600字范文 > 科学救援 Scientific rescue英语短句 例句大全

科学救援 Scientific rescue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-28 07:17:10


科学救援 Scientific rescue英语短句 例句大全

科学救援,Scientific rescue

1)Scientific rescue科学救援

1.Scientific rescue as the guiding principle of medical rescue Experience from the emergency medical rescue in Deyang earthquake-stricken area;以“科学救援”指导医疗急救——论汶川大地震德阳灾区紧急医疗救援


1.Considerations on scientific rescue during the earthquake relief in Hanchuan赴汉源抗震救灾工作及科学救援的思考

2.Significance of Popularization of Forensic Education among Non-medical Students after Wenchuan Earthquake“汶川地震”后期救援在非医学本科专业中开展法医学教育的意义

3.President Bush said that medical science has provided the power to help save these young lives.布什总统说美国的医药科学为挽救这些年轻的生命提供了援助,

4.Correctly Understand and Handle the "six relations" Concept of Scientific Development to Enhance the Capacity of Fire-fighting and Rescue正确认识和处理“六个关系”以科学发展理念提升灭火救援能力

5.Clinical Medicinal Engineering Support in Disaster Relief Medicine灾害救援医学的医学工程支持——汶川地震医疗救援的体会

6.Emergency Preparations and Actualization of Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief Operations抗震救灾医学救援的应急准备与组织实施

7.Applying Disaster Medicine Theory in Medical Rescue in Earthquake Relief灾难医学理论在抗震救灾医疗救援中的应用

8.To Study the Management System of Urgent Rescue in Germany;学习考察德国紧急救援应急管理体系

9.Pharmaceutical Care in Disaster Assistance in Large Earthquake特大地震灾害救援中的药学服务探索

10.Exploration on the engineering management of medical rescue in severe natural disaster严重自然灾害医学救援工程管理探讨

11.a rescue party, bid, operation救援队、 叫牌、 行动.


13.Value and Experience of Building Multimedia Database in Teaching of Relief Medicine建设救援医学教学多媒体库的价值和经验

14.Research into the construction of "team spirit education"in the relief medical teaching救援医学专业教学中“团队精神教育”建设探索

15.The rescure and maneuver planning for chemical accident emergency in police fire department消防部队化学事故应急救援预案的制定与演习

16.Meteorologists are forecasting a small break in the bad weather that has hampered aid efforts .气象学家预测坏天气将对救援工作产生妨碍

17.Implementation of Medical Rescue Information System for Bioterrorism Attack;生物恐怖袭击医学救援信息系统的建立

18.Jurisprudential Considerations on Auction of luck Car License Plates to Support Lifesaving Fund;拍卖吉祥车牌号支援救命基金的法学思考


medical rescue医学救援

1.Medical rescue capability against chemical terrorism of medical workers in Tianjin;天津市医务人员应对化学恐怖袭击事件医学救援能力的研究

2.Establishment of self-support system inmedical rescue team during early stages of disaster affair;灾害医学救援早期医疗队自我保障体系的建立

3.Enhancing summarization of experience ofmedical rescue after Wenchuan earthquake;加强汶川地震灾害医学救援的经验总结

3)chemical rescue化学救援

1.Discussion on construction of the protective system ofchemical rescue;浅谈化学救援防护体系的构建

2.The paper also emphasizes that the fire troops are the main forces for han- dling thechemical rescue.作者从化工企业事故的特征出发,提出预防要从生产工艺、设备管理和职工安全培训等方面着手,在处置对策方面明确公安消防部队是化学救援的主力军,要进一步加强理论研究,向科技要战斗力。

3.With the help of the theory of system, the paper analyses the possible links of thechemical rescue.本文运用系统论的观点,分析了化学救援工作可能涉及的各个环节,提出化学救援应建立教育培训系统、监控管理系统、化学危险品识别系统、报警和指挥系统、侦检和计算机辅助决策系统、信息反馈处理系统、科研及产业化制造系统等管理和设备系统。

4)relief medicine救援医学

1.Preliminary study on clinical internship teaching ofrelief medicine in intensive care unit救援医学专业毕业生重症监护室临床实习探索

2.In the new subject ofrelief medicine,we should build multimedia database according to its characteristics.多媒体教学是当代医学教育评价体系中的一个重要环节,在《救援医学》这种新兴专业上应该根据专业特点积极建设多媒体教学资料库,这符合我国基本国情,也是运用"科学发展观"改革教学的必然产物,是进行网络化、虚拟化教学和国际交流的需要。

5)Medical Support Team医学救援小分队

1.Study on the Action Guidelines forMedical Support Team for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency;核与放射突发事件医学救援小分队行动导则研究

6)Emergent medical rescue紧急医学救援


国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technologyguomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。
