600字范文 > 隧洞 Tunnel英语短句 例句大全

隧洞 Tunnel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-17 18:14:27


隧洞 Tunnel英语短句 例句大全



1.Characteristics and classification of surrounding rockmass of diversion tunnel for Rongdi Upgrade Project;荣地水电站增机扩容工程引水隧洞围岩特征及分类

2.Excavation construction of the transition section of the diversion tunnel in Nuozhadu hydropower station;糯扎渡水电站3号导流隧洞渐变段开挖施工

3.Application of genetic algorithm to optimizing blasting parameters for tunnel excavation;遗传算法在隧洞开挖爆破参数优化中的应用


1.Research on Influence of Blasting Vibration in Digging Tunnels upon Existing Tunnels;隧洞开挖爆破振动对已有隧洞影响的研究

2.has caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers.有很多岩洞和隧洞, 原为走私者所用.

3.Discussions on Design of Pre-stressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP) passing through the Xiganchi Tunnel西甘池隧洞洞穿PCCP管设计思路探讨

4.Research of Original Observation and Checking Water Carrying Capability for Water Diversion Tunnel from Lan River to Tanghe Reservoir;引兰入汤隧洞原型观测及隧洞输水能力复核研究

5.Discussion on application of tunnel boring machine(TBM) to construction of water conveyance tunnel浅议全断面隧洞掘进机在引水隧洞施工中的应用

6.Treatment of the filling cavern in the tunnel with deep and large bore cast in place pile深孔大口径灌注桩处理隧洞中的充填型溶洞

7.Researches on the Condition of Cavitation of Unlined Diversion Type Pressure Tunnel and the Stability of Surrounding Rock;不衬砌有压引水隧洞成洞条件及围岩稳定研究

8.The Analysis and Discussion to Hole Spacing of Wuzhuang Tunnel in Jingshi Section京石段吴庄隧洞洞间距确定的分析探讨

9.Study on transportation system of long and large tunnel construction by TBM长大隧洞掘进机施工洞内运输系统研究

10.Direct calculation method for normal depth of arched section tunnel普通城门洞形隧洞正常水深的直接计算方法

11.Construction diversion tunnel(in combination with tailrace tunnel) design of Xiluodu Hydropower Station溪洛渡水电站导流隧洞(与尾水洞结合段)设计

12.Two dimension nonlinear FEM analysis for shield tunneling盾构法隧洞的平面非线性有限元分析

13.Discussion on Long Tunnel Excavation Cost in Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Project水电工程长隧洞开挖造价问题的探讨

14.To dig a hole or tunnel in or through.挖洞,挖隧道在…中或穿过…挖洞或挖隧道

15.Fermions tunneling of the Vaidya-Bonner black holeVaidya-Bonner黑洞的费米子隧穿

16.Aseismic and seism-reducing modeling study for entrance of two-track tunnels双洞隧道洞口段抗减震模型试验研究

17.Monitoring and Measurement Technology of the Emergence of Shallow Buried Unsysmmetrical Loaded Small Guide Hole浅埋偏压隧道小导洞出洞施工与监控量测技术

18.Discussion on the Construction Scheme of Tunnel Entrance in Crowded Population Area隧道洞口位于人群聚居区出洞施工方案探讨



1.On advance geological forecast oftunnels on karst or varied geological conditions;概论岩溶或地质复杂隧道隧洞地质灾害超前预报技术

3)lining tunnel衬砌隧洞

1.Here in China in the field of engineering exploration we do not have feasible m ethods for drilling and sampling inlining tunnel.但是 ,在衬砌隧洞内钻探和取样国内尚未有确实可行的方法。

4)Class tunnel restorations隧道洞型

1.Stress onClass tunnel restorations of the first mandibular molar;下颌第一恒磨牙隧道洞型的应力分析

5)tunnel entrance隧道洞口

1.The practical method oftunnel entrance landscape design and its design procedure are presented in this paper.提出了隧道洞口景观设计的实用方法及设计流程,并重点讨论了目前洞口景观设计的重要性和发展趋势;设计中如何采集洞口景观数据及如何利用洞口景观数据库;以及如何进行洞口景观点评价等在设计中应注意的几个问题。

2.For ensuring the stabilization of slope aroundtunnel entrance, the tunnel design criterion gives out the definite demands to solpe gradient and excavating high, but these demands are confined only the sort of surrounding rock, can not judge the influence of layer property of surrounding rock and ground water.为了保证隧道洞口边仰坡的稳定 ,隧道设计规范对刷坡坡率和开挖高度有一定的控制要求 ,但这种要求仅局限于围岩的类别 ,而对围岩的层理性状和地下水对坡体稳定性的影响不能作出判断。

3.Research purposes:The construction oftunnel entrance is the key part of the whole engineering.研究目的:隧道洞口段施工是整个隧道工程施工的关键。

6)water tunnel水工隧洞

1.By analyzing the project examples and the built projects,the article thinks it is logical and economic to apply firing prestressed concrete lining structure in the high-pressuredwater tunnel if the condition permits.文章通过对工程实例及已建工程的分析,认为在满足务件的高压水工隧洞中,采用限裂灌浆式预应力混凝土村砌结构是合理的、经济的。

2.Concrete lining ofwater tunnel is an important step in tunnel construction.水工隧洞混凝土衬砌是隧洞施工中的重要环节,如果施工过程采用措施稍有不当,衬砌混凝土就会产生裂缝,而衬砌混凝土裂缝不仅影响隧洞的结构稳定,还会因裂缝漏水影响隧洞的运行安全。

3.Acting loads ofwater tunnel and their statistical data are carefully analyzed,and math models are established.阐明了水工隧洞中存在的不确定性 ,分析了与传统意义上“定值法”有别的不确定性概念 ,并论述了后者的合理性。


