600字范文 > 畜禽污水 livestock wastewater英语短句 例句大全

畜禽污水 livestock wastewater英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-07 20:55:18


畜禽污水 livestock wastewater英语短句 例句大全

畜禽污水,livestock wastewater

1)livestock wastewater畜禽污水

1.Approach to rapid detection of chemical oxygen demand inlivestock wastewater based on spectroscopy technology;基于光谱技术的畜禽污水化学需氧量快速测定方法的研究

2.The intensive livestock-producing industry in China had recently beenbooming promptly, which had brought about severe pollution by emittinglivestock wastewater directly into the immediate environment.本文介绍了目前国内外畜禽污水处理现状及存在的问题,在阐述目前畜禽养殖业导致的主要环境问题及其与可持续发展关系的基础上,从生态系统学的角度,提出应用植物修复系统对畜禽污水进行无害化处理,实现污水的资源化利用。

2)Swine manure wastewater畜禽粪便污水


1.Study on the Technology of Hydrogen Production by Photosynthetic Bacteria from Swine Manure Wastewater;畜禽粪便污水光合细菌制氢技术研究

2.Research on the Faeces Pollution of Livestock and Poultry in Huhhot呼和浩特地区畜禽粪便污染分析研究

3.Study on Vegetables Polluted by Fecal Coliform of Animal Slurry;畜禽粪便中粪大肠菌群对蔬菜污染的研究

4.The Status of Production and Pollution by Animal and Poultry in China中国畜禽养殖及其粪便污染与治理现状

5.Nitrogen pollution and environmental cost of livestock manure in Dongting lake area洞庭湖区畜禽粪便中氮素污染及其环境成本

6.Environmental Risk Analysis and the Load of Livestock Manure in Tingjiang River Watershed汀江流域畜禽粪便污染负荷及其环境影响

7.storage enclosure [livestock keeping]禽畜废物贮存舍;禽畜粪便贮存舍〔禽畜饲养〕

8.The Research on Way of Biology-dewatering and Moisture Character about Dejecta of Domestic Animals;禽畜粪便水分特征及生物脱水途径研究

9.Environmental Pressure of Contamination from Livestock and Poultry and Its Risk Assessment in Shenyang沈阳地区畜禽养殖粪便污染物的环境压力及风险评价

10.Study on Waste Load of Farmland for the Development of Scale Breeding Farm in Chaohu Basin巢湖流域规模化养殖场畜禽粪便污染负荷研究——以居巢区为例

11.Study onLivestock Carrying Capacity Based on Manure Nutrients基于畜禽粪便养分含量的畜禽承载力研究

12.slops collecting ship粪便(污水)收集船

13.night soil barge粪便(污水)运输船

14.The Technology on Efficient Composting and Utilization of Livestock Manure;畜禽粪便高效堆肥技术及资源化利用

15.The Experimental Research on Anaerobic Fermentation Characteristics of Mixed Livestock Manure;混合畜禽粪便厌氧发酵特性试验研究

16.Determining the Upper Limit of Phosphorus Content in Livestock and Poultry Excrement Used as Fertilizers畜禽粪便施用最大量磷素指标的确定

17.Release of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Animal Manure Simulated Direct Returning to Farmland模拟畜禽粪便直接还田对氮磷的释放

18.Effect of Different Temperature on Anaerobic Digestion of Livestock Manures不同温度对畜禽粪便厌氧发酵的影响


Swine manure wastewater畜禽粪便污水

3)pollution for livestock and poultry畜禽污染

4)Drove"s feces畜禽粪污

5)livestock wastewater畜禽废水

1.Genetic diversity of bacterium inlivestock wastewater in winter and summer;冬夏两季畜禽废水的活性污泥中细菌遗传多态性研究

2.,treatinglivestock wastewater by adding and not adding granular activated carbon(GAC) respectively during starting up.对UASB反应器进行改型,得到UAFSB,并结合UASB反应器快速启动的驯化方式,比较分析用畜禽废水直接启动加颗粒活性炭与未加颗粒活性炭的运行过程和结果。

3.The plumules of Phragmites australis growing in the constructed wetland test pool with high-concentrationlivestock wastewater and clean water were collected,and the total DNA was extracted for RAPD analysis to explore the genetic variation of Phragmites australis under contamination stress of high-concentrationlivestock wastewater.为了探讨芦苇在高浓度畜禽废水污染胁迫下遗传特性的变化,将人工湿地试验池中生长的,受高浓度畜禽废水长期污染胁迫的和未受到污染的供试芦苇材料各20个单株幼芽分别混合提取DNA,采用RAPD分子标记技术在160个随机引物中进行筛选,找到3个能够扩增出差异且重复性较好的RAPD引物:S74、S516和S14。

6)livestock farm wastewater畜禽废水

1.An aerobic granular sludge membrane bioreactor and a general activated sludge membrane bioreactor were compared in parallel after treating simulatedlivestock farm wastewater for more than 150 days under similar operational conditions.比较了好氧颗粒污泥膜生物反应器和普通活性污泥膜生物反应器在相同运行条件下对模拟畜禽废水的处理效果。

2.Nitrogen and organic substances in the syntheticlivestock farm wastewater were efficiently removed by using an aerobic granular sludge membrane bioreactor where biofilm was fixed on a hollow-fiber membrane.采用好氧颗粒污泥膜生物反应器处理畜禽废水,分别对COD、NH4+-N、NO2--N、NO3--N的去除效果和对膜通量的影响进行了研究。


《中国民间畜禽阉割术》《中国民间畜禽阉割术》Chinese Folk Castration of Domestic Animals and Poultries《中国民间畜禽阉割术》(cht’nese Folk山一strati口”of Do柳esticA”imalsa”d Poul·才们绝s)介绍中国畜禽阉割技术的专书。中国农业科学院中兽医研究所主编。1962年农业出版社出版,1972年再版。全书约五万余字,分6章、19节,介绍了中国畜禽阉割技术和经验。总论中介绍了中国畜禽阉割术的历史和技术特点.后5章介绍了马、骡、牛、羊、驼、猪、鸡、鸭、狗、兔、猫的阉割技术,较全面地叙述了水、火、药、扎、走、勒和夹骗法及母猪的大、小挑花和公鸡阉割等方法,并有术后处理、并发症的防治等内容。(谢仲权)
