600字范文 > 诗画结合 the combination between poem and painting英语短句 例句大全

诗画结合 the combination between poem and painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-19 20:18:41


诗画结合 the combination between poem and painting英语短句 例句大全

诗画结合,the combination between poem and painting

1)the combination between poem and painting诗画结合

2)On Combination between Poetry and Painting谈诗与画的结合

3)combination of poem and painting诗画合一

1.The thesis talks about the development and ways of thecombination of poem and painting in traditional Chinese painting and enplains the combination is a good art form of traditional Chinese painting, which we should learn and use.本文通过对传统中国画诗画结合的历史发展过程和诗与画内外部结合的方式等的分析,进一步阐释了诗画合一是传统中国画的优秀形式,这一极富民族性的艺术形式值得我们学习和借鉴。


1.The Model of Poetry and Painting s perfect combination--Discuss the art of WangWei s poetry and painting s combiona;诗画完美结合的楷模——王维诗画合一艺术浅议

2.An Approach to Poems on Paintings in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties;元明题画诗文初探——兼及“诗画合一”形式的现代继承

3.This essay tries to probe into the combination between these two forms of art.本文试就诗与画的结合做一些探讨。

4.Painting,Calligraphy and Poem: Three Kinds of Artistic Uniqueness Achieved by Prof.Qigong s;一生三绝画书诗——论启功先生的题画诗

5."another important aspect of Chinese traditional painting was the perfect coordination of picture, poem, calligraphy and seal. "中国画的另一重要特征是绘画,诗歌,书法和印章的完美结合。

6.The Spatial Consciousness in the Combination of Time and Space in Chinese Poetry and Painting;时空合一体的空间意识在中国诗画中的定格

7.Painting in Poetry and Poetry in Painting--a brief talk on the combination of chingese teaching and art诗中有画,画中有诗——浅谈语文教学与美术的整合

8.Wen Yiduo: the Combination of Poetry,Painting and Music--On Wen Yiduo and the Beauty of Paintings inside His New Poems;闻一多:诗画歌吟——闻一多与新诗绘画美关系述略

9.On the Similarity Poems and Paintings and Wonderful Workmanship--On Shu Slui s Paintings;诗画本一律 天工与清新———谈苏轼的绘画

10.On the Theory of Spirits and Artistic Concepts Embodied in the Blending of Poem with Painting--The poetic perception in Wang Yuyang s poems;从诗画合流看神韵说——兼谈王渔洋诗歌中的诗情画意

11.The Integration of Poetry and Painting Shows Similar Aesthetic Features:Inspecting the Issues about the Same Aesthetic Characteristics of Poetry and Painting on the Base of WANG Wei s Poetry;诗画相融 曲意盎然——从王维诗歌看“易”之三名与诗画一律性问题

12.Perfect Combination of Poetry and Painting--Structural beauty of poetry written by Wang Wei;诗画艺术的完美结合——试论王维诗歌的结构美

13.Perfect blending of idyll--On Artistic Feathres of Wan Wei s Idyllic Poems;诗情画意的完美融合——论王维山水诗的艺术特色

14.She painted me a picture. In exchange, I wrote her a poem.她画一幅画给我,我作一首诗给她作为交换。

15.The Integration of Ancient Chinese Poetry and Painting;中国古代诗与画的结合之路——绘画之诗性获得过程

16.There is painting in his poetry, and poetry in his painting诗中有画,画中有诗

17.Both Poems and Paintings Are Originally the Same.They are Natural,Neat and Clean--Su Shi′s Theory about Painting;诗画本一律 天工与清新——苏轼的绘画理论

18.Its more a poem than a picture与其说是一幅画,不如说是一首诗


On Combination between Poetry and Painting谈诗与画的结合

3)combination of poem and painting诗画合一

1.The thesis talks about the development and ways of thecombination of poem and painting in traditional Chinese painting and enplains the combination is a good art form of traditional Chinese painting, which we should learn and use.本文通过对传统中国画诗画结合的历史发展过程和诗与画内外部结合的方式等的分析,进一步阐释了诗画合一是传统中国画的优秀形式,这一极富民族性的艺术形式值得我们学习和借鉴。

4)the musing of poem and drawing诗画融合

1.Alsothe musing of poem and drawing in ancient china was related to it to some extent.本文以陶渊明、王维的山水诗为例,从美学角度分析了初期山水诗及王维山水诗当中的道气与禅味,并分析了中国语境中诗画融合的问题。

5)combine sound with film frame声画结合

6)audio-visual counterpoint音画结合


非结合环与非结合代数非结合环与非结合代数on-associative rings and algebras非结合环与非结合代数【珊心胭仪妇柱视血娜.d alge-b旧s;。eaceo””姗.oe.二、双a.幼。6P。」具有两个二元运算+与,,除了可能不满足乘法结合律外,满足结合环与代数(a洛。clati记nn邵and目罗b璐)之所有公理的集合.非结合环与代数的第一批例子出现在19世纪中叶,是不结合的(Ca外呀数(c盯触yn山n1比IS)和更一般的超复数(h”姆rComp恤nUmber)).给定一个结合环(代数),如果用运算〔a,bl二ab一ba代替原有的乘法,其结果是一个非结合环(代数),这是个Lie环(代数).另一类重要的非结合环(代数)是Jo攻lan环(代数),它们可由在特征非2的域(或有1和1/2的交换的算子环)上的结合代数中定义运算a·b=(ab+ba)/2得到.非结合环与代数的理论已经发展成代数学的一个独立分支,展现出与数学的其它领域以及物理学、力学、生物学及其他学科的许多联系.这个理论的中心部分是熟知的拟结合环和代数(n比ly一别粥戊泊石wn刀乡缸记a】罗bras)的理论,它们有:Lie环和珠代数,交错环和交错代数,北攻坛幻环与Joltlan代数,MaJ几哪B环和Ma月五U口B代数,以及它们的某些推广(见Ue代数(Lieal罗bra);交错环与代数(司加叮必tiverm邵alld目罗b挑);J加止川代数(Jo攻协nal罗bIa);M幼城e。
