600字范文 > 作品改编 composition adaption英语短句 例句大全

作品改编 composition adaption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-20 17:19:12


作品改编 composition adaption英语短句 例句大全

作品改编,composition adaption

1)composition adaption作品改编


1.adaptations from literary works自文学作品改编而成的作品

2.To adapt(a literary work) for dramatic presentation, as in a theater or on television or radio.编剧为剧场、电视或广播而将文学作品改编成戏剧表现形式

3.Jake must decide, along with his new, eager assisstant whether he and his family can run the risk of defending the man..影片改编自约翰.格沙姆的同名小说,根据他的作品改编的电影都很卖座。

4.From "Being Alike" of Revised Writing to "Selecting" of Revised Mainbody;从改编作品的“相像”到改编主体的“选择”

5.adaptations for the screen为拍电影而改编的作品

6.Her work has been adapted many times for television.她的作品多次被改编成电视剧。

7.On the Piano Music Lanhuahua Adapted by WANG Li-san论汪立三改编的钢琴作品《蓝花花》

8.Genre、Stories、Image:Three Characteristics of Filmed Novels--Samples of SuTong"s Works体裁、故事、影像化:小说的电影改编三题——以苏童的改编作品为中心

9.The copyright in the work shall be enjoyed by the adaptor and translator.本作品的著作权应由改编者及翻译者共享有。

10.On the Research of The Early Chinese Piano Works From The Rearrangement And Creation of Folk Tone;从民间音调的改编与创作看中国早期钢琴作品

11.The Analysis of Five Accordion Composition Adapted from Chinese Traditional Music;五首中国传统器乐曲改编的手风琴作品研究

12.Method in making plan for product changing in cotton mill;棉纺织厂品种翻改作业计划的编制方法

13.Linda Hutcheon on the Creativeness and Independence of Literary Adaptation;自主、变化、推陈出新——琳达·哈钦论文学作品的改编

14.Talk about the movie & TV and adapt the use in Modern Chinese Literature teaching of works;论影视改编作品在中国现代文学教学中的使用

15.On the Artistic Features of the Adapted Compositions From Chinese Traditional Music Into Piano Music;论中国传统乐曲钢琴改编作品的艺术特色

16.On the Performance Features of the Adapted Works from Chinese Traditional Music into Piano Works;中国传统乐曲钢琴改编作品的演奏特色

17.Henry James"s Literary Women on the Screen亨利·詹姆斯作品中女性人物的影视改编(英文)

18.The updated copyright law PRC have not a clearly describe about the scope of the original work that the adaptation may be involved.由此,通过改编来演绎作品,推动作品传播的做法颇受欢迎。


Transcribed China"s piano composition中国改编钢琴作品

3)Motion Adaptation动作改编

4)revised work改编之作

5)production number作品编号


1.The paper gives an outlined analysis into current Chinese laws and regulations about copyright, and concludes that the said interest field can be defined as two integrated layers: copyright ofcompilation and neighboring copyright of format design.依据著作权法律、法规的相关规定,高校学报著作权的权利内容具有双重结构,即汇编作品著作权和版式设计权的有机结合。


