600字范文 > gossip girl第一季第六集剧本

gossip girl第一季第六集剧本

时间:2024-02-18 21:29:24


gossip girl第一季第六集剧本

Rufus:Lily. There you are.

Lily:Oh,I just needed a moment. That… what just happened…

Rufus:The kiss?

Lily:Yeah, it made me feel a little…




Lily:No, I'm kidding, kind of. I'm sorry,Rufus. I- maybe I shouldn't have asked you here.

Rufus:Right,and I'm sorry I kissed you but I did it because that mercenary in the starched white shirt,he doesn't appreciate everything you have over an attractive 25-year-old mannequin 'cause beauty fades though yours has done a remarkable job of holding on and in the long run,it's gonna be his loss.And I thought he should know how it feels to lose you. 'Cause trust me,it's not fun.

Lily:I think it worked.

Bart:Lily, may I speak with you for a moment? If you'll excuse us.

Rufus:Happy to help.

Bart:(whispers)She means nothing.

Serena:Jenny? Hey.

Jenny:Serena. Look, you didn't see me here, okay?

Serena:Yeah,don't worry about it. Just one in a series of things I'll pretend didn't happen tonight.

Jenny:Is everything okay?

Serena:I'm not sure. Dan surprised me by showing up here.

Jenny:Well,go dan!

Serena:Yeah,except then he threw me for a loop by chasing after some girl named Vanessa.

Jenny:No,V's Dan's best friend.

Serena:Yeah well,they seemed like a little more than that. They've kind of got a history,don't they?

Jenny: Sure. But,I mean, Dan's never liked a girl like he likes you. Really, I mean, come on. He's at a masked ball and I think he'd go basically anywhere with you...except for maybe the ice capades 'cause that really freaked him out when he was 5.

Serena:You know what? I... I think I'll go and try to find him. I don't know how I'm gonna find anyone. This stupid mask keeps falling over my eyes.

Jenny:Well,I'd give you mine but masks come off at midnight and I kind of need my disguise to get out of here.

Serena:You know what? You wanna trade?


Serena:Thanks. And here,take this. It's so hot in here and you'll probably be cold outside. Here you go. Did you have fun tonight?

Jenny:It was everything I hoped.


Jenny:Okay, let's see. Here. Oh,thanks.


Nate:Serena, just don't say anything and let me explain.

Jenny:(under breath) oh my god.

Nate:I've been trying to do the right thing but it's killing me. Look,I know we both care about Blair but maybe the best thing for me is to just tell her the truth. I'm not over you and I thought I could fight it but I can't. And if you don't stop me,I'm gonna kiss you.

Serena:Nate? Nate,what are you doing? It's almost midnight. You have to find Blair.Look okay whatever. Just forget the clue.She's wearing big,tall boots and a big old crown. Just go, okay? Hurry.

Blair:Serena,have you seen Nate? Hey!



Kati:It's midnight!

Isabel:Masks off!

Dan:Serena. Serena! Serena,wait. I'm so sorry. Serena!

Chuck:Little Jenny Humphrey manages to get my pants off and have me not enjoy it. Quite the accomplishment.

Blair:Good thing someone else at the party was as lecherous as you or you'd still be up on that roof and no, I don't want to know what you had to do to get that tux. This is me.

Chuck:All right Chuck,I'll see you in the A.M.

Blair:Unh-unh. No, you didn't find me by midnight. No happily ever after for you.

Chuck:Blair,I'm sorry.

Blair:All I wanted was for us to start over and you didn't even try.

Chuck:Well,at least somebody's having a good night.


Dan:Serena hey. What will you please just talk to me? Please.Why did you run away from me?

Serena:Wait. What are you talking about? You're the one that ran away. Dan:I don't think so. Blonde hair,yellow dress,black furry thing? There is only one Serena van der Woodsen.

Serena:Yeah no,not tonight.

Dan:Let me say... For the record... I like you. Only you.

Serena:Well,that's good because I feel the same about you.

Dan:I'm glad that's cleared up.

Serena:Hey you know, I hear the ice capades are coming to town.

Dan:If you're there,so am I.

Nate:Hey. You guys are up late.

Captain:We were celebrating.

Anne:Eleanor Waldorf has agreed to let your father's firm take her company public.

Nate:Congrats. That's great news.

Anne:It is, which is why I was looking for a wine opener so I could surprise your father with a bottle of Margaux,which is how I found this. Well,what do you have to say for yourself,Nate?


Anne:Well,it isn't mine and it isn't your father's so that only leaves one other person in this house.

Dan:Hey, you're still up.

Jenny:Yeah, not that tired.

Dan:Well,I am. I'm exhausted. I ended up going to that ball,actually.

Jenny:Oh really?


Jenny:Well,your night's not over. There's someone here to see you.

Vanessa:Pierogis? I come in peace.

Dan:Great. 'Cause I'm starving. (sighs deeply) look…

Vanessa:Save it Humphrey. You've never done contrite well. Besides,I'm the one who should apologize.

Dan:Not really I am. I should have told you about Serena.

Vanessa:And I should have asked you.

Dan:Well,I shouldn't have lied about tonight.

Vanessa:And I shouldn't have run out on you. Look,if we're gonna be friends again,we're gonna have to figure this stuff out.

Dan:You're right and I've missed having a friend.

Vanessa:I've missed being one. We can start slow, with the basics.

Dan:Like,fewer lies,more Ukrainian food.

Vanessa:And you telling me about everything I missed while I was gone,such as Serena.

Dan:Well,she's pretty fantastic,almost as good as this Pierogi. Yeah,she's got this crazy mother who's always like sparring with me and this best friend who's very rough for me to deal with.The best friend has a boyfriend who's hard for me to deal with. It's all very hard for me. It's very hard for me.

gossip girl 第一季剧本第六集part3

Vanessa:So this Blair girl used you as her slave?

Jenny:No,I was her handmaiden.

Vanessa:"Handmaiden" is Jane Austen for "slave."

Jenny:She never actually said I would get to go to the ball even if I did all those errands.

Vanessa:Don't make excuses for her. You did all that stuff.You deserve to go.

Jenny:I thought you said that masked balls are "totally pretentious." Vanessa:One woman's opinion. But if you wanna go,no Blair should keep you away.

Jenny:It's not just Blair. I mean,I don't have a gown.

Vanessa:My friend works in the costume department at B.A.M. We can borrow one. Next?

Jenny:I don't have an invitation.

Vanessa:Every ballroom has a back door.What else?

Jenny:If Blair saw me,she'd be furious.

Vanessa:Then it's a good thing you'll be wearing a mask.

Gossip Girl:On the upper east side, appearances are often deceiving. From friends to hair color,there's always more than meets the eye.

Man:Is uptown this way or that way?

Dan:It's that way and these things whizzing by here-they're cars.You might want to avoid them.You know what? You'll see better without this too.

Man:Whoa. That is better.

Dan:Hey, you got a name?

Man:Jack Altman.

Dan:Hi. Jack altman. I just stepped out for some air.

Security:Altman? Okay.

Vanessa:Thank you. Wait. Let me see.

Jenny:Okay look,I know you're completely morally opposed to society events and stuff,but--

Vanessa:We'll deprogram you later.This is ugly. Just go.

Jenny:All right. Thanks.

Vanessa:Thank you so much. Anytime.

Gossip Girl:What was it we said about appearances? Yes,they can be deceiving. But most of the time, what you see is what you get.

Vanessa:Hey. Have you seen that girl I was with? When I grabbed her bag,I got her house keys,too.

Blair:What is Nate doing? He's supposed to go find Kati and Is. It's getting late and I'm losing heat.

Chuck:Well,you look ravishing. If I were your man,I wouldn't need clues to find you.

Blair:Or to ravish me,I'm sure.

Chuck:Who is that?

Blair:Probably some bitch from Chapin.

Chuck:Hot bitch from Chapin.

Blair:Forget her. Go get nate. Point him in the right direction.

Chuck:First things first. Well, hello angel. You must be my lucky night. And with taste to boot.

Jenny:Apparently not. I'm talking to you.

Chuck:Beautiful and mean? I've got chills. Care to dance with a poor devil?

Jenny:Why don't we just skip all that and go somewhere quiet to talk?

Chuck:I'll get the champagne.

Jenny:Find me in five.

Captain:Taking a company public is an enormous responsibility. There's nothing more valuable than making a good first impression. And you taught me that,Eleanor.

Eleanor: Captain, you know that I adore you but you've never done fashion before. I have been talking to Calvin's people and I have to say,the presentation is very impressive.

Anne:Enough business talk,Howard.You're boring her.Eleanor,I've been thinking.When Nate and Blair get engaged, she should have my great grandmother's ring,

Eleanor: The one that Cornelius Vanderbilt gave her?

Rufus:You still spying on him?

Lily:I'm not spying. I'm just keeping track of his whereabouts.

Rufus:Well, so long as you're watching, he's winning. If you really want to make a man jealous,there's only one thing to do.

Lily:Rufus,I invited you here for many reasons but knowledge of romance is not...(They kiss) That was,um...unexpected.

Rufus:Give him 20 minutes.

Lily:I need a drink.

Rufus:I need a drink.

Serena's Date:So every time we see their yacht now, we just pull out our air horns and let 'em rip. I tell you,it is almost enough to make you never want to summer in Newport again.

Serena:Wow,that sounds awful.

Serena's Date:It is. It's pretty bad.

Serena:Yeah, you know what? If you'll excuse me,I think I'm gonna go… Dan:Change partners? Hey.

Serena:Dan,what are you doing here?

Dan:I'm saving you.

Serena:I don't need to be saved.

Dan:Really? 'Cause I could see your eyes rolling to the back of your head from across the room.



Kati:Blair sent us over.

Isabel:She said it's getting late and you're taking too long.

Kati:Your lady-in-waiting is closer than you think, her headdress is feathers of black and pink.

Kati:It's her.

Isabel:It's me.

Nate:What? I'm sorry.

Kati:Just find Serena. She'll lead you to Blair.

Nate:Serena. Right.


Jenny:Let's play a game.

Chuck:I'd say strip poker but I don't have my cards.

Jenny:How about hide-and-seek? You hide. I'll seek.

Chuck:And how will you find me? I don't have any bread crumbs.

Jenny:Well, you can leave me a trail...with your clothes.

Chuck:I have truly died and gone to heaven.

Man:So how you doing?

Dan:Serena, wait.

Serena:What are you really doing here,Dan?

Dan:What am I doing here? I ran across the city. I rented a tuxedo. I stole this mask from some drunken kid, only to look like Robin. I conned my way in here,all to see you. I care.

Serena:Well, you didn't seem to care this morning when you were with another girl and lied to me.

Dan:What? Whoa,whoa,whoa,whoa. I didn't-well...I did. Yeah.I did but I can explain.

Serena:Go ahead. Give it your best shot.

Dan:I was with my friend Vanessa. We're very close and she moved away to Vermont last year and now she's back.

Serena:Okay,so why'd you lie and say it was Jenny?

Dan:Because I'm an idiot. I don't know why. I... Look,Vanessa and I... Our relationship is a little complicated or it was before I met you. And honestly,I didn't want anything to get in the way of you inviting me to this... Stupid party.

Serena:Well,I was gonna invite you.

Dan:Really? So not into pompous ass the fourth?

Serena:You're saying you're not into old friend Vanessa?

Dan:That is exactly what I'm saying.

Gossip Girl:Oh yes. The other part we love about a masquerade? When the mask finally comes off and the truth is revealed to all.

Dan:Will you excuse me? I just saw the last person I ever expected to see.

Serena:Yeah. How can I say no to that?

Dan:I'm sorry.

Dan:Vanessa. Vanessa. Hey. This is a surprise.

Vanessa: Funny. I could say the same thing.

Dan:What-what are you doing here?

Vanessa: I'm writing an American history paper. Wait. That was supposed to be you. When did we start lying to each other?

Dan:I merely refrained from sharing the truth, which would have sounded a lot more like a lie than what I told you.

Vanessa: Humphrey.

Dan:I'm-I didn't understand that either,I admit,but what was I gonna say? That I was renting a tuxedo to attend a masked ball without a mask or an invitation to go get a girl who not only has a mask and an invitation but another date?

Vanessa: At least it's honest.

Dan:You hate this world.

Vanessa: So do you,or so I thought.

Dan:All right,what's going on exactly? Did you follow me here to prove that I was lying?

Vanessa: Yes Dan, that's why I'm here. I stalked you because I am just so obsessed with you. Wait. Don't stop there. You're the whole reason I came back to New York 'vause I just couldn't stop thinking about you.

Dan:All right,I get the point. You can lay off the sarcasm…

Vanessa: How about I lay off the whole evening? Bye.

Dan:Wait wait wait,stop. Hold on. Listen. I'm-I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I lied about writing a term paper.

Vanessa: You said you love me.

Dan:Loved you... In the past and in a preshaving,16-year-old kind of way. You know,I mean,things have changed.

Vanessa: (voice breaks) clearly. Looks like someone's traded up.

Serena:So that's...

Dan:Vanessa. Yeah. She's...


Dan:I have to go after her. I'm sorry.

Chuck:Feel free to find me.

Jenny:I found your pants.

Chuck:Well, you're getting warmer, which is an achievement considering you're already hot.

Jenny:Well, you better hope it doesn't get cold.

Chuck:What is that supposed to mean? What the hell?! Hey,my phone is in my pants and I'm stuck up here,bitch!

Dan: Vanessa! Vanessa wait please. Why won't you wait? Come here-oh. Because you're not Vanessa.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.Case of mistaken identity. Ironically, not involving masks.

gossip girl 第一季剧本第六集part2

Blair:Who does this Dan Humphrey think he is? Serena is putting up a strong front but I can see how hurt she is.We have to help her heal her heart. Kati:But it's pretty late notice.

Isabel:Most of the good ones are already taken.

Blair:No more excuses.Serena must have the hottest date ever. If he's got plans,he'll change them. If he's got a girlfriend, he'll dump her and if he's out of town, he'll charter a G5 and fly home.Make it happen.

Man:Do you like it?

Eleanor:That's outstanding.

Blair:Is it a bong, mother?


Blair:I didn't take you for a stoner.

Eleanor:It's a... a hookah... and it is adorable. It's perfect for my Moroccan-themed party.

Blair:Why do you have to celebrate your Bendel's deal by turning our penthouse into an opium den?

Blair:Why not?

Blair:Hey,it's blair.I'm sorry I can't pick the phone right now but I'm getting ready for the masked ball. See you tonight,if you recognize me, which you won't.

Nate: Hey, Blair.It's me. I um...I just- I really need to talk to you. It's there's this thing with my dad andum... you know,I just- I really need to talk to you. So can you call me back when you can. Thanks.

Jenny:Well,that's all of it.

Blair:Thank you so much. I don't know what I would've done without you. Thank you.

Jenny:That's okay. Yeah, it was fun.

Blair:I'm glad. It's all part of your education and it looks like you're learning. It's a nice bracelet. Vintage, right? The diamonds look real.

Jenny:'Cause they sort of are. The man at the store lent it to me.

Blair:Why would he do that? Oh! Sweetie, you didn't think you were gonna be able to come tonight,right?

Jenny:I thought maybe… yeah.

Blair:Jenny, freshmen don't get to go to the masked ball. It's just tradition.

Jenny:No,I know. It's just that there were five dresses.

Blair:Oh, you always need backup. I mean, what if I spilled something or a zipper broke?

Jenny:Yeah, of course. I'll remember that. Have fun tonight.

Blair:I will and don't worry. Your time will come. I promise. Now if you'll excuse me,I have to get ready.

Lily:Do you think that Eleanor Waldorf will find this... night in Tangiers enough?

Serena: Maybe if you brought a goat. You know,Eleanor always goes all out. Lily:Speaking of going all out...

Serena: Yeah, I know. Tell me about it. I don't think the Waldorf women ever met a theme they didn't just love.

Lily:You going with dan?

Serena: No,Dan has plans actually.

Lily:Doing what?

Serena: The question is "with whom?"

Lily:Oh,I didn't realize. Well,frankly I am relieved. You know,at your age, you should be playing the field.

Serena: What about at your age? You got a hot date tonight?

Lily:What? Noplease. Who would I be dating? You know what? I'm gonna go try this on and see if I can find a goat.

RichboyIV:Hi.Serena? Kati Farkas gave me your address.

Serena: Yeah. Hi. Who's this? Well,he's no Dan but I guess he'll do.

Dan: Hey Jen, you're not gonna believe this but Vanessa is back in town. So we're going to a movie tonight and I don't know if you're going to that ball or not but I was wondering if you wanted to come with.So we're getting tickets online. Call me back.

Gossip Girl:Why is it that friends of Serena van der Woodsen have to search for her suitor? Have fables fallen so out of fashion that the princesses have to do everything themselves? Call us old school but sometimes the fairy tale ending requires the knight to get off his ass and saddle up his steed.

RichboyIV:So...what are we doing tonight?

Dan: Maybe it's never too late for a bold gesture.

Serena: Got a mask?

Serena: Nate hey. What are you doing here? I thought you were…shouldn't you be getting ready?

Nate:I'm sorry to bother you.It's … do you have a minute?

Serena: Yeah of course. Come in.


Serena: Maybe it's old. You know,left over from the '90s or something from some night at limelight or the tunnel? Our parents did way worse stuff than we do.

Nate:It's not old and it makes total sense. I think he's having some money problems.

Serena: Well, have you asked him about it?

Nate:Yeah. I just wish, you know,I wish he'd be honest with me. It's like he and my mom - they made some secret pact to act like robots.

Serena: Yeah well,I don't think that pact is so secret. I think all of our parents signed it.

Nate:But I'm not a little kid anymore. He doesn't have to shut me out.

Serena: Look, if what you think is right, he's probably really scared. Maybe you have to tell him how you feel more than once for him to really hear you,you know? Hey, don't give up, okay? You should probably go. You know,I've gotta get ready and stuff.

Nate:Yeah,me too. Look,thanks for just listening.

Serena: That's fine. Yeah, don't worry about it.

Nate:Chuck just wanted a bump and Blair's phone was turned off, so it really means a lot.

Serena: Yeah,anytime Nate. I'll see you tonight,okay?

Nate:All right. I'll see ya. Bye.

Vanessa: Hey,anybody home?

Rufus:Hey,you and Dan going out?

Vanessa: Just to the movies.What about you? A Humphrey man in a sports coat? I'd normally ask if you had a date,but…

Rufus:But my wife left me,hmm?

Vanessa: Yeah. What's up with Alison? Dan says she's still upstate. I thought that was just for the summer. So did her husband. Okay,we'll circle back to that. One issue at a time.

Rufus:Like where are my keys?

Vanessa: What do you need keys for? Just use Dan's window. Where is Dan,by the way?

Rufus:He should be back in a minute. So Dan seems happy to see you.

Vanessa: Why wouldn't he be?

Rufus:Well, if you don't mind me saying so, when you left here,you kind of broke his heart.

Vanessa: I'm back,aren't I? I hated being away from the city. Away from Dan.

Rufus:Did you tell Dan this?

Vanessa: No, not yet but I'm planning on it tonight - before or after the movie.I'm not sure yet. You know, I gotta pick my moment. It's kind of a big deal.

Rufus:Oh,thanks. You know,there's a lot that's changed since you were here.

Vanessa: So Dan says.

Rufus:But you guys have always been close. You'll figure it out.

Vanessa: Wish me luck?

Rufus:Me too.

Vanessa: Where are you going anyway?

Rufus:Just some party.

Vanessa: With a friend?

Rufus:I wouldn't exactly call her that.See ya.

Vanessa: Hello?

Dan:Hey. Where are you?

Vanessa: At your house.

Dan:Oh. Oh, you're early.

Vanessa: Yeah,I just couldn't wait.

Dan:Oh, I tried to get you before you left.I feel terrible.

Vanessa: 'Cause i'm early?

Dan:No, because I... I totally spaced. I have this American history paper due monday. So you know, I'll be writing all night. I'll make it up to you though.I promise.

Vanessa: Pierogis at Veselka?

Dan:I'll call you tomorrow.

Vanessa: Jenny hey.


Vanessa: Jenny, what's wrong?

Rufus:And how is this a favor to me again?

Lily:Rufus, look around. When was the last time you had access to the top people in music and art? Introduce yourself. Revitalize your flagging career. Put that sad little gallery on the cultural radar.

Rufus:Since when were you the patron saint of former rock stars?

Lily:Since when were you a star? No,look,leave if you want to. Really. Alison would have a fit if she knew you were accompanying me to this party even if it was for your benefit.

Rufus:Actually,I don't care what Alison thinks right now.

Lily: Good. Then let me introduce you to our hostess. Eleanor. It is divine. Squint and it's Marrakech.

Eleanor: Lily. I had no idea you were bringing a date. How delightful. Lily:Oh,this is Rufus Humphrey.

Rufus:Oh, it's not a date.

Eleanor: Oh, pleasure.

Rufus:It's not a date.

Lily:Look. Appetizers. Is that couscous?

Eleanor: Yes please.


Eleanor: Bart!

Eleanor: And friend.


Rufus:Something catch your eye?

Lily:Oh,I like her outfit.





Bart:I'd like you to meet Carissa.

Carissa:Yeah hi. Carissa.


Rufus:Hi. Rufus.

Carissa:Hi. Rufus.

Rufus:Yeah hi.

Bart:Well,it's so good to see you.

Lily:Great to see you.


Lily:You too.

Rufus:You and Bart Bass? Suddenly it all makes sense you brought me here to make him jealous.

Lily:Oh, don't be ridiculous.

Rufus:I mean it's flattering,I guess but couldn't you have done a little better?

Lily:Oh, not on such short notice.

Captain:Eleanor oh!As-salaamu alaikum. Oh! How are you? This is fantastic.This is beautiful.

Eleanor: God bless you.

gossip girl 第一季剧本第六集part1

The Handmaiden's Tale

Dan (Penn Badgley) is torn between two girls when his childhood friend, Vanessa (Jessica Szohr), returns home and declares her feelings for

him, just as he and Serena (Blake Lively) are trying to figure out what they mean to each other. At the infamous masked ball, Blair (Leighton

Meester) sends Nate (Chace Crawford) on a scavenger hunt, but Nate is ultimately still distracted by his feelings for Serena. Although Blair

makes it perfectly clear that outsiders are not welcome, a disguised Jenny (Taylor Momsen) and Dan sneak into the ball.

Finally, Lily (Kelly Rutherford) asks Rufus (Matthew Settle) to accompany her to an Eleanor Waldorf (Margaret Colin) event in order to make

Bart Bass (Robert John Burke) jealous. "America's Next Top Model" winner CariDee English makes a cameo as Bart Bass' date.

The episode was directed by Norman Buckley and written by Jessica Queller.

Gossip Girl:Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.

Kati:You'll never believe what's on "Gossip Girl"

Isabel: Someone saw serena getting off the train at grand central.

Serena:I thought everything was good between us.

Blair:It was…before I found out you had sex with my boyfriend.

Serena:I didn't come back for you. Look,Blair's my best friend,and you're her boyfriend and she loves you.

Dan:You'd really go out with some guy you don't know?

Serena:Well,he can't be worse than the guys I do know.

Blair:If you want to be a part of this world , Jenny, you need to decide if all this is worth it.

Jenny:Get off. Stop.

Dan:Hey! That is my little sister!

Eleanor:Bendel's is interested in carrying my line.

Blair:'Cause more people should be like you,mother.

Captain:Eleanor Waldorf is gearing up to take her company public and I've been courting her for months to let me handle the deal.

Nate:Then you should get it.

Captain:I will get it,if you just help me out a little bit.

Gossip Girl:Spotted: S And lonely boy macking in the meat packing. Opposites do attract, But for how long?

Gossip Girl:Long ago,when European royals grew bored with palace balls, they took a page from the peons and added some pageantry. Couture and canape are just another saturday night until you add a mask,but preparing for a ball is an event in itself,which is why queens invented handmaidens.

Jenny:So the dresses should be delivered and I'll take the small stuff with me.

Man:Which one's yours?

Jenny:Oh no. I'm just helping Blair but I mean, you know, we'll see.

Man:Well, here's hoping. We'll put it on Blair's tab.

Jenny:Oh no no.

Man:The girls at that party are my best customers. Why not show off my latest wares? Just return it after the ball.

Serena:So Kati mentioned something about a custom-made corset and I hear there are wigs involved?

Blair:It's a masquerade. You have to conceal your identity but I do have something special planned for Nate tonight.It's a game. It's a scavenger hunt. Nate starts the night with a clue,which leads him to a lady-in-waiting, who gives him a clue to the next lady…

Serena:Wait. Hold on. You have ladies now?

Blair:If he finds me before midnight when the masks come off, he can claim his prize.

Serena:And what's that? Oh Yeah right. Sorry.

Blair:I just figured that after everything that's happened or hasn't happened, I should find some way to make it special.

Serena:Well,that's really romantic,Blair. Really. Look, if you don't want me to come tonight, I totally understand.I could just…

Blair:What? No, I want you to come. In fact,I was hoping you would be one of my ladies. Would you give Nate the last clue?

Serena:Are you sure you want me to?

Blair:Tonight is all about starting over. I trust you and him.

Serena:Well,then I will be honored to serve you,my queen.

Blair:Well,besides you're bringing Dan,right?

Dan:A ball?

Rufus:Haven't you heard? Your sister's Cinderella.

Dan:And let me guess. Your wicked stepsister is Blair Waldorf.

Jenny:Blair may have asked me to do a few things but I'm happy to help.

Rufus:And if she happens to help you out with an invite and outfit?

Jenny:It'll all be worth it.Everyone in disguise in this old ballroom- it's gonna be amazing. You know, I'm actually surprised Serena didn't mention it.

Dan:Why? We've only been out twice. It's not like all of a sudden, we have to do everything together.

Jenny:All right,well I gotta go deliver this stuff. Let me know if you need me to pick you up a tux.

Dan:What? It's a masked ball. I'm sure she thinks I'd never go to something that pretentious, which shows she knows me well.

Serena:I know him. A masked ball? Dan would never want to go to something that pretentious,where he has to wear a mask and a tux?

Blair:He likes you. He would wear a tux and a mask and one of my mother's dresses if it meant that he could go out with you. Come on. What,are you worried that he already has a date? I mean,he is Dan Humphrey.

Serena:Shut up. I don't know. I guess a masked ball is better than a regular party because then all those kids from school that he hates- He won't even recognize them.

Blair:All right. Invite him.I insist.

Dan:I'm not saying I wouldn't go. If serena asked me,I wouldn't deprive her of my company.

Rufus:No,that would be too cruel.

Dan:But she hasn't asked me,so...

Rufus:If you want to go with her,just make it happen. Put yourself out there.

Dan:This thing happens in a matter of hours. The window for bold gestures is officially closed.

Rufus:Is that her?

Dan:Uh no,it's Vanessa.

Rufus:Vanessa? That's been a while. You gonna answer that?

Dan:Of course. Why wouldn't I? Hello? Vanessa.

Vanessa: Hi. Yeah, it's me.

Dan:So what's up? What's up? How's your mom?

Vanessa: Do you still have my copy of "the crying of lot 49"?

Dan:I don't know.

Vanessa: Well,could you check?

Dan:Okay. I haven't talked to you in over a year and you called to ask me about an old book? You know,it could be anywhere.

Vanessa: Try over by the window. (giggles)


Vanessa: Surprise!

Dan:What? Oh my god.

Vanessa: How are you? So good to see you.

Dan:I can't believe you're here.What are you doing here?

Vanessa: My parents said I could live with my sister and finish high school in the city.

Dan:So that means you're…

Vanessa: I'm back for good.

Dan:Wow. Wow. That is...

Vanessa: Awesome, I hope?

Dan:Yeah, totally. Yes, of course. It's just... unexpected.You know,unexpectedly awesome.

Vanessa: Go ahead. Answer that. I'm starving and I smell waffles.Rufus.


Dan:Hi.Serena, hey.

Serena:Hey. Hi.

Blair:Go ahead. Do it.

Serena:Hey, I was just wondering, Are you, uh ,are you doing anything tonight?

Dan:Tonight? No. No, nothing. Why?

Serena:Good, because there's this thing and you're probably gonna think it's stupid, but... ]

Dan:Try me.

Vanessa: Even cold, these are so good.I've missed Rufus' cooking. I have.Rufus,do you have whipped cream?

Serena:Who's that?

Dan:Uh,it's... it's my sister but you were saying something.

Jenny:Hi Blair. What do you want me to do with this stuff?

Blair:Oh,just leave them over there. That's fine. I left you another list.

Dan:Hello? Is anyone there?

Serena:I'm sorry. Uh... What?

Dan:Uh,you-you were asking me something.

Serena:No,uh...No, never mind. Thank you. Have a good day.



Vanessa: So what are we doing tonight?

Serena:I think I need a date.

Captain:Damn it Anne,I told you no starch.

Anne: Howard,we've been going to the same cleaners for 19 years.Your shirts are exactly how they always are. We both know this isn't about laundry.

Captain:I'm sorry,but I need everything to be perfect at Eleanor's party tonight.I can't screw up.

Anne:Eleanor knows you're the best person to take her company public. She's going to pick you. Just show up and be yourself.

Captain:Look, I'm gonna call you from the office. I gotta look over the proposal again.

Nate:Hey, mom.

Anne:Oh, Nate.

Nate:Is everything okay with dad?

Anne:Just work stuff. Nothing for you to worry about.


Vanessa: God! I love New York. There was only one theater in Woodbury and all it ever played were family movies. "The pacifier" played for like a year.

Dan:And they said Vin Diesel couldn't do comedy.

Vanessa: I can't pick.Overwhelmed by choice. Whatever you want.

Dan:Yeah sure,whatever.

Vanessa: You do wanna do something,right? I mean,you don't have plans.Big night out with overprivileged,under-parented trust fund brats from your fancy school?

Dan:Yeah,the limo's actually waiting back at the loft.

Vanessa: Good. We can egg it. Maybe slash the tires? So is it weird having me back?

Dan:No. Why would it be weird?

Vanessa: Because we said some things the night that I left.

Dan:Things that you immediately asked me to take back.

Vanessa: Because I was leaving,but... Now I'm here.

Dan:Yeah,and it's been over a year,you know? A lot has happened,actually.

Vanessa: And I look forward to hearing about it tonight. Late show. Angelika? Whatever's playing?

Dan & Vanessa:Unless it's "The pacifier."

Dan:All right. I'll get tickets.

Vanessa: Glad to be home Humphrey.

Dan:Glad to have you,Abrams.

Chuck:So what exactly are you looking for?


Chuck:Of what? The captain's dislike of starchy shirts? I totally sympathize. The collars chafe. Did you ask him about your missing college money?

Nate:Yeah,he said he was moving accounts around.It was all back the next day.

Chuck:So why worry? Mysterious financial transactions, warring parents. Welcome to the upper east side."Chi chi,get the llello." Nathaniel,I'm shocked. I thought you were strictly an herbal man.

Nate:This isn't mine.

Teenage girl rescued 15 days after quake is stable

<P <P PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) -- A 16-year-old girl pulled from the rubble more than two weeks after a deadly earthquake was in stable condition Thursday, able to eat yogurt and mashed vegetables to the surprise of doctors, who said her survival was medically inexplicable.

Hundreds of thousands of other survivors hoped for a breakthrough of another kind - the delivery of badly needed food aid.

Key players in the Haiti earthquake relief effort, in what may prove to be a pivotal meeting Wednesday, decided to better coordinate by dividing up the shattered capital, giving each responsibility for handing out food in certain areas.

Food distribution thus far has often been marked by poor coordination, vast gaps in coverage, and desperate, unruly lines of needy people in which young men at times shoved aside the women and weak and took their food.

"These things should be done in a systematic way, not a random way," Dr. Eddy Delalue, who runs a Haitian relief group, Operation Hope, said Wednesday of the emergency food program. "It's survival of the fittest: The strongest guy gets it."

Wednesday's rescue of teenager Darlene Etienne from a collapsed home near St. Gerard University, 15 days after Haiti's great quake killed an estimated 200,000 people, was the first such recovery since Saturday, when French rescuers extricated a man from the ruins of a hotel grocery store.

Etienne is stable, drinking water and eating yogurt and mashed vegetables, said Dr. Evelyne Lambert, who has been treating the girl on the French Navy hospital ship Sirocco, anchored off the shore of Port-au-Prince.

Lambert said that Etienne has a 90 percent chance of survival.

"We cannot really explain this because that's just (against) biological facts," Lambert told a news conference. "We are very surprised by the fact that she's alive. ... She's saying that she has been under the ground since the very beginning on the 12th of January so it may have really happened - but we cannot explain that."

Etienne may have had some access to water from a bathroom of the wrecked house, and rescuers said she mumbled something about having a little Coca-Cola with her in the rubble.

Experts say it's unclear how long people can survive with little or no water.

"It depends on so many variables - on temperature, on how hydrated she was when she got into this situation," said Randall Packer, a biology professor at George Washington University and an expert on salt and water balance. Packer also said Etienne's youth was likely to have helped her survive.

Even when fluids are withdrawn for terminally ill patients, "it can take a week or a little bit more for them to die," he said.

Her family said Etienne had just begun studies at St. Gerard when the disaster struck, trapping dozens of students and staff in the rubble of school buildings, hostels and nearby homes. "We thought she was dead," said cousin Jocelyn A. St. Jules.

Then - a half-month after the earthquake - neighbors heard a voice weakly calling from the rubble of a private home down the road from the destroyed university. They called authorities, who brought in the French civil response team.

French search and rescue team member Dr. Claude Fuilla walked along the dangerously crumbled roof, heard her voice and saw a little bit of dust-covered black hair in the rubble. Clearing away some debris, he reached the young woman and saw she was alive - barely.

Digging out a hole big enough to give her oxygen and water, they found she had a very weak pulse. Within 45 minutes they managed to remove her, covered in dust.

"She was in very bad shape," Fuilla said Thursday. "We had to rehydrate her for 15 minutes" before flying her by helicopter to the Sirocco. "Now, her condition is stabilized. She ate. She is speaking ... She is not very lucid, but she is OK."

At least 135 people buried in rubble have been rescued by search teams since the quake, most in the immediate aftermath. An Israeli team that earned international praise for its rescue efforts in Haiti returned home Thursday with a 5-year-old boy in need of urgent heart surgery.

Back in Haiti, the United Nations World Food Program urgently appealed to governments for more cash for Haiti supplies - $800 million to feed 2 million people through December, more than quadruple the $196 million already pledged.

The WFP, partnered with local and international organizations, had delivered 3.6 million food rations to 458,000 people by Tuesday, U.N. officials said Thursday.

But food remains scarce for many of the neediest survivors. Relief experts said the scale of this disaster and Haiti's poor infrastructure are presenting unprecedented challenges, but Haitian leaders complain coordination has been poor.

The WFP also noted that rising tensions and security incidents have hampered deliveries. Desperation boiled over earlier this week as young men rushed forward to grab U.S.-donated bags of beans and rice. A pregnant woman collapsed and was trampled.

Since the relief effort's first days, however, other problems have also delayed aid: blocked and congested roads, truck shortages, a crippled seaport and an overloaded airport.

The south pier near Port-au-Prince - the fastest route for moving large pallets of food and medical supplies into Haiti - was more badly damaged than U.S. officials realized and won't be repaired for another eight to 10 weeks, Gen. Douglas Fraser, head of U.S. Southern Command, said Thursday. At the moment, troops are only able to move 200 containers a day from ships anchored offshore using connectors, landing craft and helicopters, Fraser said.

Meanwhile, looting remained a constant threat in Port-au-Prince. A block away from U.S. troops who were knocking down the remaining walls of otherwise collapsed buildings, thieves armed with sledgehammers smashed what was left of destroyed shops Thursday, making off with everything from candy to perfume.

With the country still barely functioning, Haitian President Rene Preval canceled legislative elections scheduled for next month. The Parliament building partially collapsed in the earthquake, killing one senator, and other candidates also died in the disaster.

"We don't need elections right now," said 37-year-old store clerk Martine Poulard. "Elections cost a lot. They should use the money to feed the people who are starving in the streets, and they need to build houses for the homeless as well."

gossip girl 第一季剧本第四集part1

Bad News Blair

Blair (Leighton Meester) is thrilled when her mother, Eleanor (Margaret Colin), chooses her to be the new face of her clothing line. However, Blair's happiness soon turns to feelings of betrayal and jealousy when Serena (Blake Lively) moves into the spotlight and Blair is finds herself back in Serena's shadow. Meanwhile, Serena and Dan (Penn Badgley) are reminded once again that they come from two very different worlds, and Nate (Chace Crawford) and Chuck (Ed Westwick) indulge in a boys' weekend to blow off steam after Ivy Week. Taylor Momsen, Kelly Rutherford and Matthew Settle also star.The episode, directed by Patrick Norris was written by Joshua Safran.

Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper east siders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.

Kati:My god! You'll never believe what's on "Gossip Girl"

Isabel: Someone saw serena getting off the train at grand central.

Serena:I thought everything was good between us.

Blair:It was... before I found out you had sex with my boyfriend.

Serena:I didn't come back for you.Look, Blair's my best friend and you're her boyfriend and she loves you.

Dan:You'd really go out with some guy you don't know?

Serena:Well, you can't be worse than the guys I do know.

Rufus:Well, our kids were bound to meet.It's a small island.

Lily:Are you sure it's not some ploy you're using my daughter to get to me now that your wife left you?

Nate:Do you ever feel like our whole lives have been planned out for us,that we're just gonna end up like our parents?

Chuck:Man, that's a dark thought.

Captain:Your mother and I didn't work this hard so you can just make things up as you go along.

Chuck:It's a facility for the disturbed or addicted. The question is, what do you do now?

Blair:I was thinking... total social destruction?

Chuck:And here I thought you were getting soft.

Blair:It's because of their excellent program that a student here with us today is clean and sober..at least, for now.

Dan:She's in rehab?

Jenny:No, it's not her. It's her brother who's there.

Dan:I know I said something about you and your world and I'm sorry.

Blair:Why did you leave without saying good-bye?

Serena:I didn't know how to be your friend after what I did. I'm so sorry.

Gossip Girl:Spotted in central park: two white flags waving. So what will it be- truce or consequences?

Man:I'm sorry but you're not on the list.

Blair:Of course I am. this is my dream!

Man:Not anymore.

Gossip Girl:Hey, upper east siders. There's nothing gossip girl likes more than a surprise and we hear Blair Waldorf's got a 2-for-1 special:Her mom Eleanor, who just returned from Paris and Serena van der Woodsen, brunch buddies.

Serena:Hey! you're up.

Blair:Did we have plans?

Eleanor:Darling, it is impolite to interrupt. I was just telling Serena that Bendel's is interested in carrying my line.

Blair:Really? Oh, that's fantastic! Why didn't you say something?

Eleanor:I came back from Paris early to put together my lookbook and if they like what they see. It could be the beginning

of an entire lifestyle collection.

Blair:Because more people should be like you, mother.

Eleanor:Before you tuck into that,you might find a low-fat yogurt more appealing.

Blair:I lost 2 pounds when you were away.

Eleanor:And you look marvelous.

Serena:Wow, these are beautiful, Mrs. Waldorf.

Eleanor:Well, they will be if they're not all squished from traveling.Darling, please. Serena, you have to come back later when everything is unpacked.I would love to hear your thoughts.Uou do have such great personal style.

Serena:Oh thank you but I don't think we'll be able to. Blair and I have plans today.

Blair:Oh. We do?

Gossip Girl:Serena and Blair might have plans for the day but Nate and Chuck are fully booked for the weekend if they survive it.

Chuck:Found it. Piaget.

Nate:Can't you just call it a watch?

Chuck:If it costs more than 10 grand, it earns a proper name.

Nate:How about this? Definitely that.

Chuck:Babe Ruth's called shot. The most famous homer he ever hit. Better safe than sorry. Here we go.(Party commences)You've lived through Ivy week and hopefully gained entry to the college of your choice. Now let's ruin those chances.Let me remind you of the rules:As of this moment,there is no outside world that I do not show you.You eat what I provide. Practice what I preach and till I say so.The only girls you talk to are the ones I've paid for.

Crowd:Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

Chuck:Let the lost weekend commence!

Man:One, two, three, twins!

Chuck:Who brought the sasquatch?

Nate:Isn't that Carter Baizen? I haven't seen him since he was a senior and we were in the eighth grade.He looks intense.

Chuck:Are you high? He looks like Matthew Mcconaughey between movies. The guy's a loser. Look, anyone who trades their trust fund for a fanny pack, flies in the face of all that is holy to Chuck Bass.

Baizen: Nate Archibald, is that you?

Nate:Baizen, my man! I heard you went rogue!

Baizen: And lived to tell about it.


Gossip Girl:Seems like someone's itinerary didn't leave room for interlopers. Doesn't Chuck know a party isn't a party until someone crashes?

Serena:Oh god.

Blair:I forgot what it was like to be with you.

Serena:No, they were looking at both of us.

Blair:Don't insult me. It's been like this all morning. Starting with your lovely visit with my mother. She didn't even call me to tell me she was coming home.

Serena:Well, she was busy.She was rushing to get home and everything Because she wanted to see you.

Blair:She didn't even wake me up.

Serena:Well, you know how Eleanor feels about beauty rest.

Blair:She likes you more than me.

Serena:She does not. You are her daughter.She doesn't like anyone more than you. She just...I don't know,doesn't know how to show it sometimes.

Blair:Okay, I'm going inside. Wait for me. I'll be right back.

Serena:Humphrey! Dan! Hey!


Serena:Oh my god! This is what I love about this city. You're always bumping into people. What are you doing here?

Dan:Oh, I'm just on my way back from my mom's. Dropping Jenny off up in Hudson.Picked up a couple of cubans for me and my dad...Sandwiches, not cigars.

Serena:Hey, remember you said, we could get together sometime and not talk? I was just wondering is it "sometime" yet?

Blair:That was disgusting. The D.O.H. should shut them down.

Serena:The bathroom?

Blair:No, the people. It's called Nolita, not noshowers.What are you doing here? Do I smell pork? And cheese? Okay well, when you're done with your charity work, why don't you come find me? I'll be at Tory Burch looking at ponchos.

Dan:Isn't that the girl that told the entire school and oh several colleges that you had a drug problem?

Serena:Yeah.But, you know, Blair can be a little...Blair.

Dan:Yeah, yeah.

Serena:We're actually trying to work things out. Today's our first day hanging out together alone.


Serena:Ooh! So I should probably get back.

Dan:Yeah. Yeah, sure. That's...

Serena:Yeah.But call me sometime. So we can get together and do that thing you didn't ask me to do.

Nate:So I don't understand.The last time I saw your sister,she said your family had locked you out and you'd fallen off the face of the earth.

Baizen: I didn't. I just fell off the face of theirs.But once you turn away from money you see it doesn't buy you freedom, it pays for your prison.They say I disappeared, but all I did was break out.

Nate:Where'd you go?

Baizen: Where didn't I? I aided the cleanup post-katrina. Spent a year rebuilding Machu Oicchu,Which let me tell you, it's changed my life.I bought an H.D. Cam and started filming it for a documentary--

Chuck:You're the guy who gave us our first joint。 Snuck us into our first club and you're gonna tell me the life of filmmaker is better than this? You invented the lost weekend.

Nate:Hey, who cares about a party when you can travel the world?

Baizen: Exactly. In the real world, the only thing that matters is who you are, not what you own.

Chuck:As much as I love the speech about not needing material things from a guy who has that much product in his hair.This party is about excess not exposition.Stop talking.Start partying. Now here is something that doesn't need material. As a matter of fact, it's about to come off.Who's with me?

Nate:I think I'm just gonna hang here for a bit.

Chuck:Fine. I'd hate to break up a matched set anyway.

Baizen: How about we continue this over some cards? None of this crap these kids are playing.Texas hold'em is dead. You know, I'll show you some real action.You know what? I'm in this weekly game in this corner in queens.It goes all night.It's the real deal- high stakes, big money. People with the kind of stories that would put mine to shame.You should-you should come.


Baizen: yeah

Eleanor:This one missed her cue at the chloe show because she was throwing up a pear. She was in vera's "vogue" spread.I don't use vera's models.

Assistant:None of these are right. Well, that's because you're looking at the high fashion book when you should be looking for a new face-You know, someone who looks good in your clothes.Someone in this book, like I told you.

Eleanor:I hate the American apparel effect.

Assistant: But they're closer to what you need.They're now, they're hip.

Eleanor:If this person is supposed to represent Waldorf designs,you have to find me someone...worthy of the clothes.

Assistant: Yeah.

Eleanor:Someone like me. Someone like...My daughter.

Assistant: Well, why not her? You want your line to represent the Waldorf lifestyle.Who better to represent you than one of your own family?

Eleanor:She was my first dress form.

Serena:She'd love to!

Blair:I would?

Assistant: Eleanor?

Eleanor:Yes. It's perfect.

Assistant: Eleanor Waldorf meet the new face of Waldorf for Bendel's.

Gossip Girl:Is that a smile we see on B's lips? The spotlight's on her for once and S Actually helped her get it. I guess miracles can happen.

Serena:It's gonna be so hot. The clothes are gorgeous.

Blair:They're all right.

Serena:Oh, shut up. They're amazing.

Blair:I'm just doing my mom a favor. The hair and makeup test is tonight.

Kati:I think this is my best pose.

Isabel:That's because you can't see what you look like. You're just a hand model and that's it. The right way is this.

Blair:Girls, no.This is how you do it. No no no. Gotta curve your spine forward, elongate.

Serena:Oh no. You guys are doing it all wrong.Look, you're missing the key.

Blair:Show us.

Serena:Look look look. You gotta put the hand on the hip and pop.That's how you gotta do it.

Blair:Pop. Pop. No, like this.

Serena:Hello? Who's this?

Blair:Oh! Who'd dare interrupt the Van der Woodsen as she teaches?


Blair:I said, "who?"

Serena:Give me my phone!

Dan:Dan Humphrey.

Serena:Who is it?

Blair:I'm sorry. The number you've dialed is no longer in service.

Serena:Stop it! Who is it?

Blair:I'm doing you a favor.

Dan:Look, I can hear you. Can I just please talk to serena?

Blair:Apparently you can, cabbage patch.

Serena:Come on. Let me have it.


Serena:Hello? Dan! Hey. I'm so so sorry about that.

Dan:And I'm so so ready to hang up.

Serena:Blair was just playing. You have my full attention, I promise.

Dan:Good 'cause I was calling to ask you to not talk with me at a movie tonight.

Serena:Tonight? Where? What time?

Dan:The sunshine 7:00.

Serena:I'd love to. Uh, I'll see you there.

Dan:See you there.

Rufus:It's complicated, isn't it?

Woman: I can't stop staring at it. It's difficult work. I mean that in the best way. It's enigmatic. It reminds me of an early Bacon or Schnabel.

Rufus:The artist is in Hudson. I've represented her for sometime. Rufus.

Woman: Bex Simon. I've heard a lot about your gallery.I wasn't expecting a piece like this from a former rock star.

Rufus:I prefer "one-hit wonder."

Simon:What turned you gallerist?

Rufus:I've always had artistic pursuits.

Simon:We have something in common. I always pursue artists. I've been in Brooklyn all day. Looking for work for a client. I'm a buyer. I didn't think I'd find a piece like this and I don't think it'll be here long.I'd to put it on hold. May O?

Rufus:Yeah of course.

Simon:What time do you close?

Rufus:I'll stay open.

Simon:Good.Thank you.

Chuck:What is Carter still doing here?

Nate:I invited him.

Chuck:Or he invited himself? That is his style.Begging us to break free of our prisons while stuffing his face with free food and draining our booze.He's a deadbeat and a hypocrite.

Nate:And a good ballplayer, if I remember right.You sure you just don't wanna lose to him there, chuck?

Carter:Maybe if your daddy bought you a basketball team instead of a hotel, you'd have some skill.

Chuck:Look, this is the lost weekend for juniors. Not senior citizens. Go jump into a volcano.

Carter:Let's just settle it on the court.

Chuck:Let's settle it right now.

Nate: Hey, chill out.

Chuck:No, this is my game. I pick the players.

Carter:I get it. I'll go.

Nate:Hey. Hey man. Is that card game tonight?


Nate:Hey, text me the address later.

Carter:I will.

Nate:You didn't have to do that, man.

Chuck:Nobody wanted him here.He's an older brother bringing everyone down.

Nate:Let's just play some ball.
