600字范文 > 一次相消 first-order cancellation英语短句 例句大全

一次相消 first-order cancellation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-12 17:53:37


一次相消 first-order cancellation英语短句 例句大全

一次相消,first-order cancellation

1)first-order cancellation一次相消

1.Thefirst-order cancellation is one kind of classical idea for the purpose of canceling stationary target cancellation.一次相消技术是一种经典的固定点目标对消方法。



1.Jardine sees the Renaissance as the first consumer boom.贾丁认为文艺复兴是挥霍者们的第一次消费热潮。

2.In a consumer taste test, Coke went up against Pepsi.在一次消费者品尝测验中,可口可乐与百事可乐交锋了。

3.A man ought warily to begin charges which once begun will continue;but inmatters that return not ,he may be more magnificent.对于连续性日常消费应该节俭,而对于一次性的消费,大方些倒无妨。

4.Echelon is a step in the consumption or the purchase of our graduates?是一步到位还是梯次消费毕业了我们该买房吗?

5.Analysis on CBM Competitiveness in Primary Energy Consumption Market一次能源消费市场中煤层气竞争力的分析

6.On Collecting Comsumption Tax of One-off Wood Chopsticks;对木制一次性筷子征收消费税的四点反思

7.Sales tax is only levied once in the distribution chain of goods from manufacture to consumption.营业税只在货物从生产到消费这一分配过程中征收一次。

8.Initial Once-off Charge,Monthly Recurring Charge一次性初装费,月费

9."Increase the efficiency because data needs to be produced only once, regardless of the number of consumers"提高效率,数据要求仅产生一次,并且与消费者的数量无关

10.We will try to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign .我们将发起一次广告宣传运动以加深消费者对该产品的印象。

11.Effect of the Primary Energy Consumption Structure Change to the Energy Use Per Unit of GDP;一次能源消费结构变化对我国单位GDP能耗影响效应研究

12.With the rise of the consuming capacity and level of consumers, perceptual consumption has become a way of purchasing.随着消费者消费能力和消费水平的提高,感性消费成为一种消费方式。

13.Car Crazy: The Third Consumer Revolution疯狂购车:第三次消费革命

14.China cites these facts as evidence of a third consumer revolution.中国把这看作第三次消费革命的征兆。

15.Domestic consumption market became brisk while maintaining steady growth.其次,国内消费品市场稳中见活。

16.satisfy and accommodate the multilevel requirements of consumers满足和适应多层次消费的需要

17.(3) where the manufacture is rough or poor, or where superior quality is replaced by inferior quality, so that consumers are deceived.(3)粗制滥造,以次充好,欺骗消费者的。

18.The System Design and Implementation of Measured Consumption with CPU Smart Card;CPU智能卡记次消费系统设计与实现



3)One-off consumption一次性消费

4)primary consumer一次消费者

5)one-time used up一次性消耗

6)One-shot camera一次性相机


