600字范文 > 水性木制工艺品玩具涂料 water-borne coatings for wooden handicraft toys英语短句 例句大全

水性木制工艺品玩具涂料 water-borne coatings for wooden handicraft toys英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-06 08:14:50


水性木制工艺品玩具涂料 water-borne coatings for wooden handicraft toys英语短句 例句大全

水性木制工艺品玩具涂料,water-borne coatings for wooden handicraft toys

1)water-borne coatings for wooden handicraft toys水性木制工艺品玩具涂料

1.Preparation ofwater-borne coatings for wooden handicraft toys水性木制工艺品玩具涂料的研制

2)toy coatings玩具涂料

1.Primary factors of environment-protectiontoy coatings and environment-protection property guarantee;环保玩具涂料的基本要素及其环保性能保证

2.This paper introduces the new regulations about the limit of harmful substances in coatings for toys and analyzes the influence of the regulations on thetoy coatings industry.针对当前国际上出台了一系列"玩具有害物质限量"新法规进行介绍,并分析对玩具涂料企业的影响,提出了"一专、二沟通、三严"以及政府加大服务力度开发新型环保型产品,企业建立联合体,一致积极应对。

3)art toys工艺玩具

1.In view of backward level of quality management inart toys industry in China, It was raised some suggestions to improve quality management level such as to enhance cognitive level of quality management, to pay attention to the experience, to use supervision control of process and attach importance of to customer s complains.鉴于工艺玩具行业质量管理的落后 ,提出从增强对质量标准的认识 ,注重实践检验经验 ,进行工序监控 ,重视客户投诉等几个方面来达到有效质量管理目的的建

4)wooden toys木制玩具

1.Research on the innovation platform of wooden toy industrial cluster of Yunhe Wooden toy industry is the head industry and traditional industry, and thewooden toys are the main products for export of Yunhe County.中国是全球最大的玩具生产国,而云和县是我国主要的玩具制造基地之一,冠有“中国木制玩具之乡”的美誉。

2.Thewooden toys were firstly made in the Mountain Rura, in France, and they have shined at thehistorical stage.木制玩具来自法国汝拉山区,曾在历史的舞台上大放光彩。


1.The Childhood Is Right Around Us--A History of Wooden Toys童年魂牵梦萦——木制玩具的前世今生

2.Developing Products Designing Ability and Creating Independent Brand of Wooden Toys--on Development of Wooden Toys Industry in Yunhe提高产品设计能力 打造木制玩具自主品牌——论云和县木制玩具业的发展

3.Investigation and Revelation on Wood Toy Industry of Yunhe County, Zhejiang Province;浙江省云和县木制玩具产业化发展调查与启示

4.Development of Wooden Toy Production in Yunhe;云和县木制玩具产业化发展进程与思考

5.Study On The Market Demand Of Wooden Toy关于木制玩具市场需求问题的初步研究

6.Kay Bojesen was a silversmith, but through his wooden toys he became known as one of Danish applied art"s great pioneers.凯·约森曾是一名银匠,因设计木制玩具成名,并成为丹麦实用艺术的先驱人物。

7.magic cuBe魔方(积木式玩具)

8.A large wooden, plastic, or metal ring, especially one used as a plaything or for trained animals to jump through.环大的木制,塑料或金属圈,尤指用作玩具或训练动物从中跳过

9.The boy showed ingenuity in making toys out of scraps of discarded wood.那男孩在用小片的废弃木头制作玩具上表现出来了创造力。

10.small American birch with peeling white bark often worked into e.g. baskets or toy canoes.一种美国小桦木,剥落的白色树皮常制作成篮子或玩具舟等工艺品。

11.Finished woodwork fashioned by a cabinetmaker.细木家具由家具木工制成的木质家具

12.Hand puppets are very popular with children.布袋木偶是小孩子们非常喜欢的玩具。

13.At the moment, BioBricks, like Lego, are still a toy.目前,生物积木和乐高积木一样,还只是玩具。

14.the children were playing with lead soldiers.孩子们在玩铅制的士兵玩具。

15.Yes, we have a big variety of toys, such as plastic toddler toys, building blocks.不错,我们有各种各样的玩具,如塑料拖行玩具、积木等。

16.Something used as a toy horse, such as the knee of an adult or a rocking horse.玩具马,摇摇马用作玩具马的东西,例如成年人的膝或摇木马

17.Our toy company makes the most wonderful toys for kids.我们玩具公司为小孩子们制造最棒的玩具。

18.Funk toys often make trouble,expert appeals to build toy sort system整蛊玩具屡闯祸 专家呼吁建立玩具分级制


toy coatings玩具涂料

1.Primary factors of environment-protectiontoy coatings and environment-protection property guarantee;环保玩具涂料的基本要素及其环保性能保证

2.This paper introduces the new regulations about the limit of harmful substances in coatings for toys and analyzes the influence of the regulations on thetoy coatings industry.针对当前国际上出台了一系列"玩具有害物质限量"新法规进行介绍,并分析对玩具涂料企业的影响,提出了"一专、二沟通、三严"以及政府加大服务力度开发新型环保型产品,企业建立联合体,一致积极应对。

3)art toys工艺玩具

1.In view of backward level of quality management inart toys industry in China, It was raised some suggestions to improve quality management level such as to enhance cognitive level of quality management, to pay attention to the experience, to use supervision control of process and attach importance of to customer s complains.鉴于工艺玩具行业质量管理的落后 ,提出从增强对质量标准的认识 ,注重实践检验经验 ,进行工序监控 ,重视客户投诉等几个方面来达到有效质量管理目的的建

4)wooden toys木制玩具

1.Research on the innovation platform of wooden toy industrial cluster of Yunhe Wooden toy industry is the head industry and traditional industry, and thewooden toys are the main products for export of Yunhe County.中国是全球最大的玩具生产国,而云和县是我国主要的玩具制造基地之一,冠有“中国木制玩具之乡”的美誉。

2.Thewooden toys were firstly made in the Mountain Rura, in France, and they have shined at thehistorical stage.木制玩具来自法国汝拉山区,曾在历史的舞台上大放光彩。

5)craftsmanship toy factory工艺玩具厂

6)toy wooden block木制积木玩具


