600字范文 > 转 transition to the authors point of view英语短句 例句大全

转 transition to the authors point of view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-28 23:24:28


转 transition to the authors point of view英语短句 例句大全

转,transition to the author"s point of view

1)transition to the author"s point of view转


1.locked rotor止转转子, 锁定转子, 堵转转子

2.To revolve or cause to revolve.旋转旋转或引起旋转

3.a mechanism for revolving the turntable旋转台 [转盘] 的旋转装置

4.Turn right and right again.右转弯,再右转弯。

5.Turn left, please. Turn right, please. Turn back, please. Turn around, please.请向左转.请向右转.请向后转.请转一圈.

6.The rotational inertias of uniform rotational rigid surfaces about the around axis均质旋转面绕旋转轴转动的转动惯量

7.A wobble in a spinning gyroscope or other rotating body.转动旋转回转仪或其他转动物体的转动

8.The act of turning or the condition of being turned; rotation or revolution.转动,旋转转动的动作或被转动的状况;转动或旋转

9.First street right turn/left turn.第一条街右转/左转。

10.The car corners well, ie remains steady on curves.这车转弯转得很平稳.

11.One that turns a roasting spit.转叉1转动烤肉叉的人

12.The photographers swarmed round her.拍照者围着她转来转去。

13.engine turning at peak revolution最大转数旋转的发动机

14.A break in the weather, ie a change from bad to good weather天气的转变(由坏转好)

15.To cause to rotate, revolve, or turn.使转动、旋转或滚动

16.To twirl or rotate without purpose.毫无目的地旋转,或转动

17.a speed of 100 revolutions per minute每分钟100转的转速

18.direction and revolution indicator轮机转向转数指示器


Hands of Clocks Turn Around and Around时针转转转


4)rotor speed转子转速

1.The affection ofrotor speed"s change on the mixing process in two,three and six nogs synchronous rotor internal mixers were analyzed and studied.密炼机转子转速是密炼机重要参数之一,它直接影响到密炼机的生产能力、功率消耗和炼胶质量。

2.This paper first analyzed one of the key factors-rotor speed of internal mixer which affected the process of the mixing, and then discussed the affection of therotor speed of internal mixer on the consumption of power by the experiment data.对影响密炼机混炼过程的关键因素之一—转子转速进行了分析 ,通过实验数据对转子转速对密炼机功率消耗影响进行了探讨。

3.Therotor speed can be tacken as a state variable of the system by using the Extended Kalman Filter,which based on the vector control of an asynchronous motor.在异步电机控制基础上 ,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波器将转子转速看成系统的一个状态量 ,根据定子侧可以测量的电流、电压值 ,逐步估计出转子转速 ,为研制无速度传感器控制打下基础。

5)turn table rotating speed转台转速

6)rotating and excursion旋转偏转


