600字范文 > 海滩围垦区 beach cultivation area英语短句 例句大全

海滩围垦区 beach cultivation area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-02 12:48:37


海滩围垦区 beach cultivation area英语短句 例句大全

海滩围垦区,beach cultivation area

1)beach cultivation area海滩围垦区


1.Foundation Bearing Treatment of Cast-in-place Box Beam Full Framing in Enclose Tideland for Cultivation Zone海滩围垦区现浇箱梁满堂支架的地基承载处理

2.The reclamation of flooded or marshy land.海滩荒地的围垦对水淹地或沼泽地的开垦

3.Study on the Inning and Management of Reclaimed Areas of the Portside Tidal Flat of Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, China;连云港市临港滩涂围垦及垦区经营管理

4.Research on the Reclaiming Project in the East Tidal Flat of Nanhui in Shanghai;上海市南汇东滩滩涂促淤围垦工程研究

5.The Effect of Reclamation on Mud Flat Development in Chongming Island, Shanghai;人类围垦活动对上海崇明东滩滩涂发育的影响

6.Application of Hydraulic Fill Construction in Marine Shoal Reclamation Engineering吹填施工在海洋滩涂围垦工程中的应用

7.Application Research on Foundation Soil Treatment Method of Coastal Beach Reclamation沿海滩涂围垦地基土处理方法的应用研究

8.Priority Appraisement on Beach Reclamation Development and Utilization in Coastal Counties of Zhejiang Province浙江省沿海县市滩涂围垦开发利用优先度研究

9.Relations between the tidal flat inning and the regional economy sustainable development in Zhejiang Province;浙江省滩涂围垦与区域经济的可持续发展

10.Factors Affecting Biomass of Phragmites australis in Polders on Dongtan Wetland of Chongming崇明东滩湿地围垦区芦苇生物量影响因素初探

11.Analysis of Landscape Ecological Mechanism and Management Study of the Influence of Large-scale Reclamation to Water Quality Environmental in the Estuary;大规模滩涂围垦对河口海湾水质环境影响及其景观机理的研究

12.Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation of Soil Quality in Coastal Reclamation Region of North Jiangsu Province苏北海涂围垦区土壤质量模糊综合评价

13.Evaluation of soil quality in reclaimed coastal regions in North Jiangsu Province苏北海涂围垦区土壤质量综合评价研究

14.Research of Tideland Reclamation in Fujian Province Based on RS and GIS基于RS和gis的福建滩涂围垦研究

15.Studies on Hyperspectral Characteristic of Soil, and Land Use Investigation by Remote Sensing in Coastal Region;海涂围垦区土壤高光谱特性与土地利用遥感调查研究

16.Study on Multi-objective Land Suitability Appraisal in Tidal Flat Inning Area Based on GIS;基于GIS的海涂围垦区土地资源多目标适宜性评价研究

17.Spatial Heterogeneity of Surface Soil Bulk Density in Coastal Region of North Jiangsu Province苏北海涂围垦区表层土壤体积质量的空间异质性研究

18.Classification and fuzzy synthetic evaluation of soil nutrient at plough horizon in coastal region of north Jiangsu province苏北海涂围垦区耕层土壤养分分级及其模糊综合评价


reclamation area of tidal flats滩涂围垦区

1.Relationship between population,resource,environment and development ofreclamation area of tidal flats—a case of Cixi City;滩涂围垦区的PRED关系——以慈溪市为例

3)Reclaimed coastal region海涂围垦区

4)tidal flat reclamation滩涂围垦

1.Index system of ecological impact assessment and strategies for sustainable development oftidal flat reclamation in Zhejiang Province;浙江省滩涂围垦生态环境可持续性发展的评价指标及策略初探

2.Study on the ecological control thinking of coastaltidal flat reclamation area沿海滩涂围垦区生态控制思路研究

5)dyked tidal flat围垦滩涂

6)beach reclamation边滩围垦


