600字范文 > 电力工程总承包 general contract of electric power project英语短句 例句大全

电力工程总承包 general contract of electric power project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-07 23:51:38


电力工程总承包 general contract of electric power project英语短句 例句大全

电力工程总承包,general contract of electric power project

1)general contract of electric power project电力工程总承包


1.The Research of Electric Power Engineering General Contracting with Design Institute as Leading Role;以设计为龙头的电力工程总承包管理研究

2.Risk Research on Power Engineering of EPC Management Mode;电力工程EPC总承包项目风险管理研究

3.Analysis of Overseas EPC Management Approach in Electric Power Project境外电力工程EPC总承包工程管理模式浅析

4.Application of General Contract Model to Electric Engineering Management工程总承包模式在电力工程管理中的应用

5.The Process Control of File Management of Power Engineering of the General Contract Unit总承包单位电力工程档案管理的过程控制

6.The Research of Competence Establishing of EPC Contract of Northwest Electric Power Design Institute;西北电力设计院工程总承包能力培育研究

7.Study on Strategy of Uprising the General Contract Ability of National Electric Power Design Institution;我国电力设计院工程总承包能力提升策略研究

8.Several Key Issues in General Contract for Power Communication Engineering Construction;电力通信工程建设总承包的几个关键问题

9.Research on Improving General Construction Contractors General Contracting Ability;提高我国工程总承包企业总承包能力的研究

10.Management control of chief contractor to electrical engineering partial contractor in general project工程总承包项目中总包对电气分包的管理控制

11.Study on the Problems in Nuclear Power Project General Contracting Management浅谈核电工程总承包管理存在的问题

12.Management Experience on EPC of Some Power Grid Line Project某电网线路工程EPC总承包的管理实践

13.The Paradox of the Core Competence of Design-Build or Engineering Procurement Construction(EPC) Model;工程总承包模式的核心竞争力“悖论”

14.How to Establish Intelligent and Intensive EngineeringGeneral Contract Company;论建立智力密集型的工程总承包公司

15.The Study of the Organization Structure of Regional Electric Power Design Institute Based on EPC Project Management;基于工程总承包项目管理的地级电力设计院组织结构研究

16.Discussion and Practice on Archives Management General of Power Electric Construction Contract Project;电力工程建设总承包项目档案管理的探讨与实践

17.Elementary Introduction on the Application of Overall Contracting of Project in Water Conservancy and Hydroelectricity Engineering;浅议工程总承包在水利水电工程中的应用

18.Procurement Control in EPC Project of Power Station;电站工程总承包建设过程中的采购控制


general contract ability工程总承包能力

1.System dynamics approach to enhancing thegeneral contract ability of design institutions;设计院提升工程总承包能力的系统动力学思考

3)engineering general contract工程总承包

1.On node examine and value ofengineering general contract project工程总承包项目节点验工计价探讨

bined with the experiences of Shaanxi Electric Power Design Institute acting asengineering general contract,the advantages and existed problems are analyzed for design institute to executeengineering general contract,the basic qualification which is necessary to executeengineering general contract and the key step during the execution process are discussed.工程总承包是国际上广泛采用的工程建设项目组织实施方式。


1.Introduction of Domestic Technology andEPC Contracting for 600 kt/a DAP;600kt/a DAP国产化技术及工程总承包介绍


3.Equilibrium Analysis ofEPC & RMC Market;工程总承包与工程项目管理的市场均衡分析

5)general contracting工程总承包

1.Developing project management andgeneral contracting with design enterprise features;开展具有设计企业特色的项目管理和工程总承包

2.Supply chain system of thegeneral contracting is based on the level ofgeneral contracting enterprise.工程总承包供应链体系建立在总承包企业基础之上,要从总承包企业的内部系统和外部系统两方面进行构建,包括:工程总承包企业的经营思想,采用相适应的工程总承包企业的组织模式,建立与管理工程总承包供应链体系合作伙伴数据库,建立供应链管理实施效果的考核与评价标准,基于信息沟通与交流平台的项目管理信息的集成化,同步化,并需要解决目标相容、信任、沟通交流和合作成本等关键问题。

3.After analyzing the sub-contracting activity types and some related rules of unlawful sub-contracting under Design-Bid-Build-Accept traditional delivery model,contingent sub-contracting activity categories and corresponding discrimination principles to whether unlawful sub-contracting under Design-Buildgeneral contracting delivery model were explored in detail.分析了当前设计-招投标-施工-竣工验收的传统模式下的工程施工总承包模式下工程分包活动的种类及相关法律法规对违法分包、转包活动规定的基础上,以设计-施工(D-B)总承包为例,详细探讨了工程总承包模式下可能出现的工程分包活动类别及相应的违法分包活动的判别原则。

6)general contract工程总承包

1.This paper discusses the management model and operation process ofgeneral contract project item and ana- lyzes thegeneral contractors contract responsibilities and management system.探讨了工程总承包项目的管理模式和运作过程,并在此基础上分析总结了总承包商的合同责任和管理体系。

2.In this paper the basic theory and the development of thegeneral contract was described.阐述了工程总承包模式的基本理论和发展情况,并根据我国现阶段建筑市场的特点,从业主管理的角度,重点分析了总承包模式的应用环境,提出了总承包项目发包范围的确定方法,分析表明这种方法适合我国的国情,且简单而实用。

3.With the reform and development of project management system in new China, associating with the experience of 14 yearsgeneral contract in our institute, the paper explains the definition of thegeneral contract in brief, primary method, some questions and its solutions about the domesticgeneral contracts.通过我国建国以来建设项目管理体制的变革与发展,结合河北省水利水电勘测设计研究院来工程总承包的经验,简要阐述了工程总承包的定义、主要方式和目前国内市场存在的一些问题及解决方法。


承包工程合同的价格条款承包工程合同的价格条款承包工程合同的价格条款承包合同中确定工程项目价格的条款。在承包工程合同中,价格条款是最重要、最基本的条款之一,也是业主与承包商合同谈判中的主要问题。价格条款中,要结合工程的技术特点、设计深度确定是属于何种价格的合同,计价时所使用的货币,价格的调整及货币保值的措施。价格构成以每项工程编制的单价表(该表根据工程制成)为依据。是否包括税金、以及税金的种类应由双方协调,在合同中详细规定。合同的价格既有固定价格也有滑动价格。通常采用固定价格。如果项目的执行期很长,规模又很大,在施工期内物价和工资水平都可能发生变化,应采用滑动价格进行调整。调整的步骤为先确定各子项的固定比例,确定价格时的物价指数和支付时的物价指数,然后用滑动价格公式进行调整:__,_M。_N,.._、尸1一尸。(A二7~十万二苦十…十C)迈V, 0 Jvo尸,为调整后的价格;尸。为原价格;A、B.二为品种系数,Ml、N:为这两种物资调整后的价格;M。、N。是合同签订时的价格;c为固定系数。另外,还需在价格条款中,根据国际货币市场的行情变化趋势正确地选择货币,以减少汇率变化带来的风险。
