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人手 human hand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-26 07:21:09


人手 human hand英语短句 例句大全

人手,human hand

1)human hand人手


1.Research on Cancelling Hand Tremor of Surgical Robot消除手术机器人人手抖动问题的研究

2.To don gloves, as before performing an operation on a patient.戴手套戴手套,如在给病人动手术前

3.Week of Archer: Double growth for Archer and Marksmen.射手周:弓箭手与弩手(人类)产量加倍。

4.Put"em up, [email protected] seven-year-old boy said right in front of Charley.“举起手来,陌生人

5.hold+ [ 1 ] sb. by the hand [ sleeve ]握住某人的手[袖]

6.factual writing(某人的)手笔, 真迹

7.A man who practices a craft with great skill.手艺人熟练使用某种手艺的人

8."Her hands are stretched out to the poor; yes, she is open-handed to those who are in need."她张手周济困苦人,伸手帮补穷乏人。

9.She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.他张手周济困苦人,伸手帮补穷乏人。

10.Handbook for Manpower Planners in Africa非洲人力规划人员手册

11.jubilee singer唱黑人民歌的黑人歌手

12.left-handed golfers need left-handed clubs; left-handed scissors.左手打高尔夫球的人要用左手的球棒;左手剪。

13.One who opposes and contends against another; an adversary.对抗者,对手,敌手反对另一人及与另一人竞争的人;对手

14.Rowing crews have two, four or eight members, with or without a coxswain.赛艇运动的选手有2人、4人和8人;又分有舵手和无舵手两种。

15.One, such as a hunter, who carries or uses a gun.猎手带枪或用枪的人,如猎手

16.move(sb"s hand)up and down like the handle of a pump握住(某人的手)上下摇动(如唧筒的手柄)

17.He warned me that there were pickpockets in the crowd [warned me against pickpockets].他警告我人群中有扒手[谨防扒手]。

18.Fewer people write with their leave hand than with their right.用左手写字的人比用右手的少。



3)everybody takes a hand in人人动手

4)operation patient手术病人

1.Study on appropriate time to indwell urinary catheter foroperation patients;手术病人术前留置尿管时机的探讨

5)operative patients手术病人

6)Operative abortion人流手术


