600字范文 > 光分插复用器 OADM英语短句 例句大全

光分插复用器 OADM英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-25 14:05:46


光分插复用器 OADM英语短句 例句大全



1.A type ofOADM based on tunable F-P cavity filter;一种基于可调谐F-P腔滤波器的光分插复用器

2.The Future of OXC/OADM;光交叉连接/光分插复用器的应用前景

3.The Essential Devices of All-optical Network——OXC andOADM;全光网的关键器件——光交叉连接器与光分插复用器


1.Research on OADM with Fiber Grating Coupler Structure;光纤光栅耦合器型光分插复用器研究

2.Research of the Optical ADD and DROP Multiplexer (OADM) Based on the Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter (AOTF);基于声光可调滤波器的光分插复用器的研究

3.Research on Optical Add Drop Multiplexer Based on Planar Lightwave Circuit Technology基于平面光波导技术的光分插复用器的研究

4.A Novel Tunable OADM Based on F-P Filter;基于F-P腔的波长可调谐光分插复用器

5.Design of a new reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer一种新型的可重构光分插复用器件的设计

6.All-Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer with Magnetostrictive Tunable Fiber Bragg Gratings;全光磁调谐光纤Bragg光栅的光分/插复用器

7.A Design of Channel Add/Drop Filters Based on Photonic Crystals;基于光子晶体的信道分插复用器设计

8.Design and Implementation of ROADM;可重配置光分插多路复用器的设计与实现

9.Design and Implementation of ADM in SDH;SDH分/插复用器ADM的设计与实现

10.Characteristic Analysis of Transmission for the Arrayed Waveguide Grating Wavelength Division Multiplexer;阵列波导光栅复用器的传输特性分析

11.Study on the Wavelength Division Multiplexing Filter of One Dimensional Photonic Crystals;一维光子晶体波分复用滤波器的研究

12.Research of Wavelength Division Multiplexing Based on Two-wavelength Holographic Grating双波长全息光栅式波分复用器的研究

13.fibre-optic rod multiplexer-filter光纤棒状复用滤光器

14.optical fiber amplifier multiplexer光纤放大器多路复用器

15.Studies on Grating-based Planar Waveguide Demultiplexers;光栅型平面光波导波分复用器件的研究

16.Design of Tunable Optical Add-drop Multiplexer Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonators可调谐光子晶体微环腔型光分叉复用器的设计

17.Then, it describes the formation of ring type network, and explains in more detail the optical add drop multiplexing, space switching, and tunable fiber grating technologies they adopt.接着,较全面地介绍它们采用光插分复接、空间交换和可调谐光纤光栅方式的特点。

18.A fiber optic hub is used to make the connection between leveNT Server and clients.一个光缆插孔把leveNT服务器与用户相连。


optical add-drop multiplexer光分插复用器

1.Reconfigurableoptical add-drop multiplexer based on F-P filter;基于F-P腔的波长可调谐光分插复用器

2.A novel reconfigurableoptical add-drop multiplexer(ROADM) based on narrowband thin-film filter is proposed.研制了一种基于窄带薄膜滤光片的可重构的光分插复用器(ROADM),它由三个单芯光纤准直器、一对三端口光环形器、一对全反射镜和一片特别设计的角度调谐窄带多腔薄膜滤光片组成。

3.The design of anoptical add-drop multiplexer OADM,using an asymmetric coupler and a slanted Bragg grating,is presented.提出了一种基于斜光栅辅助的非对称耦合器型光分插复用器。

3)all-optical add-drop multiplexer全光分插复用器

4)Optical add/drop multiplexers光插/分复用器

5)optical add/drop multiplexer光插分复用器

1.wavelength division multiplexer/demultiplexer andoptical add/drop multiplexer.本文基于取样光栅的独特反射谱特性,对其作为光子器件如DBR激光器、波分复用/解复器和光插分复用器 的结构图作了探讨。

2.A noveloptical add/drop multiplexer is introduced in this paper.介绍了一种新型光插分复用器 (OADM ) ,它由两个特殊设计的双芯光纤和单芯光纤组成的耦合器构成 ,耦合器之间用双芯光纤连接 ,光纤内写有光纤光栅。

6)Optical add/drop multiplexer光分/插复用器


电容分压器(见分压器)电容分压器(见分压器)capacitor voltage dividersd)onf。日g无en丫oq{电容分压器(eaPaeitor voltage dividers)见分压器。
