600字范文 > 服务提供者 service provider英语短句 例句大全

服务提供者 service provider英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-26 22:50:07


服务提供者 service provider英语短句 例句大全

服务提供者,service provider

1)service provider服务提供者

1.Aservice provider based on open archive initiative/protocol for metadata harvesting is presented.设计和实现一个基于OAI-PMH的服务提供者。

2.Theservice provider and the user are regarded as the two players in the non-cooperation games,and their interactions are analyzed based on static games model with incomplete information.从风险与安全的角度提出一种新的用户行为决策模型,将服务提供者和用户作为非合作博弈的对立方,在不完全信息静态博弈的基础上研究博弈参与者之间的交互行为。

3.The Trojan Horse can insert a layeredservice provider in operating system by making use of new characteristics of WinSock 2 of Windows,thus it will get the control of the operating system and communicate with o.该木马通过利用Windows的WinSock 2的新特性服务提供者技术,在操作系统中插入了一个分层式服务提供者,每当网络应用程序进行WinSock 2的调用时,木马将能获得系统控制权,并通过一个系统已经打开的合法端口与外界进行网络通信。


1.(g) "service supplier" means any person that supplies a service;(g)“服务提供者”指提供一服务的任何人;

2.data networks service providers数据网络服务提供者

3.automated trading service provider自动化交易服务提供者

4.A Provider-Oriented Mechanism for Discovering Services;一种面向服务提供者的服务发现机制

5.Internet service provider互联网服务提供商,因特网服务提供者,[港]互联网服务供货商

6.(a) A financial service is any service of a financial nature offered by a financial service supplier of a Member.(a)金融服务指一成员金融服务提供者提供的任何金融性质的服务。

7.The Rule of Original Place of Production in Service Trade--Analysis of the definition of the service supplier of CEPA;服务贸易的原产地规则——CEPA“服务提供者”定义析评

8.(ii) in the case of the supply of a service through commercia presence or through the presence of natural persons, by a service supplier of that other Member;(ii)对于通过商业存在或自然人存在所提供的服务,指由该另一成员服务提供者所提供的服务;

9.authorized ATS provider认可自动化交易服务提供者

10.Article VIII Monopolies and Exclusive Service Suppliers第8条 垄断和专营服务提供者

11.The Status of Internet Service Providers in Copyright Law;论网络服务提供者在版权法上的地位

12.On the Tortious Duty of Network Service Providers;论网络服务提供者的隐私权侵权责任

13.An Analysis of the Admittance Criteria for"Service Suppliers" in CEPA;析CEPA中服务提供者的准入标准

14.Some dancers also do stripping or offer escort services.舞者通常参与脱衣服或提供“三陪”服务。

15.basic cleaning up service [for street sleepers]基本洁净服务〔为露宿者提供〕

16.a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services.给旅行者提供食宿和其他服务的地方。

17.serves air travelers or air freight.为空中旅行者或货物提供服务的场所。

18.Providing consumers with consumer information and consultation services,向消费者提供消费信息和咨询服务,


service supplier服务提供者

1.The Rule of Original Place of Production in Service Trade——Analysis of the definition of theservice supplier of CEPA;服务贸易的原产地规则——CEPA“服务提供者”定义析评

2.How to properly define the meaning and scope of "service supplier" within the CEPA is crucial for the implementation of this bilateral trade agreement.对"服务提供者"进行合理界定,是确保CEPA服务贸易领域一系列优惠措施顺利实施的前提。

3.As for trade in services, CEPA adopts the registration and local operation criteria to determine the "service supplier".目前CEPA对货物贸易采用的原产地标准主要是制造或加工工序标准,辅之以税号改变标准和从价百分比标准等;对服务贸易中的"服务提供者"主要采用注册成立地标准和业务执行本地化标准。

3)Service providers服务提供者

1.The service discovery is the core technique of services framework, and the key part of services brokers that link service providers and service consumers in heterogeneous distributed systems.服务发现是服务框架中联系服务消费者和服务提供者的重要环节。

4)Revision service provider修订服务提供者

5)Health care providers卫生服务提供者


1.This paper introduces the design, implementation and application ofCSP, which is based on Smart Card and USB Key.目前,人们广泛使用中间件技术——加密服务提供者(CSP)模块为应用程序提供加密服务。


服务提供规范(见服务提供)服务提供规范(见服务提供)service delivery specifications: see service deliveryf.如明J tig).叼guifan服务提供规范(se币cedshveryspec讯cations)见服务提供。
