600字范文 > 三维网络 three-dimensional network英语短句 例句大全

三维网络 three-dimensional network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-07 21:27:04


三维网络 three-dimensional network英语短句 例句大全

三维网络,three-dimensional network

1)three-dimensional network三维网络

1.According to thethree-dimensional network computer simulation, A numerical model of probability statistics for distribution of rockmass is established.首先应用随机不连续面三维网络模拟技术建立不连续的概率模型,在此基础上,搜索出临空面迹线上所有的闭合凸多变形,根据文中提出的“面积判断”法,判断块体是否为有限块体。

2.The infiltration casting method is used for the preparation ofthree-dimensional network structure SiC/cast iron composite material in atmospheric pressure.采用泡沫塑料先驱体挂浆成型法和高温烧结法制备三维网络结构碳化硅陶瓷预制体;并且采用常压铸渗成型工艺制备了一种新型的三维连续网络结构碳化硅/铸铁复合材料;研究了泡沫陶瓷预制体表面不同金属化处理方式和复合材料的热处理工艺对复合材料机械性能的影响;采用金相显微镜等对三维网络结构碳化硅陶瓷预制体和碳化硅/铸铁复合材料的微观形貌特征进行观察和分析,探讨了复合材料微观组织结构与机械性能的关系。


1.Research on Three-dimensional Network Model Based on Java3D基于Java 3D的三维网络模型的研究

2.The Network Three-dimensional Realization Based on Java3D and VRML;基于Java3D和VRML的网络三维实现

3.Research on Web Three-Dimensional Virtual Globe Based on Geo-Vrml;基于GeoVRML网络虚拟三维地球仪的研究

4.Research on the Technology of Realizing 3DGIS Using by Java3D;基于Java3D的网络三维GIS技术研究

5.Research on Technology of Publishing 3D Spatial Geographic Information Over Web;空间地理信息网络三维发布技术研究

6.A Research into the 3-D Interactive Moral Education Network of School, Family and Society;学校、家庭、社会三维互动德育网络初探

7.The processing and publication of the three dimensional image data based on Web基于网络的三维影像数据处理与分发

8.Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm on 3-Dimensional Mesh Networks with Faulty Nodes故障三维Mesh网络中的容错路由

9.Study on chaotic synchronization for 3D Hopfield neural network三维Hopfield型神经网络的混沌同步研究

10.Application of Virtools in the Development of 3D Network Virtual ExperimentVirtools在开发网络三维虚拟实验中的应用

11.3D localization method based on multidimensional scaling in wireless sensor network基于多维定标的无线传感器网络三维定位算法

12.Research on Web Service Function of China 3-D Lithosphere Structure Database;中国岩石圈三维结构数据库网络服务功能研究

13.TWT Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Theory and Its Network Parallel Computing;行波管三维非线性理论及其网络并行计算

14.Realization of the Three-Dimension Cartoon in Engineering Drawing Courseware Based on VR;基于VR的制图网络课件中三维动画实现

15.Research on Integration of 2D Map and 3D Virtual Scene in Network Environment;网络电子地图与三维虚拟场景集成研究

16.Research on Web-Based Terrain 3D Modeling and Its Application;基于网络的地形三维建模方法及其应用研究

17.Multi-Scale Modeling of 3D Objects and Recognition Method Using Mixed Neural Networks;三维目标多尺度建模与混合神经网络识别方法

18.Node Self-Localization Algorithms for 3D Wireless Sensor Networks;三维无线传感器网络节点自定位算法研究


3D network三维网络

1.According to the3D network computer simulation, the numerical model of probability statistics for distribution of discontinuities of rockmasses is established.根据随机不连续面三维网络计算机模拟技术,建立了岩体不连续面空间分布概率统计数值模型,并在此基础上,应用“有形即是有限”的分析方法可以搜索出所有在临空面上出露的有限块体,确定其空间几何形态和几何参数。

2.It has been applied to evaluate stability of rock mass,combine with3D network simulation technique of discontinuities.然而,由于传统Deere定义的RQD在实际应用中存在很多问题,所以引入了不同阈值下的广义RQD的概念,并与不连续面三维网络模拟技术相结合,应用于岩体的稳定性评价,取得了较好的效果。

3)Three-dimensional networks三维网络

1.A finite element analysis of current distribution over three-dimensional networks grid and plate in lead-acid batteries is presented.用有限元方法分析了铅酸蓄电池用三维网络碳化硅板栅和极板内电流的分布。

4)Three dimensional network三维网络


6)3D-meshy SiC三维网络SiC

1.Solidification microstructure of3D-meshy SiC/Cu metalmatrix composites;三维网络SiC/Cu金属基复合材料的凝固显微组织


