影响,以(ZnS)_n团簇为模型,对小分子和纳米(ZnS)_n团簇的相互作用进行了理论研究。

3)small peptides小分子肽

1.To separate thesmall peptides,the SDS-PAGE method was improved.为了有效分离小分子肽,对SDS-PAGE方法进行改进,调整分离胶分子组成,并在分离胶中加入36%的尿素或13%甘油。

2.Based on the training of artificial neural networks(ANNs) using orthogonal arrays,a model for the productivity ofsmall peptides as the output of the input consisting of five technological parameters for papain hydrolysis of Paphia undulate meat developed and validated for reliability using arbitrarily selected specimens.实验结果表明:人工神经网络优化结果的小分子肽产率为4。

4)small molecular phase小分子相

5)smaller H 2 O cluster小分子团

6)small carbon molecule碳小分子

1.Based on a model potential, we have performed calculations of cohesive energies, bond lengths and fundamental frequencies forsmall carbon molecules.本文根据碳原子系统的经验性模型势,通过优化总能量,系统地计算了碳小分子C2,C3,C4,C5的结构,结合能,键长和基频,并和其它模型势结果及可靠的文献值进行比较,明确了各模型势的适用范围。


