600字范文 > 字素 grapheme英语短句 例句大全

字素 grapheme英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-09 03:45:35


字素 grapheme英语短句 例句大全



1.After the comparison of explanation mode ofgraphemes of the associative characters and the semantic-defining in the field of exegesis,the similarity between them was found,to evidence the former is the prototype of the latter.作为释义范式,会意字构形字素的释义模式和训诂学中"义界"方式具有较强的同构性,前者是我们今天所能见到的训诂学中"义界"方法的滥(?)。

2.In order to solve the above-mentioned two problems,we have developed a kind of Mongolian code converting algorithm based on thegrapheme.为了解决以上两点问题,我们研制了一种基于字素编码的蒙古文编码转换通用算法。


1.A letter of an alphabet.字母,字素字母表的一个字母

2.A letter or combination of letters that can represent one phoneme, as f and gh can represent the phoneme / f / .字素变体可代表一个音素的字母或字母组合,如f和gh可代表音素/f/

3.a variant form of a grapheme as `m" or `M".相同字素的不同形式比如M或者m。

4.On Chinese Character and Morpheme--Related Taking about word of Morpheme;关于汉字和语素——兼谈语素“素”

5.a plain hand-drawn letter.一种朴素的手写体字母。

6.key coding element location关键字编码元素单元

7.Biblical Factors in The Scarlet Letter《红字》中的《圣经》元素(英文)

8.On the one hand, Chinese character is a morpheme-writing, because it consists of the individual word which is the record of Chinese morpheme.汉字的基本单位是一个个的字,这一个个的字记录的是汉语的一个个语素,所以汉字是语素文字。

9.All of the letters and letter combinations that represent a phoneme, as f, ph, and gh for the phoneme / f / .音素代表一个音素的所有字母和字母组合,如f,ph,和gh代表音素/f/

10.A numeric array stores each element with a numeric ID key.数字数组中的每个元素包含一个数字id。

11.Groups of characters, in turn, form meaningful data elements called fields.接着,字符组形成有意义的数据元素,称为字段;

12.A character string or a binary element string in a word.一个字内的一个字符串或二进制元(素)串。

13.The Effect of Category Factor on the Perceptual Interference Effect of Chinese Two-character Words;范畴因素对汉字双字词知觉干扰效应的影响

14.Interferences of Morpheme Characters with PSC Examination;PSC单字试题中语素字对测试目标的影响

15.The system font is a" raster font," which means that the characters are defined as blocks of pixels.系统字体是“光栅字体”,这意味着字符被定义为像素块。

16.Writing typified by the use of characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elements.楔形文字以使用由小型楔状元素排列而成的字母为典型的文字

17.To divide or connect(syllables, word elements, or names)with a hyphen.以连字号连接用连字号分离或连接(音节、词素或名字)

18.Talking about Relation of Ideographic Writing between Word Writing and Morpheme Writing --Consultation with Mr.Zheng Zhen-feng;也谈表意文字与词文字、语素文字的关系——兼与郑振峰先生商榷


numeric fodder数字素材

3)minimum morpheme最小字素

1.The different Mongolian glyph codes are convented to theminimum morpheme codes,then they are transfered to the ISO Mongolian standard codes according to the Mongolian orthography collating dictionary and some rules involved.本文讨论的问题是首先将不同种类的蒙古文字形编码转换为蒙古文最小字素编码,再根据蒙古文正字法对照词典及有关规则,转换为蒙古文国际编码。

2.The query method of Mongolian data is analyzed and a newminimum morpheme query method is introduced.对蒙古文数据的查找方法进行了分析,给出了一种新的蒙古文数据的查找方法——最小字素查询方法。

4)constituents of Chinese characters汉字要素

5)phonemic language音素文字

6)letter element字母要素

1.As a result of the rapid development of international trade in recent years,theletter element in brand names of domestic products appears increasingly important because it not only carries the relevant information about a certain product but also reflects the image of an enterprise.随着我国与世界各国经济贸易活动日益频繁,商标名称中的字母要素由于能够承载商品的相关信息和企业的文化定位而在商品国际化营销过程中变得越来越重要。


紫杉醇 ,紫素,特素,紫烷素,路泰,泰素药物名称:红豆杉醇英文名:Taxol别名: 红豆杉醇;紫杉醇 ,紫素,特素,紫烷素,路泰,泰素 外文名:Taxol ,TAX,Paclitaxel,PTX适应症: 本品适用于一线或其后的卵巢转移性癌化疗失败以后的治疗。 用量用法: 稀释的泰素注射液应先经过所连接的直径不超过0.22μm孔膜的滤过装置,使用前先用地噻米松、苯海拉明及H2一受体拮抗剂。 注意事项: 1.可有白细胞、血小板减少、贫血(血色素减少)、感染、粘膜炎、出血、过敏反应、低血压、心动过缓、心电图异常、关节痛、肌肉痛、转氨酶和胆红素升高、脱发、恶心及呕吐。 2.对本品有过敏者及骨髓抑制患者忌用。 规格: 浓缩注射液:30mg/支。 类别:抗肿瘤植物成分药
