600字范文 > 端面间隙 face clearance英语短句 例句大全

端面间隙 face clearance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-22 02:41:32


端面间隙 face clearance英语短句 例句大全

端面间隙,face clearance

1)face clearance端面间隙

1.Based on the Navier-Stokes equation,the laminar model and the SIMPLEC algorithm,the numerical simulation of face flow filed under differentface clearances and rotational speeds was carried out to obtain more details about the fluid field and high stability of dry gas seal.为深入了解干气密封的端面流场特性,提高其运行稳定性,基于Navier-Stokes方程、层流模型和SIMPLEC算法,对干气密封端面流场进行了数值模拟,考察了不同端面间隙和转速情况下端面气膜压力分布和开启力情况。

2.For more details about flow field of dry gas seal, the numerical simulation is carried out based on the Navier-Stokes equation, laminar model, and SIMPLEC method, with variousface clearances and rotating speeds.为了全面了解干气密封端面流场特性,基于N-S方程、层流模型、SIMPLEC算法,在端面间隙和转速的多种变化情况下,对干气密封端面流场进行数值模拟,重点考察了端面气膜压力及开启力的变化情况。

3.The methods to measureface clearance, temperature and wave were discussewd,and active ultrasonic monitoring technique was analyzed in detail.介绍了目前常用来描述端面接触情况的状态参量,探讨了端面间隙、温度及声波常用的测量方法,重点分析了主动式超声波检测方法,并对机械密封端面接触状态测控技术的研究状况进行了总结。


1.Radial clearance control and internal leakage analysis of tri-proportion controller三组元比例控制器的端面间隙控制及内泄漏分析

2.narrow gap one-side automatic welding窄间隙单面自动电弧焊

3.Numerical Analysis of Tip Clearance Flow Characteristic in Axial Flow Pump轴流泵端壁间隙流动特性的数值分析

4.piston ring back clearance(指与活塞底之间) 活塞环内表面间隙

5.Air enters the pore space and air-water interfaces are present in the pore space.空气进入孔隙空间且在孔隙空间存在空气-水接触面。

6.The dimension of the gap measured in the direction perpendicular to the surface of a read / write head.读/写磁头表面垂直方向上间隙的大


8.Influences on Ball Face NC Machining Accuracy of Transmission Clearance传动间隙对球面数控加工精度的影响

9.The distance between the ground and the undercarriage of an automobile.离地间隙从地面到汽车底架之间的空间

10.lower high water interva低高潮间隙低高潮间隙

11.gap(p)ing of joints连接间隙, 接缝间隙

12.The distance between the head of a recording device and the surface of the recording medium.录音间隙录音磁头和录音媒体表面之间的距离

13.Narrow and Small Curved Surface Level Gap Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Measurement System Development;狭小曲面层间间隙光纤光栅测量系统的研制

14.Gap Theorems of Hypersurface with Constant Mean Curvature in a Unit Sphere单位球面内常平均曲率超曲面的间隙性

15.space left clear when one object moves past or under another净空,余隙,量(一物从另一物旁边或下面经过时,两者间的空隙)

16.Study on the Flowing Properties of Fluid with Variable Viscosity in the Oil Film Face Seal Gap and Its Application端面油膜密封缝隙变粘度流体流动特性及其应用研究

17.A gap or space between two teeth.齿隙两齿之间的间隙或空隙

18.Clinical nursing care of patients underwent ceramic veneer cosmetology to repair diastema of anterior teeth烤瓷贴面美容修复前牙间隙的临床护理


end clearance端面间隙

1.The wicket gateend clearance regulatory measures for hydraulic turbine;水轮机导叶端面间隙的控制

3)pump end clearance泵端面间隙

4)balance clearance端面平衡间隙

1.For thebalance clearance of dry gas seal,the numerical simulation of face flow field was carried out based on the Navier-Stokes equation,laminar model,and SIMPLEC methods,and the opening force of face film was gained.为了确定干气密封端面平衡间隙的数值,基于N-S方程、层流模型、SIMPLEC算法,对干气密封端面流场进行数值模拟,获得端面气膜开启力的数值。

5)guide vane of turbine端面间隙流动

6)piston ring side clearance活塞环端面间隙


车端面、切槽和切断一、车端面 常用的端面车刀(弯头刀和偏刀)和车端面的方法,如金工实习教材第160页所示。 对于既车外圆又车端面的场合,常使用弯头车刀和偏刀来车削端面。弯头车刀是用主切削刃担任切削,适用于车削较大的端面。偏刀从外向里车削端面,是用车外圆时的副切削刃担任切削,副切削刃的前角较小,切削不够轻里向外车削端面,便没有这个缺点,不过工件必须有孔才行。 车端面操作注意点: (1)安装工件时,要对其外圆及端面找正。 (2)安装车刀时,刀尖应严格对准工件中心,以免端面出现凸台,造成崩坏刀尖。 (3)端面质量要求较高时,最后一刀应由中心向外切削。 (4)车削大端面时,为使车刀准确地横向进给,应将大溜板紧固在床身上,用小刀架调整切削深度。 二、切槽 切槽时用切槽刀。切槽刀前为主切削刃,两测为副切削刃。安装切槽刀,其主切削刃应平行于工件轴线,主刀刃与工件轴线同一高度。 切窄槽,主切削刃宽度等于槽宽,横向走刀一次将槽切出。切宽槽,主切削刃宽度小于槽宽,分几次横向走刀,切出槽宽;切出槽宽后,纵向走刀精车槽底,切完宽槽。
