600字范文 > 谐波计量 harmonic energy metering英语短句 例句大全

谐波计量 harmonic energy metering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-18 16:50:54


谐波计量 harmonic energy metering英语短句 例句大全

谐波计量,harmonic energy metering

1)harmonic energy metering谐波计量

2)metering harmonic energy谐波电能计量

1.Based on analyzing the influence of harmonic to the measurement of power energy and the necessity of measuring the harmonic, this paper presents ametering harmonic energy method according to the harmonic detecting method, the harmonic power calculation method and the harmonic source separation method.在分析谐波对电能计量的影响、谐波电能计量必要性的基础上,通过研究谐波检测方法、谐波源分辨方法以及谐波功率计算方法,本文提出采用全波计量方法取代常规的算法。


1.Development of a Device for Metering Harmonic Energy in Electric Power System Based on DSP;基于DSP的谐波电能计量装置的研制

2.Host function board of multi-functional harmonic energy measurement多功能谐波电能计量主机功能板设计与实现

3.Study on the Measurement of Harmonic Energy Based on Wavelet Packet Transform;基于小波包变换的谐波电能计量技术研究

4.The Analytic Equipments of Harmonics Energy s Measuring Error Based on the BP Neural Network;基于BP神经网络的谐波电能计量误差分析装置

5.A Harmonic Energy Metering Algorithm Suitable for VLSI Implementations一种适用于VLSI实现的谐波电能计量算法

6.Research on the Effect of Power Supply System Harmonic on the Electrical Energy Measurement;供电系统谐波对电能计量影响的研究

7.Electrical Power System Overtone to Electrical Energy Measurement Impact Analysis电力系统谐波对电能计量的影响分析

8.Error Analysis of Harmonic Effect on Electric Energy Measurement谐波对电能计量装置影响的误差分析

9.Study on the Effect of Harmonic on the Electrical Energy Measurement of Watt-hour Meters;电力谐波对电能表电能计量的影响研究

10.Research of the Influence of Harmonic to the Metering of Electric Energy and Study of the Device of Electric Energy Measurement;谐波对电能计量的影响及计量装置的研究

11.Electric Energy Measurement Research of Harmonics of Power Supply for Electrified Railways电气化铁路供电谐波对电能计量的影响研究

12.Research on Electric Power System Harmonics and Its Influences on Electric Energy Measurement;供电系统谐波及其对电能计量影响的研究

13.Analysis and discussion of power harmonics influencing the electric energy computation电力谐波对电能计量影响的分析与探讨

14.Analysis of Harmonics over Normal Reason and Study on Power Energy Metering within Harmonics;谐波超标原因分析及含谐波的电能计量问题研究

15.Research on Comprehensive Technique of Energy Measurement Based on Harmonic Effect基于谐波影响的电能计量综合技术研究

16.Electric energy measurement with harmonics based on robust PLL基于鲁棒锁相环的谐波环境下电能计量方法

17.Analysis and Measure on Overload in Electrical Line and Errors of Measuring Instrument Resulted from Harmonics谐波引起电气回路过载和电能计量误差原因分析与治理

18.Quality of electric energy supply--Harmonics in public supply networkGB/T14549-1993电能质量公用电网谐波


metering harmonic energy谐波电能计量

1.Based on analyzing the influence of harmonic to the measurement of power energy and the necessity of measuring the harmonic, this paper presents ametering harmonic energy method according to the harmonic detecting method, the harmonic power calculation method and the harmonic source separation method.在分析谐波对电能计量的影响、谐波电能计量必要性的基础上,通过研究谐波检测方法、谐波源分辨方法以及谐波功率计算方法,本文提出采用全波计量方法取代常规的算法。

3)Harmonic calculation谐波计算

1.In this termination, based on data sampling for power system, many functions such as harmonic calculation, reactive-load compensation, data presentation and remote control have been implemented.该终端在实现电力数据采集的基础上 ,实现了谐波计算、无功补偿、数据显示和远程控制的功

4)harmonics calculation谐波计算

5)harmonic measurement谐波测量

1.The introduction ofharmonic measurement in power system;电力系统谐波测量方法简述

2.A noted method to advance accuracy inharmonic measurement;一种提高谐波测量精度的新算法

3.Application of multi-layer feedforward neural network for electric syste mharmonic measurement;多层前馈神经网络在电力系统谐波测量中的应用

6)harmonic analysis谐波测量

1.In order to improve the precision of powerharmonic analysis based on virtual instrument,the windowed interpolation algorithm is introduced and the program is presented based on LabVIEW.为了提高虚拟仪器测量电力系统谐波的精度,研究了电力系统谐波测量非同步采样加窗插值算法的原理,给出了用LabVIEW系统实现该算法的具体程序,并进行了仿真验证。

2.A newharmonic analysis method for electric power systems based on triangle basis functions neural network was presented,the convergence theorem of the algorithm was proposed,and a window function and interpolation algorithm were employed to correct the frequency of fundamental waves.提出了一种新的基于三角基函数神经网络的电力系统谐波测量方法,给出了该神经网络算法的收敛定理,并采用加窗插值算法修正基波频率的准确度。

3.This makes it come true to do theharmonic analysis of electrical power system on personal computer.简述了电网谐波测量非同步采样加窗插值算法的原理,给出了用Matlab系统实现该算法的具体程序和仿真方法,仿真结果表明,用Matlab实现该算法准确性高,实现方便,能快速地在普通PC机上完成信号的频谱分析。


