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文献 literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-29 19:37:51


文献 literature英语短句 例句大全



1.Searching, coordinating and analyzing of tealiterature published in China;中国茶学科技文献的搜集、整理与分析

2.New advance in scientific research of gold geology in China as viewed fromliteratures;从文献看我国金矿地质科研新进展

3.Adverse Drug Reactions Induced by Vincristine Injection:Literature Analysis of 39 Cases;39例长春新碱注射剂不良反应文献分析


1.document-document similarity matrix文献-文献相似性矩阵

2.Monumenta Germaniae Historica《日耳曼历史文献》

3.museum pieces, archives and object d"art珍品、文献、艺术品

4.Study of Archival Documents Compilation《档案文献编纂学》

5.Defence Documentation Centre of Scientific and Technical Information国防科技情报文献中心(国防文献中心)

6.We have quoted in the bibliography a large number of items.文献目录中列举了大量文献。

7.Check-out Statistics and Document Acquisition of Library in Agricultural Universities农业高校图书馆文献借阅与文献采购

8.Yueyang Literature on Local Resources and Local Literature Work谈岳阳地方文献资源与地方文献工作

9.voluminous literature长篇文学,大量的文献

10.Include internal and end references in conventional format.在文中和文末夹注文献出处及参考文献。

11.Illustration Supplement for Paraphrase of the Characters Embodied in Shuowen(说文) --Illustrate Shuowen(说文) by Using Bamboo Slips and Silk Literature;《说文》收字释义文献用例补缺——以简帛文献证《说文》

12.Notes on the Chinese Buddhist Writings from Karakhoto Site;《俄藏黑水城文献》汉文佛教文献拟题考辨

13.Descriptive Rules in Bibliography for Patent Documents Due to its Particularity专利文献在文后参考文献中的著录规则

14.The original reference is Ref. 1, and more recent and sophisticated accounts are given in Refs, 27 and 28.最早的参考文献为文献1,而更高深的新内容发表在文献27和28上。

15.On the Contributions of WANG Zhong-min to the Cataloging and Studies of Dunhuang Literature;论王重民对敦煌文献整理研究的贡献

16.On Chen Yuan’s Foundational Construction to Chinese Historical Textual Studies试论陈垣对历史文献学的建基性贡献

17.The Contribution Political Institution to Economic Growth:A Review of Literatures政治制度对经济增长贡献的文献述评

18.Chemical Literature & Consulting Method化学文献及查阅方法



1.Status of adverse drug reaction of antihypertensive drugs ondocuments within forty years in China;国内40年文献源抗高血压药物不良反应分析

2.How to do the work on donated Document in libraries;图书馆怎样做好捐赠文献工作


1.Analysis on the patentdocuments information elementarily of textile;纺织专利文献信息资源的分析与探讨

2.Metrology Analysis of Documents of Researches on China Mental Health Standards from 1987 to .;1987~我国心理健康标准研究现状的文献计量学分析

3.Digitalization construction of librarydocuments in police schools;略论公安院校图书馆馆藏文献数字化建设


1.Study on Literatures of Tea Medicine in China;中国茶医学科技文献研究

2.It was also an effective platform for enhancing the utilization rate of TCMliteratures.建立中医临床基础专题文献数据库是中医临床学科建设的基础性工作,也是提高中医药文献利用率的有效平台。

3.Ancient Chinese herballiteratures were studied.通过对古代本草文献的研究,将我国古代的本草分为综合类、药性类、食疗和救荒类、药典类、炮制类、海外及地域类、歌括类、图谱类、单味药类、专科类、采药类、栽培类、音义类、节纂改编类、节录类、分经类、辑佚类等18种类别,以利于现代对古代本草文献的科学利用。


1.This paper analyses the inevitability and actuality of Internet baseddocumentation becoming citation, and discusses the shortcomings existing in the process.分析了网络文献成为引文的现实性和必然性 ,以及存在的问题。

2.Readers demand fordocumentation and information service in vocational and technological colleges is analyzed,along with some problems involved,and some solutions are provided as reference.就高职高专院校读者对图书馆文献信息服务的需求进行分析,找出存在的问题,提出参考性的建议。

3.The successful Sci & Techdocumentation sharing-servicing cases and standarddocumentation servicing cases world-wide and inland are described based on investigation in this article.本文全面调研了世界范围与国内重要的科技文献共享服务成功案例,以及标准文献服务机构成功运作的案例,提出了标准文献服务与科技文献服务间存在的差距。

6)Bibliography contribution文献贡献


