600字范文 > 分数低阶循环统计量 fractional lower order cyclic statistics英语短句 例句大全

分数低阶循环统计量 fractional lower order cyclic statistics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-03 11:10:05


分数低阶循环统计量 fractional lower order cyclic statistics英语短句 例句大全

分数低阶循环统计量,fractional lower order cyclic statistics

1)fractional lower order cyclic statistics分数低阶循环统计量

1.Thefractional lower order cyclic statistics and its application in time delay estimation under impulsive noise conditions;分数低阶循环统计量及其在脉冲噪声环境下时延估计中的应用


1.The New Methods of DOA Estimation Based on Fractional Lower Order Cyclic Statistics基于分数低阶循环统计量的DOA估计新方法

2.Applications of Higher-Order Cyclic Statistics in Mobile Localization Parameter Estimation;高阶循环统计量在移动通信系统定位参数估计中的应用

3.Research of Near Field Source Localization Method Based on Higher Order Statistics and Fractional Lower Order Statistics;基于高阶统计量与分数低阶统计量的近场源定位方法研究

4.Spectrum sensing based on second-order cyclic-cumulant基于二阶循环统计量的频谱感知方法

5.Research of DOA and TDOA Estimation Methods Based on Fractional Lower-order Statistics;基于分数低阶统计量的DOA和TDOA估计算法研究

6.Image Filtering and Detection Based on Fractional Lower Order Statistics;基于分数低阶统计量的图像滤波与检测

7.2-D DOA and Polarization Estimation Using Fourth-order Cyclic Cumulation基于四阶循环累积量的二维DOA和极化参数估计

8.A Study of Blind Equalizer Based on Cyclostationarity Second-Order Statistics;基于循环平稳二阶统计量盲均衡器的研究

9.A MUSIC Algorithm Based on the Fractional Lower Order Cyclic Correlation in Impulsive Noise Environment脉冲噪声环境下基于分数低阶循环相关的MUSIC算法

10.A CFAR Detection and Parameters Estimation for OFDM Signals Based on Cyclic Cumulants基于循环统计量的OFDM信号CFAR检测及参数估计

11.Study on Methods of DOA and Polarization Estimation Based on Fractional Lower-order Statistics in Impulse Environment冲击噪声背景下基于分数低阶统计量的波达方向和极化参数估计的方法研究

12.Study and Application of Time-Frequency Analysis and Cyclic Statistics under Alpha-stable Noises;稳定分布下时频分析与循环统计量研究与应用

13.Parameter Estimation For Several Complex Signals Using Higher-order Cyclic Statistics;几种复高阶循环平稳信号的参数估计研究

14.The System Analyse and Design of Engine Circle Parameter Recorder Based On Embedded OS;基于ARM嵌入式系统发动机循环参数记录仪系统分析与设计

15.An abnormally low number of leukocytes in the circulating blood.白细胞减少循环的血液中白细胞数量异常低

16.Design of Refrigeration Compressor Oil Circulation Test System制冷压缩机油循环量测试系统的设计

17.A New Spectrum Sensing Method of Cyclic Spectrum Statistics一种新的循环谱统计量频谱感知算法

18.Fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on cyclic spectrum density循环统计量在轴承故障诊断中的应用


fractional lower order statistics分数低阶统计量

1.Based on thefractional lower order statistics theory,the deterministic averaging method and two lemmas introduced and proved,this paper gives an analysis of the convergence property of the DLMP algorithm theoretically.本文基于分数低阶统计量的原理 ,根据确定性平均方法 ,结合文中给出并证明的两个引理 ,对DLMP算法的收敛性能进行了理论分析和证明 。

2.Considering the effect of α-stable distributed noises for the classical second order statistics,combiningfractional lower order statistics theory and chirp Z transformation(CZT),a novel multi-source time delay estimation method in impulsive noise environment is proposed.同时考虑到α稳定分布噪声会降低基于二阶统计量的传统方法的性能,依据分数低阶统计量理论并引入线性调频Z变换(CZT),提出了一种脉冲噪声环境条件下的多源时延估计新方法,仿真表明该方法可有效解决脉冲噪声环境中多源时延估计的高精度问题,其性能优于常用的共变法。

3.According to the theory of thefractional lower order statistics and the characteristics of ship radiate noises,this paper proposed a new noise model of underwater acoustic signals,recalled general LMS metnod,analyzed performance degradation reason for non-gaussian noise model,and presented the fractional lower order lp-norm based approaches of adaptivef filter for underwater acoustic signals.依据分数低阶统计量理论和舰船辐射噪声信号特性,建立了水声信号新的噪声模型,回顾了常规LMS滤波方法,并分析在非高斯噪声下性能退化的原因,提出了一簇基于分数低阶P-范数的LMP水声信号自适应降噪滤波新方法,理论分析和计算机仿真结果表明这种方法在高斯和非高斯(α稳定分布)条件下都具有良好的韧性。

3)higher order cyclostationary statistics高阶循环统计量

1.Based on the brief discussion to the basic theories of higher order statistics, cyclostationary andhigher order cyclostationary statistics that are related to the modern signal processing, the applications of these theories in mechanical fault diagnosis area is introduced emphatically in the paper, such as the retrieval of harmonic, system identification and feature extraction, etc.在简要介绍现代信号处理中的高阶统计量、循环平稳以及高阶循环统计量理论的基础上 ,重点分析了它们在谐波恢复、系统辨识、特征提取等与机械设备状态监测和故障诊断及其相关领域中的应用 ,指出将高阶循环统计量理论 ,特别是高阶循环累积量和高阶循环谱理论应用于机械设备的状态监测和故障诊断领域具有重要的理论研究价值和实际应用意义。

4)cyclic second-order statistics循环二阶统计量

5)second-order cyclic-cumulant二阶循环统计量

1.Spectrum sensing based onsecond-order cyclic-cumulant基于二阶循环统计量的频谱感知方法

6)Fractional lower-order statistics theory分数低阶统计量理论


分布和特征量统计(见统计分析)分布和特征量统计(见统计分析)fenbu he tezhengliang tongjj分布和特征量统计见统计分析。
