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磁航向 magnetic heading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-15 22:25:14


磁航向 magnetic heading英语短句 例句大全

磁航向,magnetic heading

1)magnetic heading磁航向

1.Error analysis formagnetic heading of unmanned aerial vehicle strapdown attitude heading reference system;无人机捷联航姿系统磁航向误差分析

2.Intelligentmagnetic heading system with automatic error compensation function;具有自动误差补偿功能的智能磁航向系统

3.All status error compensation about three axismagnetic heading sensor;三轴磁航向传感器的全姿态误差补偿


1.radio magnetic indicator无线电磁航向指示器

2.Research of application and error compensate and correct for magnetic sensor used in navigation system磁航向计在导航中的应用研究及其误差补偿与修正

3.Application of Modified MVR-CORDIC in Magnetic Heading Measurement改进的MVR-CORDIC算法在磁航向测量中的应用

4.Magnetic Heading Measurement for Spinning Projectile Based on the Zero Output of Sensor基于传感器零值输出的旋转弹丸磁航向测量方法

5.The Downward Continuation Method of Aeromagnetic Data to the Sea Level利用航磁数据向下延拓得到海面磁场的方法

6.A Intelligent Course Measure System Based on Fluxgate Technique;基于磁通门技术的智能航向测定系统

7.Application of tracking azimuth calculation method in fluxgate compass跟踪式航向解算方法在磁通门罗经中的应用

8.They seem to use both the intensity and direction of the magnetic fields to navigate.它们看起来即使用磁性的强度又利用磁场方向来航行。

9.The earomagnetic anomaly in the north part of the Gushi depression reflected the pitching trend of the Archeozoic stratum to the southwest.推断固市凹陷北部的航磁异常反映了太古代地层向南西倾伏。

10.Remote Sensing and Aeromagnetic Anomaly Integration Analysis of Transverse Structure and its Ore-controlling Significance阴山中-西段横向构造及其控矿意义的遥感-航磁复合分析

11.Navigation Stabilization Technology of Mobile Robot Based on Compass and Gyro基于磁罗盘和陀螺仪的移动机器人航向稳定技术研究

12.Aeromagnetic 3D inversion imaging for intermediate-acid intrusive bodies and its indication significance of deep ore prospecting in Tongling ore concentration district铜陵矿集区中酸性岩体航磁3D成像及对深部找矿方向的指示

13.The plane was on/off course, ie following/not following the right course.飞机航向正确[偏离航向].

14.Application of Magnetic Navigation to Underwater Vehicle地磁导航在水下航行体导航中的应用

15.course and distance calculator航向航程计算器航向与距离计算器

16.course and speed made good through the water对水推算航向及航速

17.course scalloping【航空】航向扇贝形现象

18.Steer a specified course in a ship(船航行时)取某航向


magnetic course磁航向

1.Themagnetic course error of a certain course synchronous transmission system is revised by use of the feed forward neural network and the experimental result is given.介绍了前馈神经网络的特点和基于递推预报误差(RPE)的训练算法,利用前馈神经网络对某航向同步传输系统的磁航向误差进行了校正,并给出了实验结果。

3)magnetism heading磁航向角

4)magnetic heading磁航向磁船首向

5)magnetic heading error磁航向误差

1.The magnetic compass system errors and the shortage of all attitudemagnetic heading error compensation algorithms mentioned in many articles are analyzed.对磁罗盘系统误差和目前多数文献所提出的全姿态磁航向误差补偿方法的不足进行了分析。

6)magnetic heading measurement磁航向测量

1.In order to solve the contradiction between the traditional system ofmagnetic heading measurement and design requirement for the size of fuzes,a new method ofmagnetic heading measurement for spinning projects is put forward.为解决磁航向测量系统与引信设计空间要求构成的矛盾,提出一种新的用于测量旋转弹丸磁航向的方法。


