600字范文 > 旅游地质资源 geological tourism resources英语短句 例句大全

旅游地质资源 geological tourism resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-22 06:04:21


旅游地质资源 geological tourism resources英语短句 例句大全

旅游地质资源,geological tourism resources

1)geological tourism resources旅游地质资源

1.The regional compartmentalization should abide by the following principles: the comprehensive principle,the consistency principle reflected in the comprehensive interaction between thegeological tourism resources and human-land relationship,the interaction principle of the double systems and the top-bottom differentination,and the principle of keeping the country administrative depart.旅游地质资源与人地关系复合系统具有特殊的空间地域分异规律,其区域划分遵循:综合性原则、旅游地质资源与人地关系及其相互作用整体特征相一致原则、双列系统交叉及从上到下的划分原则、保持乡级行政单位完整性原则,由旅游地质资源景观一级区→人地关系二级区→耦合单元三级区组成复合系统区划等级序列。

2.Based on the meaning of thegeological tourism resources of Anhui Province,the authors primarily classified and reviewed it,and put up some exploration strategies.旅游地质资源是地质作用形成的特殊自然资源。

3.There are abundantgeological tourism resources.旅游地质资源十分丰富,发生在距今25~14。


1.Geological tourism resources of wangwushan national geopark;王屋山国家地质公园的旅游地质资源

2.Geological Tourism Resources of Anhui Province,Its Exploration and Protection;安徽旅游地质资源及开发与保护建议

3.Lijiang is a region in possession of abundant tourism resources and its tourism is developing fleetly.丽江市为旅游地质资源丰富和旅游业快速发展的地区。


5.The characteristic and developing advice on Mountain Huping;湖南石门县壶瓶山旅游区旅游地质资源特点及开发建议

6.Studies on geologic-geomorphologic tourism resources exploitation in Lushan region;庐山地区地质地貌旅游资源开发研究

7.Research on Lijiang Rural Ecological and Geological Tourism Resources Integration;丽江乡村生态—地质旅游资源整合研究

8.The Study of Tourism Resource Values for Geopark;地质公园旅游资源价值评估实证研究

9.Quantification Assessment of Tourism Resources in Wulong National Geopark of Chongqing;武隆国家地质公园旅游资源量化分析

10.Integration of Rural Ecotourism and Geological Tourism Resources at Lijiang;丽江乡村生态——地质旅游资源整合探讨

11.Shandong Earth s Crust and Tour Resources Exploiture and Resarch;山东地质旅游资源特征及其开发研究

12.Research on the Estimation of Geological Landscape--Tourism Resources Based on the Valuation of Tourism Resources of Biology Reefs in Anxian County;地质景观旅游资源评价研究——以安县生物礁旅游资源评价为例

13.The exploitation and protection of tourism resources in Yuntaishan World Geopark云台山世界地质公园地质旅游资源开发与保护

14.The geology landscape distributes and geology tourism resource partition in Liaoning辽宁省地质景观分布和地质旅游资源分区

15.The Primary Research on the Assets Management of Tourism Resources of Geological Remains;地质遗迹类旅游资源的资产化管理初探

16.Geological Landforms and Its Utilization of Travel Resources in Rizhao City;日照市地质地貌景观旅游资源类型与开发利用

17.The Volcanic Geology and the Geological Tourist Resorce of Zhairuoshan Island,Dinghai,Zhejiang Province;浙江定海摘箬山岛火山地质与地学旅游资源

18.Investigation and study on the tourism resources of Liujiang Basin state geological park in Qinhuangdao city;秦皇岛柳江盆地国家级地质公园旅游资源研究


tourism geological resources旅游地质资源

1.The data of the richtourism geological resources for the region of three parallel rivers are studied.从数据挖掘技术的角度研究了三江并流带地区丰富的旅游地质资源数据 ,采用“数据概化”的方法对资源数据集进行“维归约”预处理 。

2.Yunnan Province is a region in possession of abundanttourism geological resources and full-bodied minority custom,which has become the guaranty of Yunnan tourism.云南省旅游地质资源丰富,少数民族风情浓郁,是该省旅游业可持续发展的保证。

3.The study of this paper belongs to the research field oftourism geological resources.本论文的研究属于旅游地质学的研究范畴,研究内容中针对的旅游地质资源,属于地质学和旅游学两门学科的共同研究对象,同时论文重点研究的旅游地质资源与人地关系复合系统中的人地关系为地理学研究的核心课题;在研究方法上,兼顾了自然科学和社会科学的研究手段。

3)tourist geologic resources旅游地质资源

1.The research on development abouttourist geologic resources in southeast guizhou;黔东南州旅游地质资源开发的研究

2.Passing through the investigation,according to the material constitute and cause of formation,and considering the special geology background of province of Hunan,tourist geologic resources of Hunan are divided into 7 kinds and 26 species.根据物质组成和成因,考虑湖南省特殊的地质背景,将湖南省旅游地质资源划分为7大类26种。

4)geological tourism resources地质旅游资源

1.A research on Jinjiang Shenhu Baygeological tourism resources development and utilizition;福建晋江深沪湾地质旅游资源开发利用研究

2.Developinggeological tourism resources can improve the quality of life of the people and bring about an advance in economy.地质旅游资源是地质作用形成的特殊的自然资源。

3.Shanxi Province riched ingeological tourism resources.山西省地质旅游资源丰富,不同地域分布着各具特征的地质景观。

5)geological tourism resource地质旅游资源

1.There are colorfulgeological tourism resources in Yunnan province.云南省地质旅游资源丰富,99世博会以后云南省更加重视旅游业的发展,如今已经成为全国甚至世界知名的旅游省份。

6)geological tourist resource地质旅游资源

1.Maingeological tourist resources types of Nan Shan and their exploitation;镇江南山地质旅游资源的主要类型及开发利用


旅游气候资源(见天象气候类旅游资源)旅游气候资源(见天象气候类旅游资源)tourist climatic resourcesIOyou qihouz一yuan旅游气候资源(tourist ClimatiC resou二es)见天象气候类旅游资源。
