600字范文 > 幅相误差校准 gain and phase error calibration英语短句 例句大全

幅相误差校准 gain and phase error calibration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-25 17:56:02


幅相误差校准 gain and phase error calibration英语短句 例句大全

幅相误差校准,gain and phase error calibration

1)gain and phase error calibration幅相误差校准

2)amplitude and phase error-correction幅相误差校正

1.The design of hardware and software are presented, especially the I/Q demodulation andamplitude and phase error-correction are introduced.介绍了系统的硬件部分和软件部分, 特别是提出了I/Q正交解调及脉冲体制超宽带信号幅相误差校正方案。


1.Research of Array Gain and Phase Error Correction Algorithm Based on Single Auxiliary Source基于单辅助源的阵列幅相误差校正方法

2.Array Gain and Phase Calibration Mothed Study Based on the Spatio-temporal Matrixes Information基于时空矩阵信息的阵列幅相误差校正方法研究

3.Self-calibration with sensor gain and phase uncertainty based on sparsely decomposition基于稀疏分解的阵列幅相误差自校正

4.Improved active array calibration algorithm for mutual coupling and amplitude-phase error of uniform linear array均匀线阵互耦和幅相误差有源校正改进算法

5.A Joint Array Self-Calibration Algorithm Based on H~∞ Filter in the Presence of Gain/Phase Errors and Mutual Coupling基于H~∞滤波的阵列互耦及通道幅相误差联合自校正算法

6.A self-calibration method for gain and phase uncertainties based on one-dimension noise sub-space algorithm一种基于一维噪声子空间的幅相误差自校正方法

7.CAVEC (chroma amplitude and velocity error corrector)色度幅度和速度误差校正器

8.Calibration Method for Amplitude Error in Aperture Synthesis Microwave Radiometer综合孔径辐射计中幅度误差校正方法研究

9.alignment error安装误差;调准误差;定线误差;校正误差;校直误差

10.Self-Calibration of Channel Errors for Bistatic HF Surface Wave SIAR双基地高频地波SIAR通道幅相误差的自校准方法

11.Study on Fast Calibration of ULA"s Gain and Phase Errors均匀离散线阵幅相误差快速校准方法研究

12.A Separated Iterative Algorithm of Active Calibration for Mutual Coupling and Gain-phase Errors Based on Uniform Circular Array均匀圆阵互耦和幅相差有源校正分离迭代算法

13.Correction Algorithm of Phase Shifting Errors in Phase Measuring Profilometry;位相测量轮廓术中相移误差的校正算法

14.Study and Application of Error-compensating Algorithm in Phase-shifting Interferometry;相移干涉术中相移误差校正算法及应用研究

15.Research on Calibration for Error Vector Magnitued of Digital Modulation Signal数字调制信号误差矢量幅度校准研究

16.Performance Analysis of ASLC with Amplitude and Phase Error存在幅相误差的ASLC系统性能分析

17.enchanced error detection & correction增量误差的探测和校正

18.error detection and correction equipment误差检测和校正设备


amplitude and phase error-correction幅相误差校正

1.The design of hardware and software are presented, especially the I/Q demodulation andamplitude and phase error-correction are introduced.介绍了系统的硬件部分和软件部分, 特别是提出了I/Q正交解调及脉冲体制超宽带信号幅相误差校正方案。

3)amplitude and phase error幅相误差

1.Lastly, sidelobe degradation due to randomamplitude and phase errors and element (or T/R module) failure is investigat.最后,分析了随机幅相误差和单元(或T/R组件)失效对峰值副瓣电平的影响。

2.This paper discusses a model of channel difference bringing aboutamplitude and phase error,and analyzes with "Paired Echoes Theory"in detail the impact on SAR imaging quality through amplitude,phase error and two factors acting together .论述了通道不一致性引起的幅相误差模型,运用成对回波理论分析了幅度和相位误差及其单因素和多因素共同作用对合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像的影响;理论分析表明雷达通道误差对SAR成像有较大影响,仿真实验结果也证实了理论分析的正确性。

3.For performance analysis of ASLC withamplitude and phase error,the correlation coefficient formula between the main and auxiliary channels are presented for conditions with amplitude error,phase error,and with both.为了分析存在幅相误差的自适应旁瓣对消系统(ASLC)性能,推导了主辅通道存在幅度不一致性、相位不一致性以及同时存在幅相误差时ASLC系统任意通道间的相关系数公式,以干扰对消比为依据,给出了上述条件下的计算机仿真结果,得出了相应的结论。

4)amplitude and phase errors幅相误差

1.An Array Calibration Method for Amplitude and Phase Errors Based on the Subspace Approaches;基于子空间类法的阵列幅相误差校正方法

2.It can self-correct theamplitude and phase errors caused by the transfer devices connected the DUT with analyzer.在矢量网络分析仪测任意器件输入阻抗的基础上提出了一种可进一步改善测试精度的方法——双分支法,它可自校待测件与矢网端口之间各转换件的附加幅相误差。

3.Two methods for the estimation of the relativeamplitude and phase errors function are presented, including the least squares and the modification based on the quadrature principle of Gram-Schmidt.讨论了正交双通道幅相不一致的数字校正原理 ,提出了两种获得幅相误差函数的方法 ,包括最小二乘法和改进的Gram Schmidt正交化方法 。

5)Gain and phase error幅相误差

1.The method is easy to implement and has a good calibration effect, and it can estimate the gain and phase errors in channels and the position errors of satellites in along-track direction.研究高速运动多通道成像卫星的误差校正问题,提出了利用地面角反射体回波数据进行阵列校正的新方法,该方法简单易行,校正效果良好,使得存在沿航向误差和通道幅相误差情况下卫星多通道成像成为可能。

2.In this paper, the author studied the calibration and remedy method of the distributed small satellite system errors aiming at the inevitable baseline error and gain and phase error of the distributed small satellite radar array.本论文针对分布式小卫星雷达阵列中不可避免存在的位置误差和幅相误差,对分布式小卫星阵列的系统误差估计与补偿方法作了一些研究。

3.An array gain and phase error correction algorithm based on single anxiliary sourse is presented and discussed in this paper.当阵列存在不依赖方位的幅相误差时,用本文的方法对阵列进行校正,校正后的各个阵列各个通道的增益和相位均达到一致,对修正后的阵列采用MUSIC算法得到了准确的波达方向估计值,仿真试验验证了该方法的有效性和可行性。

6)amplitude-phase errors幅相误差

1.On the basis of the methods for the narrow-band signal, a method for compensating theamplitude-phase errors of the wide-band signal is put forward, and the ideal pulse compression output response is obtained in the practical application.在合成孔径雷达接收系统中,I/Q正交解调通道幅相误差严重影响成像质量。

2.This paper establishes the model of uniform linear array (ULA) withamplitude-phase errors, and puts forward the method of statistical numeration combining with computer simulation.针对幅相误差是制约声纳基阵性能的重要因素,建立存在幅相误差的均匀线列阵模型,进而提出统计计算与计算机仿真相结合的方法。

3.The combined effects of mutual coupling andamplitude-phase errors have negative impact on the direction-finding performance of the MUSIC algorithm.阵列互耦和幅相误差的综合作用会严重影响MUSIC算法的测向性能。


删除与插入误差校正码删除与插入误差校正码ode with correction of deletions and insertions删除与插入误差校正码l以xje初山以均陀由伯of dek-ti.s and inserti叨s二拟‘.c理UPa.淤““eMB封脸江聪11“匆“Be,r阳以〕一种用来校正在信息传递中遇到的两种类型误差的码.从一个长度为n取值于字母表B的字卢=bl·’b。删咚(d eletion)一个字母的过程可用一个从字刀到长度为。一I的字刀‘二b,一乃,b,·b。的变换来表示(1蕊l簇。).记NsL川为由刀删除‘个字母所得到的字的个数,对此有以下估计式卜p,;’+’{‘Ns‘”,‘卜刀,屯‘一’}·这里T(川是刀的级数的个数(字刀一b,…b。妙零攀(s eriesof“word)指的是满足以下条件的一个字乓十:‘’‘气(j)i+l):l)b,+l=·一气:2)如果i)l,那么阮铸阮+1;且3)如果j<。,那么纵,淤助·在特殊情形下,凡伊)=下(灼·从一个字口二b,.‘’b。琴个(i口记rtion)一个字母的过程可用一个从字刀到长度为n+1的字刀’二bl…乓b阮十,…瓦的变换来表示,其中boB,1(i簇。.由任意一个长度为”的字刀从字母表B中增加s个字母所得到的字的个数等于 夸{n+51(;一ly.]=0、J其中r是B中字母的个数一个在字母表B中取值的字的集合K称为可校正s个删除(插人,删除或插人),如果从K的任何两个不同的字上各自删除(插人,删除或插入)s个字母不能得到B中取值的同一个字.定义一个在B中取值的字对切1,刀2)上的函数为通过对刀,删除和插人字母变为几的最小的字母数,那么这个函数是一个距离度量.一个在字母表B中取值的字的集合K是一个可纠正s个删除(插入,删除或插人)的码,当且仅当K的任何两个不同的字的距离大于2s,因此以上三种码的定义是等价的.一个可纠正一个删除或一个插人的码的例子是长度为n的取值于字母表B=扣,l}的字的集合切一b,…b。},使艺几,i瓦=0(medn+1).码中字的个数等于厄i六万:叭d)彭…)/J,其中求和是对所有n+1的奇数因子d而取,职(d)是Euler函数;当”~的时,它接近于最大值.B.H.月c以泪un吧翻撰沈世锐译
