600字范文 > 现实要求 Realistic Request英语短句 例句大全

现实要求 Realistic Request英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-26 23:37:10


现实要求 Realistic Request英语短句 例句大全

现实要求,Realistic Request

1)Realistic Request现实要求

1.On theRealistic Request of Personality Development to Ideological and Political Education;论个性发展对思想政治教育的现实要求


1.The Theoretical and Practical Interpretation and the Realistic Demand of Thought Emancipation;解放思想的理论解读、实践诠释和现实要求

2.On the Realistic Request of Personality Development to Ideological and Political Education;论个性发展对思想政治教育的现实要求

3.self actualization need自我实现需要 自我实现需求

4.The Main Obstacle That "Potential Clients" Were Hard to Become a "Real Seekers"“潜在求助者”难以成为“现实求助者”的主要障碍

5.His claims for a pension had not been substantiated.他对养老金的要求没有实现。

6.His disciples do not really fulfil these demands.他的追随者没有真正实现这些要求。

7.He prejudiced his claim by demanding too much compensation他索赔过高反而使他的要求无法实现。

8.On the Constitutional Requirements of Individual Culture and Its Situation in Modern Society;个性文化的构成要求与现实境遇刍议

9.Social Harmony: the Intrinsic Demand of Socialism;实现社会和谐是社会主义的内在要求

10.Realizing common prosperity is the demand of a well-off society;实现共同富裕是全面小康社会的要求

11.A Study on Multiple Policy-Making Method of Realizing the lmportamce of Customers Requirements;实现用户要求重要性的群决策方法的研究

12.The RBT Implement and Request of Network;移动彩铃业务的实现方案及对现网的要求

13.The Empirical Study of the Ways to Realize the Requirements of the Stakeholders" Interests利益相关者利益要求实现方式的实证研究

14.Any product realization change affecting customer requirements requires notification to, and agreement from, the customer.任何影响顾客要求的产品,实现更改要求,通知顾客并取得顾客同意.

15.Establishing Good Conduct, Stressing Unity, Seeking Development--Concurrently About the Leapfrog Development of Colleges and Universities;贯彻落实“树、讲、求”总要求 实现高等院校跨越式发展

16.TO Sue for Practicality,Novelty and Depth-the Essentialsof Theoretical Education;求实、求新、求深——理论课教学的基本要求

17.The Empirical Study on the Importance Extent of the Non-financial Indicators Based on the Requirements of the Governments" Interests and the Realization Ways基于政府利益要求及其实现方式的非财务指标重要程度实证研究

18.The plebiscite In kashmir desire by the u.n. have never take place联合国要求的克什米尔公民投票一直未能实现


realization of anti-detonation防爆要求的实现

3)interest requirement and their realization extent利益要求实现程度

4)the ways to realize the requirements利益要求实现方式

5)modern requirement现代要求

6)current requirement现行要求


发包人要求承包人按时开工和按要求施工的权利发包人要求承包人按时开工和按要求施工的权利:承包人应当按照合同的约定做好开工前的准备工作,负责作好施工场地的平整,施工界区内用水、用电、道路、以及临时设施的施工:编制施工组织设计或施工方案;按照约定作好材料和设备的采购、供应和管理;向发包人提供应由发包人供应的材料、设备的计划,承包人应按照合同约定的开工日期按时开工。在施工中,承包人须严格按照施工图及说明书进行施工,承包人不按照施工图和说明书施工而造成工程质量不符合合同约定条件的,应当负责无偿修理或者返工。《民法》第一版 第515页 魏振瀛 北京大学出版社
