600字范文 > 软土地区 soft soil area英语短句 例句大全

软土地区 soft soil area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-22 22:25:31


软土地区 soft soil area英语短句 例句大全

软土地区,soft soil area

1)soft soil area软土地区

1.Analysis on pile foundation technology of multistory building insoft soil area软土地区多层建筑的桩基设计技术分析

2.Through one district project design practice,it makes the analysis and appraisal to get the compositing pile foundation design by using settlement control methods insoft soil area,discusses the common action principles of pile,soil,and cushion cap,to supply reference to the design of pile foundation in similar area after.通过某一小区工程设计实例,对在软土地区用沉降控制方法进行复合桩基础设计进行了分析和评价,探讨了桩、土和承台共同作用的机理,以便今后在同类地区进行桩基设计时参考借鉴。

3.The paper desribes how to choose a reasonable supporting design and earth excavation plan for garanteeing not only safety and reasonable,but also ecenomic construction,com- bined with enginening practice,some problems in foundation pit supporting and earth excavation process insoft soil area are analysed and a lot of beneficial results h.本文结合工程实例对软土地区基坑支护及土方开挖过程中出现的一些问题进行了初步的分析并得出一些有益的结论。


1.Analysis for the Setting and Compacting Effect of Jacked Pile in Soft Clay软土地区静压桩设置及挤土效应分析

2.Code for engineering geological exploration in soft soil area软土地区工程地质勘察规范

3.The Adaptability of Construction Methods for Underground Cross in Flight Area of Soft Ground;软土地区机场飞行区地下穿越工法适应性研究

4.An experimental study of the auger bored cast-with-pressure concrete pile on soft ground软土地区长螺旋钻孔压灌桩试验研究

5.Researches on the Settlement of Pile Foundation in Wenling Soft Ground;温岭软土地区建筑桩基沉降规律研究

6.A Research on Bearing Behavior of Jacked Pile in Soft Soil;软土地区静压桩承载性状的分析研究

7.Mechanical properties of uplift pile in soft soils软土地区抗拔桩受力性状的试验研究

8.Unloading Deformation Mechanism of Deep-large Excavation in Shanghai Clay Area上海软土地区深大基坑卸荷变形机理

9.Analysis of Deformation Characteristics for Group Related Deep Foundation Pits in Soft Soil Area软土地区群关联深基坑变形特性分析


11.Study on Different Forms of Vertical Reinforcement in Deep Excavated Pit in Soft-clay Area;软土地区深基坑坑内土体竖向加固形式研究

12.Study on Application of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Structure in High Seismic Intensity and Soft Soil Site;轻骨料混凝土结构在强震软土地区的应用研究

13.The Research of Complex Soil Nailing Wall Shoring Mechanism and Stability;软土地区复合土钉墙支护机理及稳定性研究

14.Monitoring and analysis of reaction to soil among piles on pile-raft foundation in soft ground软土地区桩筏基础桩间土体反力监测分析

15.Study on Ground Deformations Induced by Tunnel Excavation in Soft Soil Region;软土地区隧道开挖引起的地层变形研究

16.Displacement Prediction of Diaphragm Wall in Deep Excavation on Soft Clay;软土地区深基坑地下连续墙变形预测研究

17.Study of Integrated Technology of Deformation Control on Subway Station Foundation Pit in Soft Soil Area in Shanghai;上海软土地区地铁基坑变形控制综合技术研究

18.soft soil, ground, mud, etc软土、 软土地面、 软泥


soft clay area软土地区

1.The analysis shows that,the super-long piles in thesoft clay area behave as typical friction piles,with the vertical bearing capacity being supplied mainly by side friction resistance, and that buckling stability analysis and s.以洞庭湖软土地区某特大拱桥主墩桩基础为工程依托 ,进行了一试桩竖向静载荷试验 ,并基于所获得的现场实测数据探讨了软土地区大直径超长灌注桩的荷载传递机理和竖向承载特性。

2.Environment effect and harm are introduced for deep foundation excavation insoft clay area.简要介绍软土地区深基坑开挖对周围环境引起的影响和危害 ,并提出了相应的环境保护原则和方法 ,为软土地区深基坑工程的设计和施工提供有益的借

3.In this paper, based on the experiment results, the characteristics of strength change of the soil in passive area and the effect of its retaining on the strength during excavation of foundation pit insoft clay area were analyzed.以试验为基础 ,分析了软土地区深基坑开挖时 ,坑底被动区土体强度变化特征及坑底土体卸荷后滞留对其强度的影响。

3)soft soil region软土地区

1.Design for deep excavation retaining insoft soil region;软土地区深基坑支护设计分析

2.How to control and deal with the displacement insoft soil region has become a very important problem.软土地区深基坑的变形控制和治理问题已经成了目前岩土工程中的一个热点课题。

4)soft soil软土地区

1.According to the factual data,the problem ofsoft soil settlement in the process of constructing the freeway is simulated with FLAC~(3D).运用FLAC~(3D)数值模拟软件,结合实际监测资料,模拟了高速公路修建过程中软土的沉降问题,模拟结果与实际监测资料基本吻合,对于在软土地区修建高等级公路及相关问题的研究具有积极意义。

2.In this paper, a computation method for retaining structure of deep excavation insoft soil considering construction steps is put forward.本文结合上海深大基坑丰富的实测资料,对传统的计算理论进行了改进,提出了考虑施工工况的软土地区深基坑围护结构计算方法,使之更具工程价值。

5)soft clay region软粘土地区

6)the soft soil layers in Nanjing南京软土地区

1.Owing to the fact that it is the first time to be constructed inthe soft soil layers in Nanjing,its construction techniques and technical measures must be summarized and consummated.但在南京软土地区,由于应用时间较短,施工工艺及相关的技术措施尚需进一步总结和完善。


软土地区筑路软土系指近代水下沉积的饱和粘性土,其天然含水量接近或大于液限、孔隙比接近或大于 1、渗透系数接近或小于10-6厘米/秒。软土地层的压缩性大、抗剪强度低。在软土地区修筑的路堤将发生长期缓慢的下沉。在下沉过程中软土逐渐发生一定程度的固结,强度逐渐提高,但其固结过程相当长,如果在短期内填筑路堤的高度超过软土地基所能承受的极限高度时,路堤将丧失稳定而发生坍滑。软土地基上的路堤极限高度约为5.14C/γ,式中C为软土的粘聚力,γ为容重。当需要修筑的路堤高度大于极限高度时,必须采取措施以保证基底稳定。稳定措施的选择,应根据软土成因类型、物理力学性质、层厚及其成层情况、路堤高度、施工期限以及机具材料等具体条件,进行分析比较决定。可供选择的措施有:换土(见换土法、抛石挤淤、爆破排淤、砂井、反压护道等。砂井(见预压法)是按一定间距作孔、孔内灌砂以形成砂井,配合分阶段加荷预压,以达到缩短渗流途径加速地基固结的有效措施。在软土深厚,路堤较高而施工期间又较紧迫,采用其他简易加固方法不能满足设计要求时,常采用砂井。反压护道是在路堤两侧填筑适当厚度与宽度的护道,利用护道的重量以平衡地基受压后向两侧挤出和隆起的趋势。当需要修筑的路堤高度大于极限高度不多时(一般不大于极限高度的1卭倍),可以采用。
