600字范文 > 总承包服务费 general contracting services fee英语短句 例句大全

总承包服务费 general contracting services fee英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-30 16:03:14


总承包服务费 general contracting services fee英语短句 例句大全

总承包服务费,general contracting services fee

1)general contracting services fee总承包服务费

2)general contracting总承包服务


1.Study on Technology Management of Large Contractors;大型施工企业开展工程总承包服务的技术管理研究

2.Electric Power Design Institute to Develop Outside Contract to Service of General Contract Project浅谈电力设计院发展总承包项目服务外包

3.Dynamic Cost Control Service-Key to Promotion of General Construction Contract Service;动态成本控制服务——开展工程总承包的关键

4.sprinkler contractor service喷水灭火装置承包服务

5.There" s a cover charge included in the total.帐单总额里包括服务费.

6.Assessing and recording the performance and competency of each contractor and service provider together with any Lessons Learned.评估和记录每个承包商和服务提供商的表现和能力,总结经验教训。

7.Tax official: The taxable proceeds is calculated as the whole business income less the parts paid to the subcontractors.税务局:总承包收入减去付给分包商后的余额。

8.contractual cleansing service以合约招商承包的清洁服务

9.Pre-qualification of potential contractor and service providers.潜在承包商和服务提供商的资格预审。

10.Contractors include persons offering professional services.承运人包括各种提供专业性服务的人。

11.Research on Comparative Advantage of China(?)s Undertaking Service Outsourcing;中国承接服务业外包的比较优势研究

12.The Research on International IT Service Outsourcing and China Recipient Policy;国际IT服务外包与中国的承接对策研究

13.The Role of FDI in Receiving Outsourcing Services in China;中国承接服务外包中的FDI因素研究

14.International SO Transfer and Taking on Countermeasures of China;国际服务外包转移与中国的承接对策

15.The Analysis on the Current Situation and Solutions of IT Service Outsourcing in China我国承接IT服务外包的现状及对策分析

16.For sub-contracting of construction and installation business, the main contractors shall be the withholding agents.建筑安装业务实行分包或者转包的,以总承包人为扣缴义务人。

17.An Analysis of the Problems in China’s Taking International Service Outsourcing Business我国承接国际服务外包业务存在的问题分析

18.Subcontractors shall hold themselves responsible to the overall contractor and be subject to the administration of the overall contractor concerning safe operation at construction sites.分包单位向总承包单位负责,服从总承包单位对施工现场的安全生产管理。


general contracting总承包服务

3)turnkey service承包服务

4)general contracting business总承包业务

1.It was pointed out that how to understand and implement the problems such as how the engineering design enterprises engaging ingeneral contracting business should pay tax,and whether to pay value-added tax (VAT) for the purchase of equipment,etc.指出从事工程总承包业务的工程设计企业,应如何缴纳税款,设备采购是否需缴纳增值税等问题应如何理解与实施,税企双方与税务部门之间存有分歧。

5)contractor"s operating costs承包者业务费用

6)project contracter工程承包服务商


总承1.亦作"总成"。 2.作成;成全。
