600字范文 > 单端正激电源 Single-ended forward power supply英语短句 例句大全

单端正激电源 Single-ended forward power supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-30 03:15:08


单端正激电源 Single-ended forward power supply英语短句 例句大全

单端正激电源,Single-ended forward power supply

1)Single-ended forward power supply单端正激电源


1.Modeling and Controlling of a Single-ended Forward Power Supply单端正激电源的系统建模和控制设计

2.The Study on a Single-ended Forward Zero Voltage Transition Arc Welding Power Supply Inverter;单端正激式零电压转换逆变孤焊电源的研究

3.Design of single-ended flyback switching power supply based on the UC3844基于UC3844的单端反激开关电源设计

4.Design of Single-ended Flyback Transformers in the Switching Power Supply单端反激式开关电源中变压器的设计

5.Research of Switching Power Supply Based on TOPSwitch-Ⅱ;基于TOPSwitch-Ⅱ的单端反激式开关电源的研究

6.A Compound Flyback Bi-Directional Current Source High-Frequency Link DC/AC Converter;双组合式单端反激双向电流源高频链逆变器

7.Design and Application of Flyback Switch Power Supply Based on TOPSwitch-GX基于TOPSwitchGX的单端反激式开关电源的设计与应用

8.Synchronous rectifier driver circuits on forward/flyback DC-DC converters;同步整流技术在单端正/反激型DC-DC变流器应用电路研究

9.The Working Principle and Designing Method of Three-terminal Off-line PWM Switch;TOPSwitch芯片单端反激式开关电源的工作原理以及设计方法

10.Design of Constant Current Source based on Single Flyback for Driving High-power LED用于大功率LED驱动的单端反激恒流源设计

11.Active Clamp Forward Converter Based on One-Cycle Control;单周控制有源箝位正激变换器的研究

12.Use of PFC Laser Power Supply in a Single-mode Laser Laser Research利用具有PFC激光电源供电的单模激光器研究

13.The analysis about voltage rise of aerial wire connected with single-ended or two side power system单端与双侧电源架空线路工频电压升高的分析

14.Design of Single-chip Flyback Power Supply Based on TOP227Y基于TOP227Y的单片反激电源设计

15.Design of Power Converter in Vehicle Based on the Topology of Push Pull Forward;基于推挽正激拓扑的车载电源转换器

16.Design and Simulation of Pulsed Laser Two-Switching Forward Converter;脉冲激光双管正激开关电源的设计与仿真

17.Design of Active Clamp Forward-type Driver Power Supply of LED Street Lamp有源钳位正激式LED路灯驱动电源的设计

18.Design of A Soft-switched Power Based on Forward Active Clamp Dual Transistors双晶体管正激有源钳位软开关电源的设计


single ended forward circuit单端正激电路

3)single end forward单端正激

1.The zero-voltage soft-switching technology of active clampedsingle end forward inverter;有源箝位单端正激零压软开关技术

4)unilateral dircect excitement type单端正激式

5)single-end flyback switching power supply单端反激式开关电源

1.Experimental testification of steady-state of voltagesingle-end flyback switching power supply;单端反激式开关电源的恒压输出条件及实验验证

6)single-terminal power source system单端电源


