600字范文 > 互感器厂 transformer factory英语短句 例句大全

互感器厂 transformer factory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-19 13:38:10


互感器厂 transformer factory英语短句 例句大全

互感器厂,transformer factory

1)transformer factory互感器厂

1.De sign of the purification of air conditioning and ventilation system in thetransformer factory was introduced.介绍了该互感器厂净化空调及通风系统的设计。


1.Design of the Air-conditioning and Ventilation System for the Oil-immersed Workshop in a Transformer Factory某互感器厂油浸车间空调通风系统设计

2.Voltage transformersGB1207-1997电压互感器

bined transformersGB17201-1997组合互感器

4.auxiliary current transformer辅电流互感器辅助电流互感器

5.dual purpose voltage transformer双重用途电压互感器

6.high voltage current transformer & potential transformer高压电流电压互感器

7.rated transformation ratio (of a voltage transformer)(电压互感器的)额定变比

8.rated transformation ratio of voltage transformer电压互感器的额定变比

9.unearthed voltage transformer不接地型电压互感器

10.actual transformation ratio of voltage transformer电压互感器的实际变化

11.gle of a voltage transformer电压互感器的相角差

12.burden(of a instrument transformer)(仪用互感器的)负载

13.bushing type instrument transformer套管式仪表用互感器

14.summation [totalizing] current transformer总和[总加] 电流互感器

15.summation /totalizing current transformer总和/总加电流互感器

16.phaseangle of a current transformer电流互感器的相角差

17.rated transformation ratio of current transformer电流互感器的额定变比

18.rated transformation ratio (of a current transformer)(电流互感器的)额定变比


mutual inductance transducer互感传感器


1.Scheme of measuring temperature of high voltage electronic potentialtransformer vessel;一种高压电子式互感器腔体内温度测量方法

2.Calibration method and development trend of high voltagetransformer;高电压等级电压互感器的校验方法

prehensive query and management system for checkout and demarcation record of watt-hour meter andtransformer;电能表、互感器检定记录综合查询管理系统

4)mutual inductor互感器

1.Application of UG software in design of mould formutual inductor;UG在互感器模具设计中的应用

2.The characteristics and selection of themutual inductor,the development of the non-conventionalmutual inductor,the working principle of various relay protections,the configuration of UHV protection are analyzed,as well as the influences of time delay,data and clock synchronization,IEC61850 and communication technology development on the protection system based on t.基于互感器技术、保护原理以及通信技术,分析了互感器的特性、选型和非传统互感器的发展;各种继电保护原理特点和特高压保护的配置;通道延时、数据同步、时钟同步以及IEC61850和通信技术的发展对保护系统的影响,提出了在大电网继电保护技术应用中要注意的若干问题。

3.The wattmeter connects with measured circuit direct when the power is low,then connects with measured circuit thoughmutual inductor when the rating of wattmeter of the voltage or current is overrun.当被测电路的功率比较小时,采用直接和功率表相接方法;当被测电路的电压和电流超过仪表电压和电流的最大额定值时,就要用互感器和仪表相接。


1.Analysing and assessing the uncertainty in detecting thetransformers;互感器检测结果的不确定度分析与评定

2.This paper analyzed the methods for testing the error oftransformers quickly,thus the measurement could be more efficient.分析了互感器误差快速测试的测量方法,使批量互感器的测试过程更加有效率。

3.Pressure changes in the gas space of sealedtransformers were discussed and analysed.本文对高压互感器内压力变化进行了实际测量与分析,从理论上推导出了气室中温度与压力之间的关系,并且通过实际模拟实验验证了理论推导的正确性。

6)500 kV mutual inductor500kV互感器

1.Status quo of500 kV mutual inductors of East China Power Grid and retrofit suggestions;华东电网500kV互感器现状分析与改造建议


