600字范文 > 洗浴剂 bath英语短句 例句大全

洗浴剂 bath英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-06 15:01:45


洗浴剂 bath英语短句 例句大全



1.Globalbath & body wash/ deodorant market全球洗浴剂/除臭剂市场


1.Cleaning of hot-water piping system in thebath profession;洗浴行业热水管道系统的清洗

2.With the development of politics, economy and culture in Rome, thebath culture that has been symbolized with the prosperity of publicbath gets full development.伴随着罗马政治、经济和思想文化的发展,以公共浴场的繁荣为标志的洗浴事业在整个罗马社会得到了空前的发展,洗浴成为罗马人日常生活中所不可或缺的一部分,罗马人酷爱清洁已经到了无可复加的程度,上至皇帝下至平民百姓,许多人一天中的很大一部分时间就在公共浴场里度过。

3.Objective To explore the effect ofbath with traditional Chinese medicine and acupoints stimulation on infantile eczema.目的观察中药洗浴加穴位刺激治疗婴幼儿湿疹的效果。


1."Wipe down the walls behind baths, under the soap receptacle and inside shower cubicles."擦洗浴缸后面、皂盒下方以及淋浴房内的墙壁。

2.Do you prefer to wash in a bath or a shower?你喜欢洗盆浴还是淋浴?

3.There was a sachet of shampoo in the bathroom.浴室里有一袋洗发液。

4.dirty waste water from sinks,baths,etc(洗涤槽、浴缸等的)污水.

5.Having showered he dressed.他洗完淋浴,换上装。

6.He had a shower to cool himself off.他洗了个淋浴,凉快一下。

7.Please scrub me bath out.请把浴池擦洗干净。

8.after getting up, I go into the bathroom and take a shower.起床以后,我到浴室洗淋

9.Don"t wash your underwears in the bath room.不要在浴室洗你的内衣。

10.receiving blanket[美]洗澡后包婴儿的浴巾

11."Each bathroom has a supply of soap, bottle of shampoo and bubble bath . "每个浴室都备有香皂、洗发液和浴液。

12.Clean out the bathtub when you are done.洗完澡后请把浴缸洗干净。

13.Some curative baths will help you to recover.洗洗医疗浴能帮助你康复。

14.a chairlike bathtub in which you bathe in a sitting position.以坐姿沐浴的浴室中的类似于凳子的洗澡盆。

15.An establishment where facilities are available for Turkish baths.土耳其浴室提供洗土耳浴的设施的建筑

16.Please leave it in the laundry bag behind the door of the bathroom .请把要洗的东西放在浴室门后的洗衣袋里。

17.If you have any, please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.如果您有衣服要洗,请放在浴室门后的洗衣袋里。

18.The act of soaking or cleansing the body, as in water or steam.洗澡,沐浴在水或水蒸汽里浸泡或洗净身体



1.Cleaning of hot-water piping system in thebath profession;洗浴行业热水管道系统的清洗

2.With the development of politics, economy and culture in Rome, thebath culture that has been symbolized with the prosperity of publicbath gets full development.伴随着罗马政治、经济和思想文化的发展,以公共浴场的繁荣为标志的洗浴事业在整个罗马社会得到了空前的发展,洗浴成为罗马人日常生活中所不可或缺的一部分,罗马人酷爱清洁已经到了无可复加的程度,上至皇帝下至平民百姓,许多人一天中的很大一部分时间就在公共浴场里度过。

3.Objective To explore the effect ofbath with traditional Chinese medicine and acupoints stimulation on infantile eczema.目的观察中药洗浴加穴位刺激治疗婴幼儿湿疹的效果。

3)wetting agent in picking and plating bath酸洗和电镀浴的润湿剂

4)bathing wastewater洗浴废水

1.Treatment ofbathing wastewater by biological aerated filter;曝气生物滤池处理洗浴废水的研究

2.Pilot study of equipment ofbathing wastewater treatment for reuse;洗浴废水回用处理工艺研究

3.Discussion and analysis ofbathing wastewater reuse technology;洗浴废水循环再利用技术的探讨和分析

5)Bath place洗浴场所

6)bath wastewater洗浴废水

1.Regenerated water experimental research on treatingbath wastewater by activated sludge method;活性污泥法处理洗浴废水的中水工艺试验研究

2.When adopting biological process asbath wastewater reusing process,some disadvantages such as large occupation area, high initial capital and difficult handle were found in practice.针对生物法处理回用洗浴废水占地面积及投资较大、难于调试等不足,对气浮法处理洗浴废水的可行性进行了理论分析,并进行了试验验证工作。

3.The application of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) to the treatment ofbath wastewater on campus is introduced.介绍了序批式活性污泥法(SBR)处理学校洗浴废水的工程实例,该工艺对洗浴废水中COD、BOD、SS及LAS有较高的去除率,处理后出水用于学生公寓冲厕,其水质符合《城市杂用水水质标准》GB/T18920-2002。


